This punch is unremarkable.

But wherever he passed, the void trembled, stirring up countless ripples, like the ripples of lake water, with the fist as the center, spreading out continuously.


The divine scepter collided with the fist of the witch tribe, making a sound of gold.

In the rich holy light, in front of Chi You, it seemed that there was no influence, and it was directly scattered, and the fist bombarded the divine scepter.


Saint Child Yehe was knocked out again and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

At this time, the divine scepter couldn't bear it, and it shattered completely, turning into a pile of dust.


The field was quiet, and everyone in the Holy See was stunned, completely stunned.

In their eyes, the omnipotent holy son, now like a dog, was smashed by the giant in front of him with two fists, and even the divine scepter was smashed.

This is unimaginable and subverts the beliefs of believers.

"How is it possible, I'm even stronger than him, even though my strength is similar, why is there no resistance in front of him?" Saint Child Yehe lay on the ground, his eyes full of despair, and his mind completely collapsed.

This result is unacceptable and cruel!

In fact, although Chi You's cultivation base is not high, his true spirit is the God of War who once roamed the world.

Just as Li Zhenwu trained the three hundred cultivators, he has been honing his fighting instinct. Only in this way can the weak overcome the strong.

Chi You's state is the same.

Although there is no memory, the fighting instinct that once traversed the wilderness has penetrated into the true spirit and pinched it at will.

Not to mention that Saint Son Yehe's strength is only at the pinnacle of Earth Immortal, and even if he reaches the realm of True Immortal, the result is almost the same.

The only question is how many punches are needed.

"Master is already impatient, you should go to hell!"

Chi You said, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes did not contain the slightest emotion.

While speaking, he stepped forward again and came to the side of the Holy Son. Without any hesitation, he lifted his leg and stepped on it abruptly.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Holy See in the distance were horrified.

Is this to trample the Son to death?


Such brutal behavior directly shakes the faith in these believers.


At this critical moment, a faint voice sounded from the void.

The next moment, an inexplicable coercion descended from the sky and the earth, and the emptiness of the holy light spurted thinly, transforming into a handprint that covered the sky and the sun, and slammed it down.

Chi You frowned, his raised legs fell, his five fingers clenched tightly, and he punched directly into the handprints condensed by Shengguang.


This place boiled, and at the center of the explosion, a terrifying black hole appeared, the space collapsed, and the scene was terrifying.

That powerful force caused Chi You to retreat, pushing back ten miles before he stopped.

At the same time, a crack appeared in his arm, with a crimson light emitting from the crack, which was very strange.

"You are God?"

Chi You lowered his head and glanced at his arm, then raised his head and stared at the void in front of him.

The holy light shone down there, and gradually transformed into a thousand-meter-high figure, which was God.

Dressed in a crescent-white robe, full of beards, with a peaceful smile on his face, his eyes are clear and clear, like the purest existence in the world. At a glance, one can feel that his soul has been washed.

"Congratulations to the Holy Chariot of God!"

In the distance, the Pope led hundreds of cardinals on their knees, praying and shouting with excitement.

At this moment, their faith was firmed again, and their sincerity was extremely sincere.

On the ground, the Holy Son was full of humiliation and clenched his fists. For the first time, facing the weak in his eyes, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

"stand up!"

God stared at Chi You and spoke slowly.

The voice fell, and Shengzi Yehe was shocked, and finally struggled to get up, lowered his head, and stood aside.

The Pope and others in the distance immediately followed, and the group turned and headed west, daring not to stay.

Because, they know, since God has come.

In that battle, no one else can intervene. After all, it is a battle for the strong.

"I didn't expect you to be able to break free from the suppression!"

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