"The technique of the water prison, as long as my hand doesn't leave the water, you will never be able to break free." Zaibuzhan sneered at Kakashi who was trying to break free, and then looked back at the Konoha team and the trio of Ninja Village. , and his target Dazna this time.

"Next, it's time to fix these little things and this old thing."

Saying that, in the water on the side, a figure that would never be cut again appeared.

Impressively is a water body!

"Naruto! Run away with Mr. Dazna first!" Kakashi couldn't help but ordered, because he didn't think that his disciples could solve the problem.

However, his disciples did not leave, instead they all looked solemn, and Sasuke had already rushed forward.


Sasuke had just stepped forward, but before he could make a move, Zabuzhan suddenly found a hand that grabbed his neck.

"It's... so strong!" Naruto was startled, and suddenly felt powerless.

How can they be opponents when Kakashi-sensei is trapped if they are so strong?

"Hey, this misty ninja seems to be ignoring us."

At this moment, Jun Malu sneered and walked out!

Chapter [-] Powerful corpse veins! (third more)

"Isn't it right..." Jun Malu walked out slowly, and the two bone spurs in his hand were disastrously defeated: "If you act like this, it's too much of us to take it seriously."

The two bone spurs in Junmalu's hand are unique in shape, sharp at the tips, and extremely hard in texture.

Junmalu's things attracted the attention of others, and he looked at Junmalu no longer, and just saw Junmalu's movement of taking out the bone spur, so his eyes showed surprise, and he slowly spit out a few words: "Xueji limit..."

"Blood next to the limit? What is that?" Naruto asked, for ordinary ninjas, the blood after the limit is a bit far away, not to mention the whirlpool ~ Naruto who has always lived in the situation of being crowded out by the villagers.

"Xueji boundary is an ability that is passed down through blood, inherited through genes, and special bloody boundary genes will allow people to have some special abilities that are beyond others."

In Naruto's ear, he suddenly remembered Bai's explanation.

Bai Zai said indifferently: "In the entire ninja world, there are quite a few ethnic groups with the boundaries of blood, such as the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha family of your Konoha, and the white eyes of the Hyuga family. And Junmalu also has a special Blood follows the boundary 'corpse bone vein'."

"Uchiha's writing wheel eye? Hyuga's eyes?" Naruto opened his eyes, and then looked at his teammate Sasuke Uchiha, who was reading the words, and a classmate who remembered him, and said to himself: "The Hyuga family... refers to the Hinata? Hinata Hinata, it turns out that she also has a 'Blood Continent'."

After muttering to himself, Naruto became curious: "Then what kind of ability does Junmalu's blood follower limit 'Bone Vein'?"

"Bone veins can freely manipulate bone bud cells and osteoclasts, and can even control the calcium concentration to form bones. His strong bones are equivalent to possessing a defensive power that makes physical attacks impossible to approach, and then once counterattacks, this Bones can become the strongest spear!"

Bai smiled and explained without hiding.

What they were saying here was also heard by Zai Buzhan, and Zai Buzhan nodded lightly: "Is it such an ability? Interesting and interesting."

"No, the information is no longer known." Chunye Sakura suddenly said, and found this.

"It doesn't matter, these simple intelligences are far from being able to show the strength of Junmalu."

Bai didn't care, the years of getting along had made them very familiar with each other, perhaps even deeper and deeper than Jun Malu's understanding of himself, so Bai was so confident to say such words.

It was at this moment that Junma Lu had already moved, his feet flickered, overlapping and wrong, the whole person had already bullied him, and the two bone spurs in his hands had already been raised.

"Okay, so fast!" Naruto was surprised, and Sasuke had already been thrown away by Zabuza. He got up from the ground and saw Junma Lu's speed, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Because Sasuke found out that Junmalu's speed...he was far behind!


Junma Lu's bone spur was under the crotch of the big knife, but it burst out with sparks!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Then, it was a series of collisions!

"Okay, so fast!" Sasuke was more and more surprised, because he could hardly see the shadow of Junmalu!Just heard the ding ding!But it was Junmalu's bone spur and the big sword that never cut it again and again!

"Good little devil!"

Zaibuzhan jumped back abruptly and temporarily left the occupation, because just now, Junma Lu's speed was too fast, and it was continuous, so that his big sword did not strike for a while!

So he opened a little distance and whispered in his mouth, the beheading sword in his hand was already swung.

"Now, it's time for you to see the power of my beheading sword!"

Saying that, the air seemed to burst with the sound of wind!It's just the remnants of the beheading sword swung across the air!

The huge beheading sword was like a door panel, but it was extremely fast. It completely violated the attempt of bigger size and heavier weight. In his hands, it was like encountering a gust of wind.

"Bone veins, Tang Song's dance!"

Jun Malu faced this knife, but he did not avoid it, but stood on the spot and spit out a few words softly.

But it was this attitude of happiness that made Naruto Sakura and others sweat.

"Why! His speed is clearly able to dodge, but he doesn't dodge?" Sasuke asked in his heart at this moment.

Then, in front of them, Junma Lu's body suddenly turned pale!And in an instant, these whites have blocked one side of his body!


The beheading sword slammed on it fiercely, but the scene of being cut in the middle did not happen!

Because of the whiteness of Junma Lu's body, the beheading sword has been blocked, and there is only a slight gap!

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