Countless astronomy enthusiasts were shocked. Professionals and amateurs walked out of their homes one after another, looking for the best location to observe the dynamics of every star.

"what is that?"

Soon, someone saw a shocking picture from one of the planets.

He zoomed in countless times, took pictures of the surface of the stars, and then uploaded them to social platforms, causing an uproar.

It was a star over Washington, with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, glowing with misty brilliance, mysterious and vast.

The textured surface, densely packed human beings, are doing something in an orderly manner.

Moreover, from the enlarged picture, it can be clearly seen that in the crowd, there are modern weapons lined up, and various tanks and armored vehicles are neatly arranged, like a sea of ​​steel, which is very spectacular.

"My God! Isn't this the tens of millions of coalition forces sent to China?"

A high-ranking member of the Alliance Army did not follow the army. At this moment, he recognized the equipment and even saw several former subordinates.

It was so shocking, I couldn't help but be rude, like hell.

As soon as this news came out, the frenzy swept the Internet and spread to every corner of the earth.

"It's crazy. The tens of millions of allied troops who went to China actually appeared on a star. Are they lost? How did they get up?"

Some high-level officials in the country were shocked beyond belief. This is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Fuck, look again, over the Pacific Ocean, in a dense star area, God, what the hell did I see?"

At this moment, someone exploded and uploaded a picture taken.

In the clear picture quality, two giants are glowing, one of them is red as blood, the other is filled with holy light, and the wings behind him cover the sky.

Chapter [-] Disintegrate the world's beliefs!

The wings formed by the condensed holy light stretched out, covering half of the sky, extremely splendid and dazzling.

From that winged figure, people knew that it was God.

Confronting God and fighting to the death, it was another giant who was a thousand meters tall and pitch-black, like a walking mountain, full of overwhelming power.

At this time, people can see clearly through the device.

There was a big battle there, the blazing rays of light were dazzling, and the layers of ripples rippled, and the stars near the two powerhouses burst, and the energy fluctuations were overwhelming and extremely terrifying.

"What's wrong with this world?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, especially the people in the West. They looked confused and panic.

You know, in their minds, God is omnipotent and invincible.

However, now they are fighting a pitch-black giant, which is very fierce. It seems that the two of them are equally strong and powerful.

"Wait, the energy in the Pacific Ocean is stable and there is no abnormality. The picture of God fighting does not exist on the earth."

On the European side, a scientist stood up and informed the world of the information obtained.


Hearing this news, countless people were shocked and felt unbelievable.

The stars are real, but the picture of God fighting the giant is illusory, and it is reflected from a different space.

"God and the Greek gods came to the earth in order to invade China, and now, thousands of coalition forces lost their way and ran to one of the stars, and God himself is also entangled by the supreme power." Someone said this, wanting to publish what.

As soon as these words came out, countless people woke up.

At this moment, regardless of whether in the West or the East, people reacted and focused their attention on China.

Even the Chinese people are unbelievable.

Originally thought it would be a disaster, but now it seems that the situation seems to be beyond expectations, and the surprise came too suddenly.

"China has an invincible presence to guard."

At this time, no matter how stupid people know, the seemingly weak Huaxia actually contains an unimaginable background.

At this time, as soon as the background came out, the gods could not resist.

"The Holy Son Yehe took the Pope and others to fly between the stars, and it seemed that he was also caught in that weird space."

Countless news came from all over the place, all of which were pictures that people saw with their own eyes, confirming some speculations.

The picture of Saint Son Yehe has been magnified countless times, and it can be clearly seen that Saint Son Yehe's face is full of horror, and the look of fear in his eyes cannot be concealed.

Even the Pope and others, who were wrapped in energy, were all panicked, apparently encountering great fear.

Needless to say, they were flying in the opposite direction from where God was fighting.

"Is this the twilight of the gods?"

Some people sighed that the previously majestic deity became what it is now in less than a day.

Even God can't help that giant, the army on earth, and even more hopeless.

"The tens of millions of coalition forces are the cornerstone of our Western world, and we cannot afford to lose. Just when the gods are fighting, we have the responsibility to save them back."

At this time, this voice appeared in the Western Alliance.

It was a country that turned to the blood clan. They united and took the high-level of the main battle, and then preached world peace.

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