
Along the coast of the holy city, a huge green bamboo raft rose from the sea and rushed into the holy city in an instant, and colorful energy rays erupted from more than [-] people.

The monk soldiers have arrived!

Chu Tianjun was clad in fiery red battle armor, with ferocious thorns, and his entire aura was violent and vicious.


He was not afraid of death, and he rode the killing formation to meet the hand of God from the front.

At this moment, the true energy is vented, and the life is not rushed out.

"Leader, here we come."

The rest of the crowd roared in unison, the momentum shook the sky, and rushed straight to the sky.

Seeing this, the volcanic giant suppressed by the beam of light had moist eyes. He bowed his body, clenched his teeth tightly, his skin was blazing, and he tried his best to break free from the bondage of energy.

"I am a living creature in the wild, how could it be possible to die here?"

Suddenly, the volcanic giant roared, and on his forehead was a red lotus imprint that was as red as blood, blooming brilliantly.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the lotus flower on his forehead slowly bloomed. It was a [-]th grade red lotus, extremely magnificent, like the most perfect art.


The next moment, the void shook, the volcanic giant grinned, his eyes were blazing with fire, and the whole person was bathed in flames, with unparalleled power.

Taiyi is a real fairy!

At the most critical moment, he broke through the shackles, successfully broke free from the path of the earth immortal, and stepped on the threshold of the true immortal.

The kilometer body, rock-like skin texture, surrounded by flames, and the temperature is terrifying, like a walking volcano, visually shocking everyone.

Ever since he received the exercises taught by Li Zhenwu, the volcano giant has been cultivating, but after a long period of time, he can't get the hang of it.

However, at this moment of crisis, it allowed him to break through the shackles.

You must know that it is the cultivation method of the Golden Crow, modified by Li Zhenwu, and possesses unpredictable power.

Now breaking through to the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, with mighty power, he stood up directly, stood upright, and looked down at God with cold eyes.

The energy of the beam of light rushing towards the ground could not hurt him in the slightest. It was as calm as a mountain, standing in this world.

At this time, the hand of God had come to the three hundred monks.


It hasn't hit the front, but the terrifying power has shredded the green bamboo raft and turned it into a cloud of dust.

Bearing the brunt, Chu Tianjun and the others, their skin tingled, their blood coagulated, and they felt the taste of death.

In the distance, the volcanic giant stepped forward, roared loudly, submerged into the killing god formation, intertwined with the power of the crowd, and resisted the coercion from the hand of God.


In an instant, the two collided, and a loud noise erupted.

This piece of heaven and earth is dazzling and dazzling, as if the sun exploded, and the holy city was almost razed to the ground.

However, the divine power contained in the ground is protecting the ground buildings and dissipating most of the energy.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and the killing god formation controlled by the volcano giant was extremely tragic.

At a critical juncture, he used his body to resist most of the power, so that the three hundred monks were not harmed.

But the power of the hand of God is still terrifying, and the Killing God Array can't resist it.

In the deep pit, everyone was lying on the ground in various places, with gray heads and dirt, and they were very embarrassed.

Chapter [-] Seal the sky and lock the earth!

"Come quickly!"

The message was short and there were no unnecessary words, but it made everyone present feel heavy.

They were all in a hurry, and Chu Tianjun kept asking questions, but the communicator did not move and was completely silent.

On the sea of ​​blue waves, everyone on the green bamboo raft looked solemn.

The atmosphere was invisibly shrouded in uncertainty.

The coastline in the distance is still quiet, the holy light is peaceful, and the buildings in the city flow.


The next moment, Chu Tianjun roared, infuriated with infuriating energy, rode the green bamboo raft, dashed against the wind and waves, and galloped toward the coastline in the distance.

The crowd fell silent, their hearts heavy.

However, no one flinched at this time, their expressions were determined, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was blazing, and there was a strong wind, Xiaoxiao, and Yi Shuihan.

After this, I don't know where to go, maybe there is their end point.

The tension before the war was not only happening in the Mediterranean.

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