More than a dozen abilities were besieged, there was no way to go to heaven, no way to enter the earth, and they resisted in despair.

"Damn, did God's instructions go wrong..."

A white man yelled, and before he could escape, Ye Tian, ​​who was rushed to the front, smashed his head with a palm, and the voice stopped abruptly.

The power of the immortal, how powerful, the vast infuriating, shocked the white man to pieces.

Ye Tian's face was cold, he didn't say a word, his body was illusory, his body was stained with blood, and he looked like a bloody corpse walking, very terrifying.

"Kill, don't let anyone go."

The squad shouted in unison, the momentum was overwhelming, and everyone was murderous, and the shot was the strongest attack.

These ability users could not resist at all, and were quickly killed on the spot.

However, even if they died, the team still did not stop, smashing the corpse directly, or even tearing it apart with bare hands, leaving no whole corpse behind.

"The blood debt owed by the West, start paying a little interest now!"

In the face of this group of cold-blooded ability users, a hundred-person team, the means are cruel and bloody, it seems that this is the only way to dispel the hatred and anger in my heart.

The battle is over!

The smell of blood is strong, and the amputated limbs are everywhere, and the scene is terrifying.

However, no one felt cruel.

Some are just unquenchable anger, and it is difficult to quell the anger in everyone's hearts unless they kill all these beasts.

"Let's go to the next location."

Ye Tian looked around and found that there were no survivors, and immediately turned to leave, his voice indifferent like winter.

The war continued, and this team had already killed five power user strongholds.

But it's not enough. If all the abilities in the Huaxia region are slaughtered, they will stop. Even if the gods come, they can't stop them.

Chapter [-] Counterattack!

Along with the three teams, they were dispatched by the volcano giant and continued to rush to the hidden stronghold of the power user.

A bloody massacre began.

Chu Tianjun and the others acted very quickly without stopping. After slaughtering a group of people, they immediately rushed to the next location.

They are all cultivators, and each of them has reached the innate realm.

Divided into three teams, showing a triangular formation, constantly approaching the center of China from the periphery.

It was not until most of the power users were killed and injured that the top officials of the Western Alliance discovered the abnormality.

"Call the God of War, this is the thirteenth squad of the God of War. We have lost contact with the nearby team members and ask for the next step."

In the mountains and fields near the Jiangnan Military Region, a team of over a hundred people with abilities looked nervous and kept calling the headquarters.

This time, the action code name of all of them is called God of War.

The action of the God of War code name divided thirty squads and scattered them all over the Huaxia Military Region, waiting for an opportunity.

It's a pity that they encountered a crisis within a week of coming to China.

At this time, the captain of the thirteenth team, Mark, was immediately anxious after learning that he could not contact the nearby members.

"God of War received, may I ask what happened in China?"

After calling for a long time, the news came from the Western Headquarters, which made the members of the Thirteenth Squad breathe a sigh of relief.

"Report to the God of War, we don't know what happened, but the nearby team members could not be contacted within a day." Captain Mark said.

He told the commander of the headquarters that the thirty team members could be contacted now, only the first thirteen teams.

As for the team behind, they completely lost their news, as if the world had evaporated.

"The God of War has received it. You all search for the lurking location again and wait for the next order. Now the tasks at hand should be put down first, and the most important thing is to save your life first."

"Understood, the Thirteenth Squad received it, and it is ready to transfer the base."

After hearing the command from the headquarters, Captain Mark breathed a sigh of relief, almost unable to hold back his fear.

The monastic legend of China has always been a mysterious existence for the superhumans.

This organizational structure is very loose, unlike Western supernatural forces, which are not only monitored by the government, but also help the government to do some shameful things.

However, these ability users did not despise Huaxia, but attached great importance to it.

If they had not received God's promise, they would not have ventured into the China region.

"All members are ready, we are going to evacuate this stronghold and find the next hidden point."

After finishing the call with the headquarters, Captain Mark stood up and looked around the hundreds of subordinates in front of him with an unprecedented dignified expression.

He has blond hair, a resolute face, blue eyes, and a strange light that can emit some unknown energy beam.

At this time, in the face of an unknown crisis, Captain Mark especially did not want to take risks and wanted to lead the team away.


The [-]-person squad, one by one, put away their abusive expressions, and seemed to sense the storm was coming.

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