
The archer set up a rocket and shot at Pei Zeyang, the fire broke out in an instant, dozens of people suddenly became burning people, struggling in the fire, the rest were not good, although the flame did not burn to them, but the scorching flames scorched them to nothing.

"Wind, sunny, rain, and dew, the four halls are optimistic. If anyone rushes out, they will be hacked to death, and the archers will shoot arrows and shoot all those who are not dead inside." Yin Kaishan looked at everything in front of him, very happily ordered.

"Follow your orders, helper."

The Bamboo Union gang members in the fire wailed, Pei Zeyang slashed left and right to block the arrows shot at him, then slapped the BMW on the crotch, looked at Yin Kaishan angrily, and shouted, "Brothers, Go ahead, kill that bastard Yin Kaishan with me."

"Arrow." Yin Kaishan stretched out his right hand, and the person beside him immediately handed an arrow, with a horse stride under his feet, holding a bow in his left hand, and placing the arrow on the bowstring in his right hand, drawing a full circle.


The arrow cut through the sea of ​​fire and went straight to Pei Zeyang.

"Uh, uh." Pei Zeyang fell down clutching his chest.

"Okay, tell them not to kill those who come down." Yin Kaishan instructed.


"Fire, fire, look at the second master." An incense owner pointed to the front and said.

"Fire, fire." Looking at the fire in front of him, Zhang Juzai was also stunned, and then said a little decadently.


"Yes, second master."

Chapter 11 The Bamboo Union Gang (Part [-])

On the other side, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen returned to Wei's house. At this time, Li Zhenwu did not recover from his injuries, so he forced the action of the meridian of thunder and punishment in his body to wreak havoc in his body.


A mouthful of blood spit out, Wei Zhenzhen watched as she wiped the corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth with her sleeve, and then helped Li Zhenwu to the bedside with concern, bandaged Li Zhenwu's wound, and said while bandaging, "Brother Li , are you alright?"

The pale Li Zhenwu shook his hand gently, "It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing the blood spitting out from Li Zhenwu, Wei Zhenzhen pointed and said in a slightly weeping tone, "But, this blood?"

Looking at Wei Zhenzhen, who was a little frightened, Li Zhenwu forced to pretend that he was okay, "This is congestion, just forced out, it's okay."

Wei Zhenzhen was still a little worried, and continued to say, "Really?"

"Really, it's true, Zhenzhen, I'm hungry, let's warm up the food, let's eat." Looking at Wei Zhenzhen, he still didn't quite believe it, Li Zhenwu could only say that he was hungry, and hoped that Wei Zhenzhen would not Confused about your injury.


At this time, Wei Zhenzhen's stomach rang, and then her face turned red with a snort. She was a little embarrassed, so she didn't bother about Li Zhenwu's injury, and ran to the kitchen with her pretty face blushing.


"Flapping, fluttering."

A pigeon flew onto Zhao Lingzhou's shoulder. Zhao Lingzhou took out a note from the pigeon's ankle and read it, "There is an ambush inside the Bamboo Lian Gang, be careful." After reading it, he walked to Yin Beside Kaishan.

"Lord, please see."

Yin Kaishan took the note and thought for a while, "Ambush, go or not?" Turning to ask Zhao Lingzhou.

"Go, how can we not go, we have three advantages to go now, first, we killed Pei Zeyang, and now the morale of the brothers is booming, second, when they died, the strength of the masters not only decreased, but also the morale plummeted, the third Well, plus we still have spies, so now is definitely the best time to go." Zhao Lingzhou analyzed Yin Kaishan.

After listening to Yin Kaishan slapped his thigh, he turned on his horse and waved the whip on his hand, "Brothers, go straight to the Zhulian Gang."

In fact, there is still a certain risk in going now, because only a few dozen people have died in the Bamboo Union Gang. Although their chief family is also dead, if they condense their thoughts now, they will not be able to fight.But if you don't go now, and wait until Zhang Ju stabilizes people's hearts, then it will be even more difficult to fight.

Zhao Lingzhou didn't tell the gang leader Yin Kaishan what he said in his heart, because he knew that Yin Kaishan was too careful. If he told him these words again, he might look ahead and miss the opportunity.

"Master, I think Zhang Ju is unlikely to surrender, so let the undercover detective kill him." Yin Kaishan immediately wiped his neck.

"Okay, I'll send someone to inform the spy immediately, and let him act as soon as we arrive."


Inside the Bamboo Union.

"Second Master, what should I do now?" The incense masters and the hall master below asked Zhang Ju, who was sitting on the upper hand.

Zhang Ju pressed his temples, looked at the panicked crowd, slapped the table and shouted loudly, "What are you afraid of? We still have so many people, are we afraid that they will come in?"

Zhang Ju's words made everyone below quiet down.

"Yes, yes, yes, we have so many people." The bottom was chattering.

"The three of you bring your brothers to guard the gate, you lead people to patrol, and you ask the brothers to prepare for the things, and then go down." After arranging everyone, Zhang Ju leaned on the back of the chair.

They will definitely come today. After all, the head of the family has just died, and if the people are not stable, the Zhuhua Gang will have been destroyed by Zhang Ju long ago.

Rubbing his temples, Zhang Ju suddenly stood up from the chair and walked back and forth a few steps, still muttering, "No, no, it's not right here."

"How could the other party know that eldest brother is going to Chunxiang Pavilion? With such a precise ambush, there is definitely a traitor among us." Zhang Ju said as if he understood something.

In fact, Zhang Ju also planted a traitor in the Zhuhua Gang, but it was soon discovered. When the body was brought over, Pei Zeyang told Zhang Ju not to let the brothers die again, and we had to win them in an upright manner.Then let Wang Zhi stare at him again, and he no longer has the time to arrange the traitor.

"You, come here." Zhang Ju pushed open the door and went out, looking at his men outside the door.

Zhang Ju looked at the men standing in front of him, hesitant in his heart, "How long have you been with me?"

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