Especially the volcano giant, his first mission, he was very solemn and vowed to do it well.

"I originally wanted to take you to Egypt for training, but something happened just now, so I changed the location of my power to the territory of China." Li Zhenwu said straight to the point.

For these people, he did not hide it, and informed everyone about the information Qin Nantian had obtained.

Western powers are attacking, and the places where they are attacked are still military regions, which is moving.

Chu Tianjun could imagine that the soldiers in the military region would be difficult to resist, and what kind of impact it would have can already predict.

"Military region, do they want to disintegrate the will of the army?" Ye Tian exclaimed, and was immediately angry.

You know, countries have formed a tacit understanding a long time ago.

Supernatural forces must not interfere with the army, because it will cause a shock of thought, and the will of the army will be broken.

The sinister intentions of the West are evident.

"Yes, you can think of the best. I don't know how many abilities there are in Huaxia now, but I will calculate it. When the time comes, you can lead your troops and go to kill them."

Li Zhenwu nodded, his eyes were cold: "Of course, during the battle, I will not help you. It is up to you to survive."

Of course, the advent of the Western gods does not require them to know.

Because it is not yet time, after this power user disturbance, let them break through to a higher level, it is not too late.

"Instructor, rest assured, I am happy to complete this task." Chu Tianjun said in a deep voice.

As a soldier, he felt the same way about his understanding of the army.

Thinking about the idea of ​​protecting the family and defending the country for a long time, I finally found that there is a supernatural force in this world, and what kind of impact it will cause.

When he followed Su Quan, he had already felt it.

That would subvert the worldview and would cause self-doubt about the military's combat effectiveness. On the battlefield, that would be a big no-no.

"As long as you understand, as for you." Li Zhenwu pointed at the volcano giant, thought for a moment, and said, "Your mission is to ensure that you cannot be escaped by a power user."

"Yes, Instructor."

The volcano giant replied in a deep voice, and he has always been very receptive to changing roles.

"In that case, let's rest for a long time." Li Zhenwu waved his hand and sent the four away, but he turned around and flew away.

Soon, his figure disappeared from the sight of everyone on the cliff.


Coming to a no-man's land, Li Zhenwu sacrificed the Chaos Bell and hung it above the void.

The big bell is simple and natural, like a hill, suppressing the world, wisps of chaotic aura emanating from it, the coercion is very terrifying...

Even everyone on the cliff in the distance could clearly feel this palpitation.

"Let's start, the pioneers of the Eastern Expedition Army, let all of you be buried in China."

Li Zhenwu sits cross-legged in the void, with the Chaos Clock hanging above his head, his eyes are blazing, and he is full of breath, and climbs to the peak.

The rays of light are dazzling, the chaotic clock is spinning, and strands of Dao patterns overflow, intertwined in the void, extending to all directions, as if to cover the world.

The dao pattern gradually extended and turned into a map of China, with countless spots of light shining on it.

Each dot of light represents a Chinese person, and among them, there are some weird red dots scattered around, which are very weird.

There are dozens of red dots, not far from Shennongjia.

"It seems that all the powers in the West have been dispatched, and God should be coming soon."

Li Zhenwu looked at the dao pattern light spot in front of him and whispered to himself.

Deducing the secrets of heaven, although not like the previous life, one thought can evolve into thousands of lives.

But covering the whole of China is enough.


Li Zhenwu raised his hand and put away the Chaos Clock, his face slightly pale.

Controlling the treasure of chaos, the loss of infuriating energy, ordinary people in the immortal realm would have long since become mummified.

That is to say, his true martial power can be controlled, but 1.8 can't last for a long time, it can only be stopped.


Standing up, Li Zhenwu galloped towards the cliff and returned to the crowd in an instant.

"Report to the instructor, we are all ready."

Seeing him coming back, Chu Tianjun and the others immediately came out and reported loudly.

Three hundred soldiers, their eyes are fierce, and the breath on their bodies is sluggish, obviously also stimulated by the viciousness of the ability user.

"Let's go then, I am in the Yanjing Military Region, waiting for your good news."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, with a very easy-going attitude, and handed a jade plate to the volcano giant.

"This is, it's all for Lao Tzu."

The volcano giant took it, looked at it, and immediately roared.

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