"This old boy is as insidious as ever. For the purpose, he is simply unscrupulous. It can be seen from the time when the Lord of the Gods was imprisoned." Dracula sneered, his face full of disdain.

You know, that's the king of gods, he doesn't even dare to fight, he turns around and runs away, which is unimaginable.

But fortunately, their speed is too fast, passing by in the void, except for Dracula and the others, other creatures on earth do not know what happened.

I saw the rumbling of the void, the electric lights all the way bright, the thunder rolling, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Zeus dog thief, don't run if you have the guts, young master, I will turn over and suppress you."

However, a loud roar from Mox echoed over Europe and traveled far.

With the sound of the voice, the people on the ground raised their heads one after another.

"What? God King Zeus fled without fighting?"

"It's too embarrassing. It's a waste of my sincere belief in them. It turns out that this is the so-called god."

"Isn't it? The twelve main gods have run away, and they don't even dare to fight head-on?"

"As expected of the god of the blood race, the gods fled when they heard the wind before they made a move. It's really scary."

On the ground, people in Europe were talking about each other, and quickly took out their mobile phones to photograph the thunder light that escaped from the void.

The thunder was so dazzling, and the movement was so great that people knew at a glance that it was Zeus.

"Little thief, it's so deceiving!"

Zeus, who was running away with the gods wrapped in it, vomited blood in anger, and with that loud roar, countless eyes on the ground were now staring at him, making the dignified king of gods lose face among mortals.

In the full sky, thunder rolls, intertwined with terrifying power.

God King Zeus sullen, listening to the voices of countless people below, was blown up by anger, and wanted to turn around immediately and kill Mox on the spot.

However, he dared not, in the absence of certainty, he was like God in character, and there was no difference.

"Old Zeus, how dare you stop fighting with the young master!"

However, when Mox's roar came from the rear again, countless people in Europe heard it, and people were stunned.

Fang was an old thief, and now he is an old dog. The young master of the blood clan is too sturdy.


Ahead, Zeus' body glowed, the arc erupted, interwoven with terrifying power, and the surrounding stars were trembling, shaky, extremely terrifying.

However, I still did not dare to stop, turned into an electric light, and rushed straight towards me over the Pacific Ocean.

"Hehe, this old thief is really cautious!"

Seeing this scene, Mox was speechless. The opponent's speed was too fast. If they wanted to escape, it would be difficult for them to catch up.

"He's looking for God to gather together. I'm afraid they only need to know what these two guys are thinking." Dracula said with a faint smile.

I felt tired of Zeus' gesture.

As the supreme powerhouse in this universe, it was beyond their expectations that they could endure Mox's humiliation.

Over the Pacific Ocean, countless huge stars float up and down, reflecting the sky in a splendid manner.

At this time, the battle between God and Chi You had reached a fever pitch, the void was agitated with light and shadows, and various energies were gushing out and blazing.


At this moment, Thor's Hammer, which was wrapped by thunder, flew from a distance, bursting with flaming energy, and smashed into this space.

With a thud, the void shattered like a mirror, and countless ripples appeared. The vast and unpredictable force caused the blue waves to set off stormy waves.

In an instant, the two illusory figures were shocked and turned to look at them.


In the star space, God and Chi You only felt a shock in the void, and there seemed to be a force in the outside world that wanted to break through.

"We've been fooled, this is a trap for the monks." Zeus shouted, and brought the gods to the sky above the sea, his body was dazzling with thunder, and devastating power fluctuations erupted.

The sound passes through Thor's Hammer as a medium, and travels between two time and space, so that people in the star space can hear it.

Really amazing weapon!

In the Yanjing Military Region, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but pay attention a little when he saw this, and was a little interested in the ugly Vulcan beside Zeus.

Being able to break through the space barrier, even if it's just sound, in this universe, is nothing.

"Fucked? So what?"

In the space of stars, God's face was indifferent, and he said lightly: "Being able to control the space of stars does not mean that the strength can surpass me. As long as these obstacles are killed, the true warriors will naturally appear, and the results will be clear at a glance."

At this time, as the spirit of the pool of merit, God still did not despair.

Even, from the power of Chi You and the surrounding stars, he also inferred that Li Zhenwu's cultivation realm was at this time, so he was very confident.

Hearing this, all the gods were shocked, and they heard some meanings from their words.

"What do you mean, he hasn't dared to show up until now. It's not that he disdains the shot, but that he is afraid of us, so he sent the blood clan and others to make a shot?"

God King Zeus narrowed his eyes, his tone was cold, and he exuded a powerful killing intent.

Chapter [-] Slaughter God!

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