
There was no accident, the ordinary wooden stick that could no longer be ordinary, smashed God's cheek again, making his face distorted, saliva spurting, and his head flew out.



Seeing this scene, all the living beings on the scene and the people watching the live broadcast were all petrified.

This is really shocking, the impact of that scene is simply unparalleled.

"Again... was hit again?"

Chu Tianjun, Ye Tian and the others felt like they were dreaming at the moment. They simply waved a stick and slapped God in the face again. What a strange situation this was.

Don't talk about them, even the God at this time was directly smashed.

"How is that possible? I could have avoided it, so why couldn't I move? Or, before I wanted to leave, the stick came." 680 was very funny.

In front of that stick, God is like a child.

"How many times do you have to tell me, I don't care how many times you come."

In the distance, Li Zhenwu raised his eyebrows lightly, stepped forward, raised his stick, and smashed it down again.

"How dare you..." Upon seeing this, God was furious.

However, before he could finish speaking, his cheeks hurt, and he tilted his head and flew out. A few crystal teeth fell off, turning into a light rain.


God turned his head and stared at Li Zhenwu fiercely, but a flower in front of his eyes, a wooden stick fell again, and it still hit his cheek.

bang bang bang...

Li Zhenwu pulled the stick in his hands, opened his bow from left to right, and slapped God's face violently.

Soon, the god of the originally holy facial features had his face flushed and swollen, and he could no longer see his original high-level posture.

"You fucking dare to hit me!"

At this time, he was covered in warts, and there was severe pain in his facial features.

That kind of pain penetrated deep into his soul, making him unbearable, like a mortal, howling there, tearing his heart out.

The entire space of stars echoed with harsh screams, which sounded very miserable.

Chapter [-] Refining Tool Spirit!

This picture in the starry sky is stunned, completely petrified in place.

Regardless of the outside world or in the space of stars, there is a dead silence, only the painful howl of God, and the thumping sound of the wooden stick falling.

So weird!

Some uninformed creatures felt terrified when they saw it.

The screams were so miserable and terrifying that they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Is this the voice of God?"

At this moment, Chiyou, Dracula, and the volcano giant woke up and were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Everyone in the field was petrified, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

The god who was so imposing before, who was like a rainbow in seconds, was actually beaten by Li Zhenwu with a stick, curled his body, hugged his head and howled miserably.

No matter how you look at it, the picture in front of you feels too dreamy.

"Ah..." God roared, his whole body burst out with arrogance, wanting to resist and reverse the situation, and counter-kill Li Zhenwu.


However, as soon as he shouted, he was beaten with a wooden stick before he could say anything harsh, and if he made a mouthful, he was beaten back in the stomach.

So frustrating!

The dignified God, invincible in the universe, was actually swept away by a wooden stick.

Moreover, every time the stick fell, the arrogance of God dimmed.

That huge body also shrunk, and soon became as big as an ordinary person, and no longer had the prestige it used to be.

"Li Zhenwu, kill me!"

God screamed, Qi Ling's mind collapsed, curled up, and looked miserable.

Outside, billions of people, watching this picture, felt shocked from the heart, and their souls were shaking.

There are no splendid magical powers, only ordinary to extreme wooden sticks. Every time it falls, God screams, shocking people.

What a terrifying method this is!

The invincible God of the world, in front of Li Zhenwu, can't even resist, just like a child being beaten and taught by adults, this picture is extremely terrifying.

God's heart was broken, and he begged Li Zhenwu to wipe him out.

Being beaten like this, even as an artifact spirit, I feel aggrieved and desperate, I just want to get rid of it immediately, and face all beings and spirits without face.

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