You must know that Qin Nantian once entered the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and felt the strength of Jinxian.

In terms of realm, although he is one level higher than Taiyi Zhenxian, his understanding of the rules is [-] miles apart.

If a true immortal has unpredictable power and can comprehend the Dao, then Jinxian has already realized the existence of a complete Dao, has an infinite lifespan, and can soar the entire universe.

"Could it be that Huaxia really should be destroyed?" Xia Xiacheng was angry, his old face was full of grief.

"There must be a way, the Holy Father must have a way..."

Chapter [-] Change the plan!

Qin Nantian seemed to be drowning and caught the life-saving straw. He turned to look at Li Zhenwu, his knees bent, and he was about to kneel.


Li Zhenwu raised his hand and pressed down, and with invisible power, all the five panicked old men were pressed into the chairs.

These guys are just too fragile.

"Although God has the strength of a golden immortal, he is not a real golden immortal in terms of realm. It is still [-] miles away from the real golden immortal. What are you worried about?" Li Zhenwu spread his hands and said helplessly. .

You must know that God is the descendant chosen by the saints. He has the brand of the saints on his body, and can exert one thousand percent of his own strength.

In other words, the peak strength of Taiyi True Immortal, God alone, is enough to be worth ten True Immortal powerhouses.

"You just need to act according to the plan, and I will help you deal with other things." Li Zhenwu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes flashed with fiery fighting intent.

Seeing this, everyone could only answer, but they were flustered and completely relaxed because of Li Zhenwu's words.

After all, it's no use worrying about you. Since the Holy Father has promised, they will put 14 hearts in their stomachs, and the sky will fall, and there are tall people.

After a brief discussion, Li Zhenwu sent a few people away, went out alone, and walked to the training ground.

The influence of the coming of God in the West covers the whole world, and the three hundred cultivators he created by himself, because of their sufficient strength, can naturally understand the external situation.

At this time, the remaining teams gathered together and talked a lot.

"Team leader, is God very powerful?" The volcano giant has survived for a long time and is well-informed, so everyone asked him if they were confused.

With a solemn expression, Chu Tianjun also opened his mouth and said, "If you can reverse Yin and Yang, it should be very strong. I wonder if we can fight against the God-killing formation formed by all of us?"

Next to him, the volcanic giant who was preoccupied with his thoughts couldn't help sneering after hearing this sentence.

He was very rude and struck: "Even if we can control the movement of the planet, even if we do our best, it won't be enough to crush them with a single finger."

"What's so great? I think the instructor can definitely crush God, and he has an absolute advantage." Someone said unconvinced.

After all, even the Killing God Formation was taught by the instructor, and the background of the instructor was unfathomable.

Moreover, they have all tried, when the instructor suppresses the strength to the acquired realm, they can still tyrannize the crowd, and it is still so light.

You know, that's three hundred immortals.

There were also three Earth Immortal powerhouses, as well as the Earth Immortal Peak Powerhouse Volcano Giant, but the result of the battle was a big blow.

A stick, still a stick, can sweep everyone.


Speaking of which, the volcano giant touched his chin and said uncertainly: "Then God is coming, I can clearly feel the power in it, the breath is too vast, like a universe, giving birth to a feeling of insignificance."

"And the feeling that the instructor gave me is that no matter how strong I am, it seems that I can only look up, can't surpass, and feel in awe."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help nodding, thinking that what the volcano giant said was too right.

Because, everyone present, including Chu Tianjun, no matter how powerful they are, when they face the instructor, they all have the idea of ​​invincibility.

"So, aren't you going to do something?"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded at the entrance of the training ground.

Everyone stood up with a swoosh, their waists and abdomens were straight, their eyes were sharp, and they all saluted.

"God has come, and the purpose of my training you back then was for him, and the army of angels, which is your best whetstone." Li Zhenwu's black hair fluttered, holding a wooden stick, his eyes were deep, and he glanced at the scene. crowd.

His words did not have fanning emotions, but after everyone heard it, they felt the blood in their bodies boiling.

"However, God has the power to reverse Yin and Yang, and we are afraid that we are not opponents." The volcano giant said.

"Because it is not an opponent, it can be called a whetstone. If it is too weak, it will have no effect on you."

Li Zhenwu raised the corners of his mouth and said in high spirits: "Didn't you always want to know, why can I use the strength of the acquired realm to crush you? This is the answer."

Back then, in the prehistoric era, he fought against the heavens and the earth, fought against the heavens, and fought against the saints for hegemony. Indeed, his realm and cultivation were not as good as his opponents.

But, without exception, they are all safe and sound.

"So it turns out, it seems that the instructor's growth process is to constantly challenge powerful opponents, thereby sharpening his own fighting instinct." The volcano giant was stunned and felt incredible.

You know, if it’s okay once or twice, but every time it’s like this, how terrifying strength is needed to survive from it?

That's not playing a house. If you make a mistake, you will lose your life. No one dares to try it easily.

"Instructor, what do we need to do?" Chu Tianjun asked.

"You are free. When you can't resist, I will take action. As for how to act, you can decide for yourself." Li Zhenwu 540 said.

That's how he is. In the small direction, he will not interfere with the disciples in any way, and he can only guide them appropriately in the general direction.

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