But because of the instructor's words, they chose not to break through here. If not, they would be able to break through even if they were defeated.

However, it turned out to be the instructor's order, and everyone did not dare to say anything.

Obedience is their only advantage.

In the distance behind him, the indifferent expression of the volcano giant showed a hint of playfulness.

At the same time, I was surprised by the strength of these three teams, as expected of the cultivator seedlings cultivated by Lord Shangxian.

The realm of his Earth Immortal strength, although he did not exert his full strength, was still strong enough.

Needless to say, the three famous immortals can resist until now, it is not easy, and even a little beyond imagination.

The most surprising thing is that the [-] soldiers, who are not even human beings, have survived to this day.

It's very moving.

"In my territory, do you want to run away?" The volcano giant was very unkind, pretending to be furious, and wanted to chase away.

The huge body, spraying endless divine light, is extremely flaming, like a scorching sun, to kill them, the power is unparalleled.

Boom!The [-]-meter body burst into a blazing brilliance, dazzling, the temperature melted for ten miles, and everything was turned to ashes.

Immediately afterwards, they chased the fleeing crowd, like a scorching sun, baking a small world of positive films.

"He's next door to Mala, I'm going to die in this ghost place today."

"If we had broken through to immortals, we wouldn't have ended up in such a field."

In the face of death, some people began to complain, full of grief and indignation.


However, before the other party finished speaking, Chu Tianjun kicked over, staring angrily, murderous.

He spoke coldly and said, "Shut up for me, this is an experience and a grind. When I came here, the instructor already said it very clearly. If you are afraid of death, why are you still here?"

This is not unreasonable, but when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, people always have to complain...

"Since the instructor doesn't let you break through, there must be a reason for him. Don't forget that the three of us were in the realm of immortals at the beginning, but the instructor suppressed the acquired strength and beat us to no avail."

At this time, Ye Tian's body was like a phantom, his hair was crystal clear, and his body was illusory, as if he was one with nature.

"Yes, instead of complaining, think about something practical, how to kill the big guy behind him!"

Frost swept over, Hu Ming exhaled a thick white mist, and the surrounding temperature was no longer hot.

While speaking, he pointed back at the back, his face full of helplessness.

The mountains and forests in the back burned, and the flames rushed into the sky, forming a heat wave that swept all around and was extremely violent.

"That guy's temperature is too high. Before we get close, our bodies will be scorched." Chu Tianjun said fiercely. Use force.

"I tell you, if you want to die, my team will definitely be the last one to die."

Ye Tian said lightly, his body was surrounded by strong wind, and his footwork was illusory 1.3, which looked very unreal.

"Hehe, Ye Tian is the fastest and can attract the attention of the big guy. I will lead a team of [-] people to attack with Frost Infuriating Qi to help the big guy cool down. The rest will be left to you."

Hu Ming turned to look at Chu Tianjun, his eyes twinkling.

It is really the speed of the volcanic giant. It is so fast that it takes less than half a minute to catch up.

At that time, you will die horizontally and vertically, it is better to let go and fight hard.

"it is good!"

Chu Tianjun and Ye Tian agreed without hesitation.

It is really embarrassing to run away like this, and they still have a certain confidence in their own strength.

In other words, it is the training of Li Zhenwu, which has a mysterious self-confidence.

(Recommend a very good new book "Super King Glory").

Chapter [-] Amazing potential!

In the small world, the mountains collapsed, the earth and rocks were scorched black, and it could be described as a thousand miles of red land.

The three teams were galloping, unable to fly, and could only flee on the ground. In terms of speed, they were already at a disadvantage.

The creatures behind him are chasing after him, and the whole body is full of blazing rays of light.

Wherever it goes, the ground melts and the void twists.

"You keep running. If Lao Tzu dies, remember to avenge me."

Suddenly, Ye Tian's figure stopped, suspended in the void, Shen Sheng said goodbye to his team of [-] people, his eyes were full of determination.

He is usually the one with the most exaggerated personality and the most arrogant mentality among the three captains.

But I didn't expect that at such a critical moment, it turned out to be the first to stop, as if to kill the giant behind him.

Everyone in the field was moved and looked over with surprise.

"Captain Ye Tian, ​​what nonsense are you talking about? It's not that you don't know the strength of the giant. Going back now is just to die."

"Okay, let's go quickly."

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