And on this planet, after the twelve main gods left, the most powerful existences were the twelve constellation gods.

In this regard, they have to suspect that this is what the instructors stayed to sharpen them.

"I think it makes sense. If that's the case, let's go." Hu Ming was the first to agree, and he couldn't wait, looking eager to try.

"The fire told us before that the current earth is not stable. If the twelve main gods leave, it is very likely that they will come to the earth, just to target us in China."

Chu Tianjun's eyes were fierce and fierce, and he said viciously: "If this is the case, then we will copy his old nest and then go back."

This proposal has been approved by all, and all are unanimous.

At the moment, the mighty cultivators flew directly into the sky and flew towards the distant shrine.

This planet is huge, at least tens of thousands of times bigger than the earth...

And when Chu Tianjun and the others flew towards the shrine.

At this time, Li Zhenwu left and returned, quietly, descending on the top of the palace.

He was very helpless. Not long after he left, he just wanted to find a place to watch a play, but in the Star Dou space, Athena told the secret of the God Realm.

In fact, it's just Athena's own secret.

She told Li Zhenwu that Zeus only had ten children, and there were only eleven main gods in the former god realm.

But a long time ago, before she was born, the planet where her mother lived was conquered by Zeus, and her mother was also captured as a princess for special reasons.

Moreover, Athena was born to her mother during the time when she was Princess Zeus.

"In this case, Zeus is your father, do you want his god realm to be in chaos?" Li Zhenwu communicated with Athena in Star Dou Space through voice transmission.

However, Athena's next sentence almost petrified Li Zhenwu.

"Master, Zeus is not my father."

"Could it be..."

Li Zhenwu couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In an instant, an absurd thought appeared in his mind, can even the dignified god king escape that fate?

However, Athena's next sentence confused him.

"It's not what the master thinks. Our race is born without males. Yes, according to my mother, people on that planet have no male 3.5, only females." Athena said.

Li Zhenwu was stunned again.

"Moreover, as the queen of that planet, my mother is inviolable, and Zeus captured her just to show her status and majesty."

Listening to Athena's explanation, Li Zhenwu had no choice but to sigh, as expected, the world is full of wonders.

As the queen of the planet, Athena's mother was favored by the will of the planet, and her body was invincible, even Zeus could not do anything.

And the reason why she was born was because the planet was destroyed. She was an intelligent creature bred by the planet's will in the mother's body. To be precise, she was another continuation of the planet's will.

This is also the reason why Zeus was the first to send Athena to the earth.

It's not biological after all!

Chapter [-]: Mother Athena

I have to say that after listening to Athena's secret, Li Zhenwu was really convinced.

The world is indeed full of wonders.

Moreover, according to Athena, her mother was the queen of the planet, protected by the rules of the universe, and Zeus made her a princess, it was just a decoration.

"That's it, okay, then let me reunite your mother and daughter!"

Li Zhenwu smiled bitterly. He didn't expect God Realm and his party to be able to do this kind of thing.

But on second thought, he found it.

When Athena gave herself up, she obviously had a very unique feeling that it was an alternative creature born from the rules and will of the planet.

"Thank you, master!" Athena thanked coquettishly, looking very happy.

Li Zhenwu shook his head, closed the communication between the internal and external worlds, and then turned his attention to the original room.

There, there is a faint smell, which is different from the gods of this planet, very unique, very pure, and very cold.

Without guessing, he knew that it was Athena's mother.


This time, Li Zhenwu quietly came to the roof of the palace.

14 There are two pretty maids guarding the gate below. The two girls have the same appearance, and it is difficult to distinguish their demeanor.

Li Zhenwu avoided the two's detection, dodged from the roof, and landed on the window.

Compared with the magnificent and huge buildings around, the whole person is like dust, and it is difficult to attract attention.

He landed on the window, took a closer look, and flew straight into the room, only to see a graceful figure lying on his side on the couch covered in light gauze, with a graceful and attractive curve.


The breeze blew and swayed the veil, revealing the delicate people inside.

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