In his place, in addition to Chu Tianjun, there are now Ye Tian and Hu Ming.

The two were stimulated by Chu Tianjun, and soon realized their fighting instinct.

Even the strength of the three hundred soldiers is growing rapidly, which is terrifying.

Compared with the cultivators in the outside world, their acquired cultivation can be comparable to the strength of the innate realm.

As for the realm of immortals, it is even more terrifying.

The Chu Tianjun trio is the best example. Now facing [-] soldiers, they are a little more at ease.

Chapter [-] The experience of three hundred soldiers!

On this day, the sky was slightly bright, three hundred soldiers, and three people from Chu Tianjun had already lined up and waited for their instructors to arrive.

The entire training ground was silent.

The faint breath is enough to make any creature hide.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and they all looked at the entrance, and their expressions showed a touch of excitement.


When they saw that Li Zhenwu came empty-handed, and there was no rattan chair of the past, they were all surprised.

You know, every time this young instructor appears, he will hold a rattan chair and a table, and he will enjoy it very much.

People have been surprised by this.

But now, seeing Li Zhenwu walking leisurely with his hands on his back, he suddenly felt unaccustomed.

"Are they all here?"

A faint voice sounded, this is a daily question and answer.

Chu Tianjun stepped out, reported the number of people loudly, and then strode back to his original position again, waiting for Li Zhenwu's instructions.

"You don't need to train today." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly as his eyes swept over the crowd.

The voice fell, and there was a slight commotion in the field.

"I think you all feel that the effect of the current pairing training has been greatly reduced." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone was in a commotion again, and all looked at each other in dismay.

It's not because he said it wrong, but what Li Zhenwu said is really right.

In the past few days, when they practiced against Chu Tianjun and others, although they had been destroyed by the group for a longer time, they had indeed lost the feeling of rapid improvement.

"Instructor, if we don't need to practice, what do we need to do?" Chu Tianjun stepped forward and asked loudly.

Everyone present, he is the captain of the three hundred soldiers, and what he said can also represent the thoughts of everyone.

This is the army, and the mind must be unified.

On the battlefield, you must not have any thoughts, as long as you strictly follow the orders

Li Zhenwu glanced sideways at Chu Tianjun, thinking that this kid has made good progress. It is rare to have this talent on earth.

After pondering for a while, he explained: "This training ground can no longer satisfy your growth. If you want to become stronger, you can only experience real blood and fire."

Experiencing blood and fire?

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their faces were full of excitement, and their eyes shone with a strange light.

"This time, I will take you to the experience, it may be dangerous, and even lose your life, whoever doesn't want to go, can stand up now, I will not force you." Li Zhenwu smiled lightly.

No one stood up, but everyone looked forward to it.

After all, this time, although hard, is very tiring.

But more, indeed everyone, feels that they are getting stronger.

In the past, they were good players in the army, but now, they are good players in Huaxia, and they can also get access to mysterious cultivation.

All this is like a dream for them.

As a soldier, there is no one who does not want to be strong.

Silence, the people were solemn, answering their wishes with silence.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, since there is no objection, I will go back and pack up immediately, try to leave as light as possible, and don't need to bring too many items."


Following Chu Tianjun's order, the crowd dispersed and hurried back to the dormitory.

In the field, only three people did not leave.

"Brother Zhenwu, where are we going to practice?" Ye Tian asked curiously.

Even Chu Tianjun and Hu Ming were puzzled and wanted to know.

However, Li Zhenwu just smiled and did not answer.

If you tell some things too early, you will lose the original intention of the experience.

You must know that as a cultivator and a cultivator army, it is necessary to make correct responses in the face of emergencies.

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