The Holy Knight of the Holy See, once again damaged one.

The surrounding explosions sounded continuously, and the team was chasing and killing the remaining ability users. It was necessary to ensure that no one could be let go. After really chasing and killing hundreds of miles, all the ability users were killed.

This mountain forest is full of blood and blood, and it is full of slaughter.

"Clean up the battlefield and leave in ten minutes."

Standing at the entrance of the village, Ye Tian had already sorted out a small mound to bury the original villagers.

Everyone agreed, turned around in unison, and acted independently.

After walking through several strongholds, they have become numb, and their only desire is to kill all power users in this land.

To pay homage to those innocent lives who died!

Use their blood to wash away the anger in their hearts, and use their flesh to nourish the plants of this land.

The Thirteenth Team of Ability Users lost contact and was soon known by Western countries.

This time, the Western world was shaken.

That is the Holy Bronze Knight. Hundreds of years ago, they experienced the Eastern Expedition. The strength is so powerful that the Alliance of Daoists does not seem to exist to compete.

But now, this clear reality, like a slap, slapped the faces of Western countries, making them completely awake.


In the Vatican, in front of the ruins of the church, the sacred radiance falls like a waterfall, warming the people of the Holy See.

His Majesty the Pope was wearing a golden robe, lying on the ground respectfully, muttering to himself a little duty, and softly accusing himself: "God, my master, this time, Huaxia is not like before. There was a human fairy before, but he was able to kill Baiyin. knight."

"Now, according to the information, your servant deduces that there is a cultivator force rising in China, which may have a serious impact on our plan."

"After Team Thirteen lost contact, within half a day, even other teams lost contact."

"The strength of the Bronze Knights cannot survive in China. They have mysterious powers and ask the master to send down the oracle, so that we servants will know what to do in the future?"

The sincere voice echoed in front of the ruins of the church, as if to penetrate the passageway paved with light and reach God's ears.

Near the ruins of the church, no one was there, only the Pope and I, praying alone.

I don't know how long it took to tell, but seeing that the passage still remained unchanged, the Pope's eyes flashed a hint of disappointment, so he stood up reluctantly, turned around and left after salute.

The world of Western mythology has not yet come.

The passage has been opened, and the divine light shines on the Vatican, but the angels and gods seem to be silent, and even the oracles of God are no longer coming down.

It seems that, on the other side of the channel, unpredictable changes have occurred.

The Blood Race Tavern, a huge solid wood building, is a small town under the Alps.

A pale-faced believer, staggering, pushed open the door of the tavern and walked in. The lights inside were dim, revealing a strange atmosphere.

"Master, the superpowers sent by the Vatican to China have been wiped out."

Coming to a secret room in the tavern, the cultist kneeled in front of the door respectfully, and reported the information he knew in a sincere tone.

Ability users are lurking in Huaxia, not to mention other Western countries, even Huaxia itself can't hide it.

It is conceivable that at this moment, all the focus of the entire world is almost concentrated on the territory of China.

"I see, you are very good and have the talent to become our blood family."

In the secret room, Mox's indifferent voice came.

Receiving Mox's praise, the cultist looked very happy, trembling all over with excitement.

As long as he passes the test, he will be able to obtain the inheritance of the blood clan. From then on, he will live forever, and the faith in his heart will become more and more firm.

Chapter [-] Heroes return!

On this day, the Yanjing Military Region was on holiday, and the soldiers in the military region were all emptied, and even some high-level officials were ordered to go home.

Huge military camp, silent.

On the training ground, there were more than a dozen senior officials of Huaxia, waiting solemnly and quietly.

Commander Lin was among them, and beside him, Qin Nantian and other five Chinese bosses were all present, and the lineup was unusually large.

There are also some core academicians of the Academy of Sciences, who are outstanding talents in China, and they are all here.

It can be said that these people standing on the training ground can almost represent the entire China, and they are the top figures.

Each of them, stomping a foot, will cause a shock in China.

But all gathered here at this time, there is no distinction between high and low, and their expressions are solemn, as if they are waiting for something.

"Old Qin, is the Holy Father really not coming out to greet him?" Xia Xiacheng approached Qin Nantian and asked in a low voice.

Qin Nantian spread his hands helplessly and said, "In the words of the Holy Father, it's just a simple experience, there's no need to take it so seriously."

Hearing this, Xia Xiacheng and the other three felt a toothache.

Sure enough, the vision is different, and the scenery seen is also different.

The Western powers were wiped out in Huaxia. For everyone present, it was a great shock, enough to make them lower their status and come to welcome the return of the hero.

That was China's most unparalleled achievement in hundreds of years, and in one fell swoop, the spirit of the Western countries was severely dampened.

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