This is a long worm with a length of [-] meters. Its body is covered with fine scales, and there are countless tentacles on its abdomen, which is very strange.

"This is? 14"

The sudden change made Li Zhenwu slightly stunned.

This strange beast is very strange. The tentacles in its abdomen can imprison the void and freeze this piece of heaven and earth.

Circles of invisible ripples emanated from the mouth of the alien animal, with strong fangs, as if to swallow Li Zhenwu in one bite.

Compared with the huge body of the demon, which is like a planet, this alien beast looks very small.

However, the moment it appeared, Bai Di Shaohao's complexion changed drastically, his soul trembled, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"The alien beast of chaos, this is a time-space centipede born in chaos. It can imprison time and space, make the prey immobile, and possess unpredictable power." Shaohao explained quickly.

In the absence of the saints, Honghuang was once attacked by this strange beast, and finally Daozu took action and subdued it.

At that time, the space-time centipede was only ten feet in size, and it couldn't compare with the one in front of him at all.

"It turns out that the vast chaos always breeds all kinds of strange creatures." Li Zhenwu nodded lightly, not panicking.

After all, this time-space centipede is also the strength of the Daluo Jinxian Peak and Peak.

It's just the magic power that makes him famous.


Li Zhenwu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the momentum of the master of the universe burst out.


The imprisoned void suddenly fluctuated violently, and countless ripples appeared.

At this time, Li Zhenwu broke free from the confinement, and his figure flashed, avoiding the edge of the time-space centipede, and turned around and bombarded it with a punch.


The fist marks are incomparable, pierced through the void, and fell directly on the head of the space-time centipede, bursting with infinite power.

Although the space-time centipede is terrifying, it is still inferior to the saint.

In the face of the existence of Li Zhenwu's series, it is not enough to see, and there is also a universe that even saints can't match.


The scales on the head of the time-space centipede exploded, spewing out a large amount of destructive aura, covering the sky and covering the world.

At the same time, this alien beast is very cunning, turning around and trying to escape into the void.

You must know that when Li Zhenwu and the two were discovered, from the appearance of the breath, Li Zhenwu, who was a golden immortal, was obviously easier to hunt.

Unexpectedly, before getting close to the opponent, just relying on the fist mark, it will be knocked away.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Don't even think about it, as a chaotic creature, it is quite intelligent, and naturally thinks that it is important to escape.

Moreover, no one is more familiar with Chaos Void than these creatures.

"Want to run away?"

However, Li Zhenwu's eyes turned cold, he took a step, punched through the sky, and directly annihilated nothingness, so that the space-time centipede could not escape.

Immediately afterwards, he descended from the sky, stepped on the head of the time-space centipede, and with a bang, smashed the alien beast into the desert, forming a huge deep pit.

So fierce!

Shaohao next to him was stunned, completely petrified in place.

You must know that the space-time centipede in front of you has obviously grown to a certain extent, and it can't be compared with the infancy when it attacked the flood.

But in Li Zhenwu's hands, he was directly suppressed like a toy.

woo woo woo...

The chaotic creature has intelligence and knows that it cannot escape, and suddenly screams, red eyes, showing fear and begging.

"Oh? It's easy to do if you have wisdom. What about the abyss demon that was ambushed here?"

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sneer and asked indifferently.

woo woo woo...

Another wave of fluctuations came, clearly expressing the fear of the time-space centipede, and everything it knew.

After knowing the truth, Li Zhenwu froze in place.

"Master, what's going on?" Shaohao asked, pointing at the alien beast under his feet.

"The demon who ambushed you at the time has already been eaten by him." Li Zhenwu said lightly, feeling unbelievable.


Hearing this, Shaohao exclaimed in surprise, unable to believe it.

You know, he is very clear that the number of those demons is absolutely beyond imagination.

However, they were all swallowed up by the screaming space-time centipede in front of him?

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