Chapter [-]: The Land of Waves is New! (first update)

After solving the problem, this task is almost certain to be completed.

Then the task is almost full of ease.

They just need to wait for the bridge of the country of waves to be officially built, or completely repel the forces of Cardo, and this task is completely completed.

Soon, they escorted Dazna to their home. For the sake of safety, the trio of Body Ninja Village did not return immediately.

Because, Dazna sincerely thanked the trio of Body Ninja Village: "Thank you so much, everything your Body Ninja Village has done, our whole country of Wave will remember!"

Dazner's attitude is sincere, not a bit false, because he really thinks so.

Obviously they didn't go to find the Ninja Village, but the Ninja Village took the initiative to help them. This kind of kindness is very unforgettable.

"Hey! In the future, the country of wave still needs to go directly to the country of red beans, which is closer. There is no need to ask Konoha to endure it." Junma Lu pouted.

"Why don't you invite us!" Naruto said in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Bai suddenly stopped Junma Lu's bickering.

Because of Shiro's opening, Naruto didn't say anything anymore.

That is to say, under this circumstance, they came to Dazna's house, and at the same time they saw the poverty of the country of waves, besides the beauty and tranquility, beggars and homeless children in rags can be seen everywhere.

This sight is startling.

"So our country of waves will definitely need a bridge. Only if a bridge can help our country of waves to connect with the outside world, can our country of waves be able to truly get rid of poverty!" Dazner said in a low voice in a timely manner, expressing his beliefs .

Kakashi and the others were silent.

But Bai in the body ninja village team said: "When the bridge of the country of waves is built, our country of red beans is willing to provide trade opportunities for your country of waves, form alliances, and help your country of waves get rid of poverty."

"What? Are you serious?" Dazna was surprised, but then a little suspicious: "But how can your body ninja village represent your country of red beans?"

"It can be represented." Bai said: "This time we came to help the country of waves, in addition to the will of our body ninja village itself, but also with the meaning of the red bean country's lord red bean lovesickness."

"Really!" Hearing Bai's words, the rest of Dazner no longer had doubts, but was full of joy.

"Naturally." Bai nodded, while sighing in his heart, Lord Zhenwu is really kind!Everything is arranged.

"And when the time comes, we will go through an inspection and maybe recruit laborers from you or something."

Bai added, and Dazner was already very excited, just thanked him repeatedly, as if he saw the dawn and hope.

At Dazner's home, they also meet Dazner's grandson, Yiran, who is unhappy and full of despair for the future.

This little devil, with a straight face, was very dejected, but Naruto was very interested in him and wanted to help him.

As for the body ninja village trio, they were eating and drinking, in case of another attack by Kado, and the completion of the bridge in Dazna, they completed the task and could return to the body ninja village.

During this period, some interludes also occurred.

Kakashi took his three disciples to the woods and taught them to 'climb the tree'.

During the tree climbing, there were some episodes between Naruto and Sasuke.

Bai watched silently. Even when he was very young, he had already learned this method under the guidance of Li Zhenwu, but when Kakashi was teaching, he did not speak rashly, just quietly watched .

Then, other scenes were also watched by him.

"Naruto... Sasuke, do you two have infinite potential?" Bai said to himself in his heart. Before this departure, Li Zhenwu explained some things to them, which were a little inexplicable, but among these things, only Including Naruto and Sasuke, Li Zhenwu said that they have infinite potential.

Bai Jing looked at it quietly. He was a little curious at first, but after observing slowly, he found that, as Li Zhenwu said, Naruto Sasuke has a lot of potential.

"So... what does Lord Zhenwu have to do with them? It will concern them. Besides, what was Lord Zhenwu's identity in Konoha before?"

Bai, after a series of things happened, he became curious about it.

Stayed at Dazner's house for a few days, during which time the bridge continued to be built.A few days later, the bridge has entered the final stage of completion.

But on this day, Naruto missed going to the bridge to watch the completion of the bridge due to climbing trees all night, but by accident, he descended Dazna's grandson and easily defeated two wandering warriors.

When Naruto finished doing this, he was worried that something would happen on the other side of the bridge, and he rushed over quickly.

Then Naruto, who arrived at the bridge, saw a somewhat unexpected but reasonable scene.

On the ground, there were many wandering warriors lying on the ground, but his teammates and the trio of Ninja Village looked leisurely.

"What happened? What did I miss?"

Naruto asked.

"It's a very boring thing, there are some low-strength chops." Sasuke yawned and said: "There is no challenge at all, not even a ninja."

Naruto was dumbfounded, while Dazna was festively completing the final bridge.

The calm completion ceremony made all the engineers who built the bridge cry with joy. This love marked the road to the outside world for their country of waves, and it was officially opened.

At the same time, the tasks of Konoha and Ninja Village are also counted as completed here.

However, at this time, Shiro came to Kakashi.

"Before parting, I have a request?"

"What request?" Kakashi asked.

Shiro's face was flat and his voice was gentle: "Let Sasuke and Naruto do their best to fight with me!"

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