"Since there is no way to fill the avenue's shortcomings, I can only help you solve them on the basis of cultivation. It is also a reward for taking care of Xiaohua and the others for many years." Li Zhenwu said lightly.

Dracula turned pale in shock, what a supreme existence of the heaven and earth's best practice.

Moreover, the Daluo Jinxian realm?

In the past, the blood race could not even imagine it.

At the moment, he was convincing and sincere, and he slapped Li Zhenwu a few times before he became serious.

"From now on, if the adults have an order, the blood clan will be up and down."

Dracula's face was solemn, and he solemnly swore, regardless of whether Li Zhenwu agreed or not, he vacated his body, turned and left.

He knew that Lord Zhenwu didn't want to stay with him at this time, so he said goodbye immediately.

Chapter [-] The tempering of the small world!

After watching Dracula leave, Li Zhenwu shook his head lightly, put the stick on the ground again, and stood on the edge of the cliff to let the wind blow.

The night was getting darker, and the four fields were silent.

In the void ahead, the volcano giant stared at the big eyes of the water tank, looked at Li Zhenwu in disbelief, looked slightly struggling, and seemed to be making some important decisions in his heart.

In this regard, Li Zhenwu directly ignored it, and his mind was once again immersed in the small world, observing the movements of the three hundred team members.

In the small world, the distance between the three teams of people is quite close.

At this rate, within ten days, they will be able to gather together, and whether they can come out at that time will depend on the strength of these people.

For the three hundred soldiers, as well as Chu Tianjun and others, Li Zhenwu was not too worried.

The potential of this army of earth cultivators was already well understood when he set out to train with him.

"That Lord Shangxian..."

At this moment, the faint voice of the volcano giant came, full of apprehension and unease.

Li Zhenwu opened his eyes and looked up at the other party, with a trace of doubt on his face.

This congenital creature has a fiery red body, and its skin is like magma, glowing with red light, emitting a fiery temperature.

"Lord Shangxian, it's like this, the little demon just thought about it, and feels that although there is no fear of life in this small world, it is even more difficult to become stronger."

The volcano giant twitched and mustered up his courage to say: "The little demon has no other intentions. He just wants to follow Shangxian's side and serve as a cow and a horse. I hope Shangxian can give the little demon a chance."

Just kidding, it was an existence that even Prince Dracula bowed down to.

And looking at it like that, I don't want to kill the devil. In the eyes of the volcano giant, it is obviously an unparalleled thigh.

If you don't hold it tight now, it will be too natural.

"You want to follow me?" Li Zhenwu had a faint smile on his face, and an incomprehensible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes...Yes, I hope the immortals don't dislike it. The little demon has the ability, but he has been living in a small world for a long time, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is poor, so the pearl is dusty." The volcano giant shamelessly promoted himself: "If you can get it Immortal guidance, when the future is full of light, when it can illuminate thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and guard a side for Shangxianmu."

When he said this, the volcano giant didn't blushed at all, his heart didn't beat, and he didn't breathe.

Li Zhenwu's smile became brighter and brighter. The potential of this inborn being may not be ranked in the prehistoric times, but it is indeed a unique existence on earth.

It can be said that as long as he continues to grow, the cultivation of the peak of Jinxian is not a problem.

However, Li Zhenwu already had [-] soldiers, as well as the surrender of the blood clan and the various forces in China.

The role of a congenital spirit does not seem to have much impact on the pattern of the earth, so it seems hesitant for a while.

Li Zhenwu frowned and pondered, and fell into the eyes of the volcano giant, and immediately knew that there was a drama.

But it is definitely impossible to want this kind of existence to agree to it, unless it is valuable.

The volcano giant is very self-aware, and compared to the blood race Dracula, he has little effect.

However, don't forget.

He is the overlord of the small world of the Great Desolate Fragment. He knows the situation inside very well, and even controls all the secrets in the small world.

And Li Zhenwu sent the three hundred-person squads in, obviously to sharpen those little guys.

Rather than aimlessly, it is better to be guided by humans.

Li Zhenwu's own realm is too high, and he must not be so leisurely, but the volcano giant has existed for endless years. In the small world, he has seen the ups and downs of various monsters.

In this regard, it is obviously very suitable to be a guide.

"Lord Shangxian, the little monster has no other abilities, but he can help Shangxian guide the tempering of the three hundred people. I can know the situation in the small world with my eyes closed." The volcano giant said solemnly.

It can be seen that what he said is not a lie, but he really has this strength.

Li Zhenwu tilted his head, his breath was ordinary, and the wooden stick he was holding suddenly tapped the ground three times.

dong dong dong...

After three muffled sounds, ripples appeared in the void, the imprisoned body of the volcano giant was instantly free, and the void returned to its normal form.

The volcano giant was overjoyed, his mana turned slightly, and the stars scattered all over the sky, illuminating his body with radiance and splendor.

The temperature on the surface of the body is extremely hot, causing the void to be burned and distorted.

This innate creature is very powerful. If it hadn't fallen into Li Zhenwu's hands, it would definitely have swept across China in the withering Taoist civilization.

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