However, everyone was even more astonished. It was the Chinese giant who was able to compete with God, and was also unstoppable and very strong.


The divine scepter was dazzling, and the three thousand great methods of Shimen were released. The endless karmic fire descended, sweeping the sky and covering the sky towards Chiyou.

At this moment, God no longer hides his identity, and the method created by the saint of Lingshan can be easily squeezed, powerful and scary.


The karmic fire soared in the void, turning into a vast ocean, covering the nearby star fields directly.

"What a strange flame!" Chi You snorted coldly, not afraid.

His arms shook violently, and a majestic power surged out of his body, and the cracks on the surface of the skin were full of crimson red rays of light blooming, which was very coquettish and strange.


When the infinite karmic fire stained Chiyou's body surface, it was like a maggot in the tarsus, trying to get into his body and burn the seven emotions and six desires and the cause and effect of the world.

However, the red light is blazing, like a rock armor, blocking all invasions.


Chi You's body was shaken, the red light was surging, the power was terrifying, and the boundless karmic fire collapsed in an instant.

At the same time, a fierce aura was released from the body, as if an ancient beast was reviving, exuding a violent aura.

I saw Chi You's body hundreds of meters high, suddenly soaring, turned into a giant of a thousand meters, and looked at God coldly.

"As expected of the Prehistoric Spirit Treasure!" His eyes were stern, imposing, and his face became solemn.

"The body of the witch clan is still as strong, unfortunately, unfortunately..." God's face softened, no longer sharp, and a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

It's really a pity, after all, Chiyou's body of the witch clan is not perfect.

Otherwise, Chi You's strength alone at this time is enough to suppress God to beat him.


Outside, Yanjing Military Region.

Li Zhenwu also shook his head, feeling a bit of regret, "Chiyou's limit is approaching, God has spread his teachings for countless years, and the power of belief is strong, which is really scary."

Of course, if he made a move, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

However, as Emperor Zhenwu, not to mention his own identity, but the path he has taken does not allow him to take action now.

The desired effect has not yet been achieved, and the value of God's use is more than that.

Thinking of this, Li Zhenwu slowly turned his head, his eyes were deep, he saw through nothingness, and fell in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea.

There were turbulent waves, and the volcano giants were chased and killed by Lucifer. They were embarrassed all the way.

"Bastard bird man, chase after grandpa again, believe it or not, we will break the wings behind you!"

Some people couldn't help cursing, and their faces were full of suffocation.

Others have joined the battle group one after another, their strength is not enough, but their momentum cannot be weakened.

"It seems that this birdman is determined to kill us, and if we delay it any longer, I am afraid that he will be caught up before he reaches Huaxia." Chu Tianjun's face was solemn.

The huge palm of the volcano giant's square, everyone is here, and now it is all maintained by the strength of the volcano giant's true immortal, otherwise it will soon be caught up...

The wind is howling, the blue waves are blue, the wind is raging, and the waves are raging.

The group of people was miserable, and Lucifer flapped his wings in the rear, which could roll up a monstrous wave and swept in directly, trying to stop their speed.

"You little thief, it's better not to fall into my hands, it will definitely make you suffer!" Lucifer roared, and the twelve pairs of white wings flapped like a pale lightning, chasing after him in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone in front secretly cried out.

In order to destroy the space channel, the buddies have squeezed all their potentials. At this moment, they are almost exhausted, their bodies have reached their limit, and they can no longer fight.

"Humph, you keep running, if I can't catch up with you, I will treat you as a loser!"

At the rear, the twenty-two-winged angel Lucifer also saw that they were not in good condition, and he sneered suddenly, his white wings flapped wildly, trying to catch up to kill everyone.

"This place is still thousands of kilometers away from Huaxia. Before we return to Huaxia, the bird man will be able to catch up." The volcano giant said in a deep voice, his fiery red skin lines completely dimmed, like a extinguished candle , mental fatigue to the extreme.

"Since both sides are dying, don't waste your energy." Chu Tianjun closed his eyes, his expression calmed down, and said, "Struggling in despair, tempering in despair, and being radical in hope, 1.4 I think, it's time for everyone. It is necessary to draw wages from the bottom of the pot, put it to death, and then live."

The voice fell, and the field fell silent.

Everyone was shocked, and their unwilling eyes gradually became firm, exuding a flaming fighting intent.

"As the instructor said, the realm of cultivation is only the cornerstone, and fighting is the foundation of strength. If that's the case, let's fight!"

The volcanic giant sounded loudly, and the galloping figure suddenly stopped, suspended above the void.

Moreover, he turned around slowly, his face indifferently facing the twenty-two-winged angel Lucifer who was chasing after him, his eyes shone with a decided light.

"Don't run away?"

This strange scene made Lucifer, who was chasing, stunned for a moment, a little unbelievable, and a hint of vigilance rose in his heart.

Chapter [-] The blooming lotus resonates against the sky!

The blue waves and oceans, at this time, the color of the sky and the earth changes, the sky is dark and dark, the wind is sweeping, the sea surface is undulating, and the surrounding air pressure has been changed, forming a chaotic weather phenomenon.

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