"What is Bing Dun?" Naruto couldn't help asking, because in his system, he thought there were only basic ninjutsu with several attributes of earth, wind, water and fire.

"Ice escape is a kind of escape method that combines wind escape and water escape!" Kakashi explained in the middle: "But this escape method is extremely rare! Because it is impossible for ordinary people to use it, only the possession of Only those with special bloodline boundaries can use it."

"Special bloodline limit?" Haruno Sakura exclaimed: "Could it be that Shiro is also a person with bloodline limit?"

"It should be." Kakashi nodded, but his eyes did not leave the battlefield.

After Shiro performed this ninjutsu, an ice mirror was born.

Piece by piece, the ice mirror formed a large circle, and almost all of the space was blocked, as if it was an upside down bowl, but this bowl was countless times larger.

These ice mirrors have already shrouded Zaifuzhan in them, and Lanmaru, Junmalu, and Bai himself are also in it.

But the strange thing is that Kakashi and others outside the ice mirrors can see through these ice mirrors and see everything inside without reservation.

Then, they saw, in the ice mirror, the battle between the trio of body ninja village and Zaibuzhan.

"Mr. Kakashi, you said that the three of them can defeat Zaibujian?" Naruto asked curiously.

"It's hard to say." Until now, Kakashi really didn't dare to make judgments at will.

Because Zaibuzhan's strength is very powerful, but just the various abilities shown by the three of them... It also shows a possibility.

Maybe...they can really defeat Zaifujian!

The ice mirror has just shrouded a few people, and Ranmaru and Junmalu have already reached the point where they will not cut themselves!

In Jun Malu's hand, the bone knife was still there.

And in Lan Wan's hand, there is an extra kunai!

"Little devil who doesn't know how to live or die!" No longer slightly angry, he decided to do it as soon as possible to get rid of them, and then carry out his own task.

"Ding!" "Ding!"

There were two sounds, but it was Ranmaru and Junmalu, who had already attacked from left to right and would not cut, but if they did not cut, they swung their swords to block the attack.

It seems normal for things to develop like this, but if you don't cut it in your heart, you will be secretly surprised.

Because he felt that the force transmitted from the other two hitting his beheading sword was a bit scary!

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Chapter [-] Fierce battle! (first update)

Zai Buzhan was secretly surprised, because the power shown by Junmalu and Ranmaru at this moment was beyond his imagination.

"No wonder it's called the Body Ninja Village, are they all good at body arts?" Zai Buzhan thought of this reason.

Although there is such a conjecture, but if you don't cut it, you can't give up your own swordsmanship advantages and open up the distance to the enemy.

Because the power he felt was strong, but it had not exceeded his tolerance.

"It seems that it takes a little trouble to take down these boys!"

Without a loud shout, the beheading sword was slashed in front of him, and the air seemed to be torn apart for a moment, and at the same time, Lan Maru and Junma Lu had to withdraw for a while.

At the same time, Zai Bu Zhan also quietly cast his fog concealment technique.

"Just use the 'Silent Assassination Technique'." Buchuan thought lightly, and the figure quietly hid in the thick fog that suddenly appeared.


Just when he just hid his figure, Lan Wan's eyes flashed red, and then looked in one direction: "Here!"

After finishing speaking, Junmalu didn't even look at it, and rushed over here, obviously full of confidence in Ranmaru!

Moreover, Bai also quietly stood in the field and smiled slightly when he saw the thick fog, but his body moved slightly.

Then, the ice mirrors that covered them moved slightly.

These ice mirrors that moved a bit seemed to have the effect of light, projecting several beams of sunlight, and then they found that their body had been firmly locked by these beams.

"You've cracked my Hidden Hidden Technique like this!" Zai Buzhan was surprised that his ninjutsu skill had just failed, and it was completely broken.

"Ding!" In shock, Junma Luhai had already rushed in front of him, and the bone knife in his hand had already been chopped out.


Silently, a handful of Ranmaru savagely threw Kunai, also came to him.

Helpless, I didn't cut it again and raised the Da Da Dao to deal with it.

"Bing Dun." Bai spit out lightly, his hand was imprinted, and behind Zai Buchuan, a magic mirror ice crystal appeared!

Bai's voice and shadow also disappeared at this moment.

"Okay... so fast!" Outside, the Konoha team, including Kakashi, were all a little horrified.

Because the just-white figure was clearly still far away, but in an instant, it appeared behind Kakashi, and the speed was like a teleportation effect.

"No." Kakashi, who just thought it was teleportation, denied the idea at the next moment, but saw some clues: he opened his mouth to explain to his disciple Kopp: "It's light! He just used his own ice escape. The magic mirror ice crystals, and then moved through these ice mirrors at the speed of light."

"Wow, what a powerful technique!" Naruto exclaimed.

"What a terrifying technique!" Sasuke thought in a different position, thinking about what the outcome would be if he was in this situation, but the result after imagining made him feel cold all over.

"Water Escape Secret Technique - Thousand Kills Shui Xiang!"

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