In the distance, the volcano giant clapped and shouted, unable to help but cheer.

"So strong, these demons don't seem as scary as they imagined!" Chu Tianjun and the others were dumbfounded, their faces full of excitement.

They were very excited. For the first time participating in this kind of star war, in addition to apprehension, it was more of a fear of the unknown.

Now, after seeing that the demons are not unshakable, one by one all of a sudden, they are like chicken blood, and the weapons in their hands are shining with immortal light, and I can't wait to rush out immediately.

"You're getting stronger."

Bai Di Shaohao glanced at Chi You lightly, and said solemnly, "However, you are not his opponent yet."

"Of course I know, but I just want to try it." Chi You snorted coldly and did not refute.

The purpose of the shot is very simple, to boost morale, and to detect the depth of the opponent.

You must know that in terms of quantity and overall strength, cultivators do not have any advantages, and if they want to win, they have to stimulate the core of the starry sky array as the Holy Father said.

However, what is the core, everyone does not know.

"You pissed me off."

The demon general stopped, looked down from above, looked down at the people below, his eyes were indifferent to the extreme.

At the same time, its body gradually shrank, and its bones became more and more condensed.

After turning into millions of feet, the aura emanating from the Demon General became even more terrifying.


Bai Di Shaohao had a cold face, holding a golden spear, extremely fast, stabbed with one shot, ignoring the distance, and came to the devil general in an instant.

Ripples on the tip of the gun appeared, and the ripples spread in circles, and the nearby space collapsed and annihilated.


The devil general raised his hand to rung, and the arm of the glass skeleton was extremely hard, bursting out with flames and shining brightly.

The two parted at the touch of a button, and the means they used were restrained, causing the nearby space to collapse.

so horrible.

Both are the strength of the Great Luo Jinxian, there is no gorgeous picture, but every collision can make the universe collapse, which is very terrifying.

All the heavens and stars, in front of them, will be eclipsed, and their brilliance will be robbed by the two.


The golden spear swept away, the ultimate strength, the distance through space, and almost all the spears fell on the devil general.

It's very weird.

The two were separated by hundreds of thousands of meters, but Bai Di Shaohao's shot was able to reach the other side in an instant, and he couldn't even dodge.


Not long after, the body of the devil's general Liuli's bones was covered with 640 gun marks, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

He was so angry that he flew towards the sky, ignoring all attacks, and wanted to approach Baidi Shaohao and tear him to pieces.


The loud noise erupted, and the golden spear was like a dragon, and it suppressed it strongly, hitting the demon general Tianling Gai, and knocking the giant of millions of feet into the air.

In the distance, countless stars burst into pieces, dazzling.


The dust of the stars exploded, and the huge body flew out, making a sharp roar.

"The army shoots and destroys everything for me."

Following the demon general's order, the dark continent that seemed to traverse Chen Tianyu suddenly split and turned into a monster with a huge planet, like a locust crossing the border, flying over the sky and covering the sky.

This picture is shocking and terrifying.


The brawny Tie Niu roared, and he rode the starry sky array, bursting with dazzling rays of light, and wisps of star rays surrounded them, forming a rather terrifying defense.


The army of demons is endless, like the impact of the nine-day galaxy, to drown everyone.

With the advantage of numbers, the demon army has to crush it strongly.

too frightening.

In an instant, the starry sky was covered, filled with darkness and terrifying power.

Chapter 3 Chiyou goes mad, tearing demons ([-])

In the universe, countless life planets and various races are watching this war in the starry sky.

It was so shocking that the soul was shaking.

Among them, the most terrifying was the battle between Chi You and the four golden skeleton demons, which was very shocking.

There, the red glow is soaring and the red light is surging, drowning the starry sky and erupting with unparalleled power.

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