"What's that? The black behemoth seems to be composed of countless living creatures..."

I don't know how long it took before someone weakly revealed the truth.

Chapter 1 Starry Battlefield! ([-])

Sure enough, when people carefully observed the behemoth, they suddenly found that it was composed of countless dark creatures, like a land that traverses Chen Tianyu, flying towards the direction of the earth at high speed.

Countless stars exploded along the way, blooming gorgeous fireworks.

In front of the dark continent, the huge stars are as small as sesame seeds, and they cannot stop it from moving forward. When they touch it lightly, they instantly turn into fly ash.

This scene is shocking and shocks everyone's heart.


"God, how huge are these creatures?" Some people's voices trembled, their faces full of disbelief.

"Across the distance between the stars, this land composed of countless unknown creatures is probably as large as a galaxy." An astronomer gave an accurate answer.

This sentence silenced countless people on earth, and everyone felt hopeless.

"Really? What kind of monster is this, can we resist it?" Some people can't help but ask themselves, with the current powerhouses on the earth, can they really resist the monsters sweeping the stars?

That huge body is comparable to a planet, and countless creatures are combined to span the galaxy. What a terrifying number is this?

Not to mention humans, even if the earth is in the eyes of these monsters, I am afraid that it can be swallowed in one bite.

Zhongnanhai, in a quaint house.

"With the Holy Father, don't be afraid."

Ying Zheng was wearing a golden robe and his body was as tall as a javelin, and said softly.

In front of him, Qin Nantian and other five Chinese bosses were all worried and told what the outside world saw.

The scene projected by the stars is too terrifying.

That is a huge behemoth like the entire galaxy, beyond common sense, the creatures that make up the dark continent, and each and every one is as huge as a planet, and it is extremely terrifying.

Just looking at that majestic momentum makes people tremble in their souls.

According to that terrifying speed, it takes less than five minutes to reach the Milky Way. At that time, mankind will usher in a devastating disaster.

"But...but..." Xia Xiacheng's lips trembled, making it difficult to speak.

This is a fear that comes from the heart, and no one is immune to it.

In fact, the scene was terrifying, beyond the imagination of human beings. They could not imagine that there were such terrifying creatures in the world, and they were simply star destroyers.

"Don't worry, with the Holy Father, we'll be all right."

Ying Zheng smiled lightly, and put his hand on Xia Xiacheng's shoulder, a warm current that helped the old guy calm down.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Go, watch the process, and you will know that the ability of the Holy Father is beyond your imagination."

In the end, Ying Zheng sent them away without explaining the reason.

In this world, there are probably only a few people who know that Li Zhenwu's true identity at this time is the master of this universe.

Facing the invaders, if you use the power of the source to fight, I am afraid that the saint will fall.

And this is the source of Ying Zheng's confidence.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, the scene here is reflected on the earth, attracting the attention of the world.

Moreover, not only the earth, but also countless life planets in the universe, have this kind of vision.

A planet made of machinery is surrounded by stars that appear out of thin air, reflecting the picture in the depths of the starry sky.

All beings born in this universe can clearly see the invasion of demons.

There are still ten light-years away from the Milky Way, and the army of demons combined to form a vast continent, majestic and magnificent.


At this time, the Dark Continent suddenly stopped, floating in the universe, full of oppressive momentum.

At the front, the Demon General occupies a third of the volume of the Dark Continent, with boundless terror, exuding a rich ink-like gas from all over his body, devouring everything around him.

His eyes were red, like the sun hanging in the sky, staring lightly ahead.

There, there are more than [-] human-like creatures, stepping on the mysterious position, blocking the way forward in the dark continent.

"A monk?"

The devil general spoke lightly, with an indifferent tone, without the slightest emotional ups and downs.

Moreover, he doesn't care about the creatures that appear in front of him, because in his eyes, these more than [-] human beings are even smaller than the dust...

"Chaos devil, do you still remember me?"

In the crowd, Emperor Bai Shaohao, dressed in golden armor and holding a golden dragon spear, took one step forward and came to the front of the army of demons.

Seeing this scene, there was a commotion from the demon army, and it seemed to recognize the person who came.

"It turned out to be you, the bereaved dog. I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of me. Your courage is commendable."

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