Jiangnan City, the villa group of the Lin family.

In the conference room, everyone is happy!

"Haha, according to the news I got from the West, the Vatican has angels descending, and the Olympus Mountain has the main god descending. Their target is also Li Zhenwu."

Lin Bohai's face was flushed, and the whole person was fluttering.

Unexpectedly, when the Lin family wanted to doze off, someone brought a pillow, which was really bad luck.

"Hmph, there are two great gods who will attack. Although it is safe to do so, for the sake of safety, this old man will rush over now. If necessary, he will kill with one strike." The Lin family Taigong's eyes turned cold, and he immediately stood up.

Immediately, everyone clapped and applauded.

"Haha, what true martial artist is not necessarily stronger than us mortals in the face of absolute power."

"As long as that kid is slain, all of us will be able to practice immortality."

"At that time, any Western gods will be trampled by our Lin family."

"We also have to prepare early. After the kid dies, we will go directly to the Qin family, and even his parents will be terminated, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

The senior members of the Lin family were extremely excited and waved their hands in excitement.


At this moment, the melodious sound of the bell came, and everyone present was stunned.

"This is?" The expression of the Lin family Taigong changed drastically, and his figure was frozen in place.

The entire Lin family's villa complex was dead silent, only the sound of the curling bell echoed above the nine heavens.

The sky is still blue, the breeze blows, and countless dust is swayed.

The entire villa complex, including everyone in the conference room, also turned into dust with the breeze and dissipated into the world.


In an instant, even the Grand Duke of the Lin family was powerless to resist, and was instantly annihilated by the sound of the bell.

Chapter [-] Global Evolution!

United States, Wall Street.

When the bell came, like a mighty heaven, the place instantly turned into ruins, and all those financial predators died.

Even in the temples far away in Europe, countless superhumans, their bodies were shattered by the sound of bells, turning into dust and dissipating.

so horrible!

Those ordinary people, this time, witnessed the mutation with their own eyes.

Earth, once again plunged into endless panic.

The Holy Light of the Vatican is becoming more and more radiant, containing mighty coercion, transmitted from different time and space.

But it was useless, wherever the bell went, there was no way to stop it.

"What the hell is going on? The world is really going to change, will the end come?"

"There is no way to stop a miracle from coming."

Countless religions and forces were shocked beyond measure.

The sound of the bell is like the might of the heavens, and wherever he goes, no matter what the strength of his cultivation is, he will bow his head and be a servant.

However, the Chaos Bell was struck, and the impact was so great that it directly covered all beings on Earth.

First of all, the Huaxia region was the first to discover anomalies.

"God, I just heard the bell, and now I feel full of power."

570 "I feel that there is a mysterious energy floating in the sky and the earth. As long as I think about it, I can absorb it into my body."

"Yes, I feel it too."

"I just tested it. I needed ten seconds for a distance of [-] meters, but it only took more than eight seconds just now."

"Not only that, but I'm [-] meters tall, so I can jump up and touch the basketball hoop."

"What the hell is going on? Is it because of that mysterious bell?"

Whether in reality or on the Internet, it is boiling at the moment.

Ordinary people are affected by the sound of the bell, and they can obtain my qualifications for cultivating the Tao.

The Taoist Alliance, those who were not in Wudang Mountain at the moment, were all shocked and started talking.

The government agency adjusted the plan for the first time, convened the cultivator alliance and dispersed it all over China to control the social unrest.

The outside world was completely boiling, and this strange situation surprised and delighted the top officials of the country.

You must know that when everyone can practice the Dao, then the current rules, I am afraid it is difficult to suppress the evil spirits.

However, the only thing that makes people happy is that ordinary people are only stronger.

There is no existence of hard heat-resistant weapons, which proves that this evolution is very slow and not too radical.

Wudang Mountain!

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