
When Ye Tian saw 543, he didn't panic, his body swayed slightly, turned into a flash of lightning, and quickly retreated from the spot.


Just as Ye Tian stepped back, a wave of flames swept in, turning the towering ancient tree he was standing on into ashes, and the temperature was terrifyingly hot.

The air waves rolled, and Ye Tian was the first to bear the brunt, his body swayed, and he almost became unstable.

"Haha, big guy, your strength is good, but unfortunately you can't even touch my clothes."

With a sneer, Ye Tian turned around and leaped, flew in the air, turned to another direction, and distanced himself from the army.

This attitude is arrogant and full of disdain.

"Boy, you have successfully angered me." The volcano giant was furious, his huge body broke through the air, and crushed it forcefully.

At this moment, he has to go all out to teach these guys a good lesson.

As for Ye Tian's intentions, he doesn't care at all. In this small world, the volcano giant is the god, the omnipotent god.


The air was turbulent, and the two chased and fled, flying towards the depths of the mountain.

The volcano giant followed from a distance, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was also looking forward to it. I don't know what tricks these little guys are playing.

(Recommend a very good new book "Super King Glory").

Chapter [-] One Yin and One Yang!

The mountains and mountains on both sides fly by in the field of vision, the scene of heaven and earth is constantly changing, only the canyon in the distance seems to be eternal, and it is getting closer and closer.

Ye Tian's figure was reaching the limit, completely breaking through the limit, and he vented out his true energy just to distance himself from the volcano giant.

The whistling in the ear is clear and boundless.

However, the volcanic giant is worthy of being a strong earth immortal. Taking one step, it seems that the ground shrinks into an inch, the void trembles, and then it exceeds the distance of a kilometer.

The speed of the two is comparable.

"No, we have to open a distance."

Thinking of the preparations of his companions, Ye Tian anxiously looked at the four fields, the mountains and mountains on the ground, and the towering ancient trees were lush.

The next moment, he swooped down, submerged into the jungle, and hid his figure.

Then, when the volcanic giant passed this place, countless boulders and trees collapsed and flew, densely packed and with great momentum, smashing their heads.


The volcano giant didn't notice for a while, was hit in the head by the boulder, and almost rolled his eyes.

When he woke up, he found that Ye Tian was almost at the end of the sky.

"Damn, you little guys, are you really pretending to be me?" The volcano giant was furious, and two flames spewed out of his nostrils.

After taking the dark loss, he was angry and wanted to use all his strength to ruthlessly abuse the other party.

Ahead, Ye Tian's face was pleasantly surprised, and the canyon was right in front of him.

Looking from a distance, there are clouds and fog, the mountains and forests are beautiful, like a fairyland, and the scenery is very beautiful.

"Sad, the cold pool in the canyon should be able to lower the temperature of that big guy."

As it got closer, Ye Tian also felt a chill.

If it weren't for the infuriating body protection, I could hardly help shivering. The cold penetrated deep into the blood and bone marrow, and it was almost impossible to prevent.

Because of this, Hu Ming and others have been tempered in Hantan for more than half a month, and even the attributes of infuriating energy have been changed.


Suddenly, the air behind him was turbulent, and a huge fiery red figure, like red lightning, came at high speed.

Ye Tian glanced sideways, his scalp tingling with fright.

"This creature has such a strong aura, and it turned out that he never used his full strength." At this time, he was a little worried in his heart.

Then, with a flick of his body, he swooped down from the sky and rushed into the canyon surrounded by clouds and mist, and his figure completely disappeared in front of the volcano giant.


The air exploded, sending out layers of heat waves.

The volcano giant stopped abruptly, looked at the direction in which Ye Tian disappeared, as if thinking of something, his eyes became slightly dignified.

"It's no wonder that there is no fear, it turned out to be this place." He whispered to himself, and he could see that he was a little afraid of this place.

Whether it is a small world or a big world, the whole world is divided into yin and yang.

Although the small world was formed by fragments of the Great Desolation, it already had a complete will. Although it was simple, it was considered perfect.

Here, the volcanic giant is an alternative life formed after the yang qi has produced spiritual wisdom.

In the depths of the canyon ahead, it is a very yin place in the small world.

However, the volcanic giant was more fortunate, having generated spiritual wisdom in advance, and successfully controlled the will of this world.

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