call!The kunai of Zaibu Zhan was silent, without any touch or sound of hitting someone else's body. His shot was missed, and the 'Ranmaru' he attacked had turned into a shadow and slowly dissipated away.

but!There was already a kick on his arm!


Without slashing his arm, a burst of great power spread out fiercely on his arm.

"Pada!" This time, the Kuwu in his hand couldn't help but let go!

Moreover, a pain flooded his mind.

Suddenly, no longer shocked: "What a lot of strength!"

Before Buzhan was surprised, Lan Maru had not stopped for a while, and then launched a new attack.

"Langya..." Lan Wan's fists swayed up and down, and the fists were unfolded under the feet. The fists were not fully clenched, but they were gathered in a virtual shape, and the name of the move was spit out: "Fengfengquan!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Wan had already moved!


Lan Wan had already moved, and at this moment, Zabuzhan seemed to feel a hungry wolf roaring wildly, and then rushed towards him.

And Kakashi and others who were fighting on the outside of the Ice Mirror had an illusion that Ranmaru was instantly transformed into a hungry wolf!

"What a powerful move!" Kakashi couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't see any familiarity with this move, but he felt the power of this move.

As if a wolf roar sounded, Lan Wan's whole body has reached the side where he will not cut, and his fists are already like the wind!like sand!Like claws!Waving like a phantom!

The power at this moment, just like the last few words of his boxing technique, is like a fist that is constantly windy!

No longer surprised, but just hurriedly put his hands in front of him, Lan Wan's Langfang Fengfengquan has already fallen on him like raindrops in a heavy rainstorm!

Zai Bu Xian felt that the fist that fell on his body, with sharp force like a wolf tooth, fell continuously, maybe a single punch could not cause any damage to him, but at this moment Lan Wan's wolf tooth wind and wind fist is a Punch after punch fell on him.

"Hey, why didn't Bai and Junmalu help anymore?" Naruto suddenly said strangely, because at this moment, Baihe Junmalu was watching from the side, but it was just the timing, but no Lika joined the battle group.

"Could it be that...they are confident that Ranmaru alone can block the slash?" Kakashi wondered.

While they were wondering, Lan Maru had finished using his own boxing technique, and the attack fell on Zaibuzhan's body without falling, and then he suddenly jumped back and stood with Bai and Junmalu.

And at this time, Lan Wan looked a little out of breath, and the Langfang Fengfengquan just now consumed a lot of his strength.

"Next, it's up to you."

They only heard Ranmaru say so.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke stared at Zabuzhan trying to find out what would happen to him after being attacked by Ranmaru's Langfang Fengfengquan.

"Ah, troublesome brat!"

If he didn't cut it again, he screamed a little frantically, but it seemed to be fine and there was no discomfort.

"No! If Ranmaru's attack is nothing, then the attitude of Shiro and Junmalu at the moment is too wrong!" Sasuke suddenly discovered this problem, because at this moment, Shiro and Junmalu are both confident and confident.

Sasuke and the others were puzzled, only to hear Junmalu speak.

"I was hit by Lan Wan's Langfang Fengfengquan, but it still seems to be able to move without hindrance. It's not a loss to Shangren!"

"What do you mean?" Kakashi and the others were puzzled, not knowing what Junmalu meant, but then Junmalu sneered and said to Zaibuzhan.

"Lanmaru's Langfang Fengfeng Fist is not as simple as it looks! When you are attacked by this move, every punch of Lan Wan's Fengfeng Fist has already hit all the acupuncture points in your body with great accuracy. In! Even, through the attack, his chakra penetrated into your body like wolf hair!"

Chapter [-]: Killing and not cutting (fourth more)

After listening to Junmaluo's explanation, Naruto and Sasuke and others all felt 'it's amazing'.

But Kakashi went stunned: "This... isn't this the soft fist of the Hyuga family?!"

According to what Junmalu said, Ranmaru's Langya Fengfengquan, in terms of aggression and effect, has the same effect as the soft fist of the Hyuga clan in Konoha!

"Ninja Village." Kakashi muttered to himself in a low voice that he could only hear himself, but became more and more curious about this name and this Ninja Village.

In the ice mirror, after Jun Ma Lu finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed drastically!

puff!All of a sudden, the footsteps of Zabuzhan staggered, as if his body lost control in an instant.

"What a powerful wolf tooth wind fist!"

If you don't cut it again, he looks embarrassed and his voice is low.

"It's amazing, there's more, it depends on how much you can bear."

Bai spoke warmly at this moment, but there was murder in his words.

After saying this, Bai nodded to Junmalu beside him and said, "Junmalu, get rid of him completely."


Bai's words were shocking beyond expectation.

The implication... Shiro means that Junmalu has been able to take care of the current Zaibujian?

The shock that Kakashi Naruto and others received today was almost far more shocking than any day they received.

"What? Does this kid think he can get rid of me!" Anger flashed across Zaibu Zhan's face, but he couldn't see it with the mask, but in his eyes, he expressed his emotions without a doubt.

"Then you underestimate my peach land and don't cut it again!"

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