
Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, then tilted his head to stare at him, and said with a smile, "Are you sure it's complete?"

The voice fell, and everyone present was stunned.

Chi You even frowned. From the previous fight, it seems that God does have the power of Jinxian, which cannot be faked.

However, since the master opened his mouth, he began to have doubts.

God's eyes narrowed, murderous intent shot out, the holy light on his body gradually diffused out, and his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

"The angels have all been destroyed, all the power of faith is in the pool, the aura of the saint has been mastered, and his realm and strength have already reached the perfect golden immortal state." He said in a deep voice, but his expression was slightly unnatural.

Hearing this, Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, raised his hand and raised the stick, and swiped it in the galaxy.


Suddenly, in the quiet darkness, a huge star with dense runes flew from a distance, shining brightly.

At this moment, the star is too huge, and the gods are as small as dust in front of it.

One after another runes covered the surface of the stars, shimmering with splendid light, the scene was beautiful, and the breath emanating was astonishing.

This is?

Seeing this scene, God just wanted to speak, but suddenly his face changed drastically, his eyes fixed on the surface of this planet.

Covered by the gorgeous runes, I saw three figures standing side by side on the surface of the stars, looking up at the stars, their eyes colliding with God.

One of the holy women, with white wings on her back, is the archangel who descended.

"Archangel Gabriel..." God's pupils shrank suddenly, as if thinking of something, he suddenly turned to stare at Li Zhenwu.

"It turns out that you have been hiding the means, which is very good, but even if there is a trace of regret against you, it is still enough."

The voice of God seemed extremely annoyed, with holy light blooming all over his body, exuding an astonishing killing intent.

"You think too much, just relying on your artifact spirit, is it worth your effort to play tricks?" Li Zhenwu shook his head and said helplessly.

In fact, it does.

Since the arrival of the gods, Li Zhenwu has not paid attention to it. His focus has always been on the revival of China's monastic civilization.

As for God's absorption of the breath of the saints and the achievement of the position of Jinxian, it was just an accident.

Of course, in the face of the perfect golden immortal, if you want to surrender, you will definitely need to spend some hands and feet.

But now!

In the face of the sky-defying fighting instinct, any shortcomings are the loopholes in Li Zhenwu's eyes, and they can be killed with a flip of a hand.

"Ah... If that's the case, then go to hell to repent!" God was angry.

He is high above and dominates all living beings, but now he is ignored, which makes him angry and wants to kill Li Zhenwu.


The void trembled, and the holy light sprayed from God's body, condensing into a handprint that covered the sky and the sun, containing infinite power.

God's hand again?

In the distance, Chu Tianjun and the others opened their mouths. The handprint was so powerful that they had already experienced it, and it was absolutely terrifying.

Instructors are in the realm of immortals, can they compete?

Outside, the entire network is boiling.

"The hand of God, for the second time, can this invincible existence under the starry sky be resisted?"

"Even the god of the blood race had to join forces with the Chinese powerhouses, so he barely resisted, and he was seriously injured. Can this young man do it?"

"It's terrifying, this is the ultimate battle, the real battle of gods."

"This young man was a cultivator of the island country incident. At the time, his strength was not enough to resist the hand of God."

Countless people were discussing, and for a while, there were various voices.

However, Li Zhenwu used his actions to silence everyone.


The starry sky vibrated, causing countless ripples, and Zhou Tianxingdou, pulled by invisible forces at this moment, shook one after another.

The entire space of stars is shaking, looking very strange.

Chapter [-] Poke with a stick!

The hand of God, condensed by holy light, is boundless, covers the universe, and contains the power to destroy everything.

In front of it, Dracula, the god of blood, was vulnerable.

Chi You, who had not yet grown up, was also knocked out, and even the volcanic giant, the original Samadhi True Fire, was almost extinguished by one palm.

It is conceivable that the horror of the hand of God is superior to the gods and has an invincible posture.

In the universe where cold and darkness coexist, the crystal stars are like diamonds inlaid in the dark screen, emitting a soft light.

At this time, the hand of God is dazzling, the holy light is pouring out, and the dazzling light makes the stars in the whole world dim.

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