The main thing is that among these power users, the strength is not enough, but they are better than the number of people, so they can pose a serious threat to ordinary people.

But for the cultivator, who is still a human immortal at the level of Ye Tian, ​​it seems that his strength is fragile.

An ability user was terrified and frozen on his face, his eyes widened, and he looked at Captain Mark and everyone on the high ground, and finally fell unwillingly.


The corpse fell, Ye Tian looked indifferent and looked up there.

"Your Excellency the cultivator, we don't mean to offend, we just passed by here, why do we want to kill us?"

Looking at Ye Tian coldly, Captain Mark looked down and asked lightly.

Behind him, more than 487 people with supernatural abilities were full of fear and trembling.

Ye Tian laughed angrily, his eyes spitting fire, and he shouted: "Passing by here? The name of the village here is your masterpiece?"


While speaking, a woman with fiery red hair was torn apart and blood spilled on the ground.

Around Ye Tian, ​​the air became sharp, like a divine sword, cutting all the enemies into pieces, leaving no corpses behind.

This is the executioner of the West. When facing ordinary people, he shows no mercy and is very cruel.

"Yes, it's just a group of ants. Your Excellency is a cultivator, born high above, why risk your life to be our enemy?"

Captain Mark was smiling, humble and polite, as if he had never heard of Ye Tian's bloody means.

However, this kind of attitude fell into Ye Tian's eyes, but it was an alternative irony.


The air burst, and a thick white mist erupted.

The loud bang echoed on the spot, and the powerful impact, like a huge wave, slammed away in all directions.

At this time, there was a distance of [-] meters between the two. In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian's figure rushed to the front, and the speed was terrifying.

"Your Excellency is too impulsive!"

But even so, Captain Mark was still smiling and not panicking.

This bizarre scene not only surprised everyone with abilities, but even Ye Tian felt a thump in his heart and felt threatened.

When Ye Tian approached the small earth building where Mark was, a dangerous aura filled Ye Tian's heart.


The earth building next to it suddenly burst into pieces, and a cyan figure, like lightning, rushed out diagonally from the side and went straight towards Ye Tian.


I saw a divine horse with its front hooves raised, running like electricity, carrying a knight and galloping.

The gods have snow-white hair on the temples, strong limbs, and hooves like black iron. When they trample the ground, countless dust is splashed.

"Kill!" The knight wore cyan armor, his face was white and feminine, his eyes were vicious, and his body was full of cyan light, like a poisonous wolf hunting.

He was holding a cyan giant sword, as thick as a mountain, with azure light blooming, like a mountain torrent bursting a dike, slashing towards Ye Tian!

This is a holy knight, wearing bronze armor, his strength is comparable to the realm of immortals.


The bronze knight rushed past Ye Tian, ​​the giant sword in his hand, without encountering obstacles, divided Ye Tian into two.

It was terrifying. As the giant sword moved forward, the azure light was blazing, and it split the ground of the village before I heard it.

Seeing this scene, the supernatural beings on the high ground were all moved.

"Haha, what bastard cultivator, wasn't he killed by the holy knight with a sword?"

Seeing this, Captain Mark's smile grew brighter.

However, his smile soon solidified, his eyes widened and he looked there.

Even the other supernatural beings were dumbfounded and seemed unbelievable, and fear grew in their hearts.

The bronze knight turned around, his eyes were fierce, and he looked at Ye Tian with a trace of unwillingness on his face.

I saw Ye Tian, ​​who was split up, gradually blurred, and then dissipated in the air, as if it had never appeared.

This is an afterimage!

"So fast."

On the high ground, the power user was shocked and couldn't believe it at all.

This afterimage lasted for at least a few seconds. How fast did it have to be to do it?

Is the strength of a cultivator really so terrifying?

In an instant, everyone, including Captain Mark, had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

I thought that if the Bronze Knight made a move, he would definitely be caught.

Unexpectedly, the incoming cultivator was so terrifying in speed that he easily avoided the killing blow of the knight.

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