Hu Ming shouted, too lazy to talk nonsense with these gods, he was full of fighting spirit, waved his hand, and led a team of [-] people to charge out.

Immediately, the [-]-person team combined the formation, the immortal light was blazing, the energy was boiling, and the momentum was boundless.

Chapter [-] Rich spoils!

In the palace of the gods, after the gods of the twelve constellations fled, the remaining guards and maids turned pale with fright.

However, Chu Tianjun did not allow the massacre, but drove everyone from the palace away.

"We are Chinese people, not executioners. If innocent blood is on our hands, what is the difference between them and Western animals?" He said, reminding everyone of the thought of being a soldier.

Enemies can be beheaded, but innocent people are not included.

After all, the soldiers of China are not butchers, but only exist for the benefit of the land of China.

"Haha, I don't know what treasures will be in the palace of the God King?" Ye Tian changed the subject, not wanting to fall into a heavy burden.

After all, they thought of the innocent villagers who died at the hands of the power user.

"Okay, since we've all won, then give me some energy to copy Zeus's lair, don't waste it."

Hu Ming yelled, waved to his brothers, and swooped down first.

"Come on, don't go so fast, can't you get a monopoly?" Ye Tian screamed strangely, his figure flickered a few times, and then he chased after him.

When the others saw this, they all screamed and swooped down, not wanting to lag behind others.

Only Chu Tianjun and the volcano giant were indifferent, standing in the void, helping others to guard the vicinity, for fear that someone would come back and fight back.

"The treasure of the God King must be very valuable. Don't you want to be moved? Even if you don't, at least find a good weapon!" The volcano giant looked at Chu Tianjun and asked curiously.

"I don't need a weapon, a pair of fists is enough!" Chu Tianjun shook his head and smiled faintly.

The eyes of the two people looked at the people who were vying for it below, and their faces unconsciously showed smiles.

However, as a soldier, of course, I don't want to take it personally. No matter how I fight, when I gather, I will take out what I get and give it to the volcano giant.

No way, the volcano giant is taking Li Zhenwu's place, and his status is higher than the three captains.

"Haha, you all gave it to me, aren't you afraid that I will swallow it?" The volcano giant turned into his body, holding a dazzling array of things in his hands, and joked.

Ye Tian sneered: "You are not afraid that the instructor is watching in the dark, then you can steal it, we are not afraid anyway."

As soon as this sentence came out, the fire-killing giant lost his temper.

He is not afraid of anything, the only person who is afraid is Li Zhenwu.

There were a lot of treasures from the god king, and almost all the useful things were looted by everyone.

All kinds of weapons, brilliant light, and some mysterious energy gems and compass, really have everything.

"Let's wait for the instructor to arrange. There are many weapons here, and each weapon is many times better than any cold weapon on Earth. Maybe the nuclear bomb can't be destroyed. Let the instructor arrange it. After all, the instructor knows our respective Advantages." The volcano giant suggested.

Everyone has no opinion. After all, it is true. They may not know their own advantages and suitable weapons, but they know, and the instructor must know.

Immediately, after finalizing the details of the split, the next step was to destroy the palace.

"Who of you brought a mobile phone?" Ye Tian asked, he wanted to record the scene here, and if Zeus really came to the earth, it would also stimulate the other party.

However, unfortunately, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

When carrying out a mission, who would bring a mobile phone with him, and he would be shattered by his infuriating energy when he was fighting.

"Cough cough...I have it!"

At this time, the volcano giant coughed a few times, took out a new fruit phone, and handed it to Ye Tian.

This scene is speechless.

Everyone knows that this big monster is very curious about the human world, especially the Internet, so he bought a mobile phone a long time ago.

It's just that they didn't expect that the volcanic giants are so wonderful that they even carry them across the stars.

But everyone is very envious. After all, the scenery here is very special, and they all want to take pictures as a souvenir.

"Then destroy it, Zeus' lair, goodbye."

Chu Tianjun laughed loudly, his True Qi burst out, forming a terrifying energy wave that swept across the palace complex thousands of miles away.

When the others saw this, they all shot, and the energy was surging, drowning thousands of miles.


The sound of explosions continued, dust flew, and flames shot into the sky.

The magnificent palace of the gods and kings has been completely turned into history, turned into ruins, smoked everywhere, and was razed to the ground.


The sound of taking pictures was continuous, and everyone was so excited that they wanted to take pictures with this ruins.

More than [-] people, each taking a photo in turn, takes a long time.

What's more, facing the wonders of this world, it is impossible to take photos only once. After a while, before half of the people have turned, the memory of the mobile phone will not be enough.

"You guys are too crazy, aren't you?" the volcano giant said with a wry smile.

You must know that his fruit machine is a top-level configuration. It is conceivable that there are so many photos inside.

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