"Zhenzhen, come and sit cross-legged." Li Zhenwu, who understood the road ahead, woke up at this time. Seeing that Zhenzhen was only at the level of a third-rate warrior, Li Zhenwu asked Wei Zhenzhen to sit cross-legged in front of him and decided to help Wei Zhenzhen. Zhenzhen Yijing washes the marrow.

After Li Zhenwu took a deep breath, he said, "Zhenzhen started!"

Vigorously exercising, the whole body immediately burst into colorful rays of light, and the infuriating energy was concentrated in the whole body and sent into Wei Zhenzhen's body.

Wei Zhenzhen was shocked at this moment, as if she was electrocuted, it was an indescribable strong feeling.

The Longevity True Qi that was fed into Wei Zhenzhen's body radiated unparalleled spiritual power. First, it merged with the True Qi in Wei Zhenzhen's body, and then continuously impacted and strengthened the meridians in her body.

"Don't try to resist, stick to the clearness of Lingtai's Zuqiao acupoint, stick to it, it will be completed soon." Li Zhenwu's voice came from his ear.

Wei Zhenzhen heard the words and was closely guarding the Lingtai, and felt that the 997 Longevity True Qi of He Shibi was more fierce and multiplied than the last time. in the body.

The colorful light faded, Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen who was still closing his eyes, and patted his shoulder, "Zhenzhen, it's alright."

"Ah, ah, ah." A scream came from Wei Zhenzhen's mouth.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a layer of black mud on his hands, smelling the stench from his body, Wei Zhenzhen called out immediately.

"Hehehehe, Zhenzhen is an impurity in your body, there's nothing to wash it." Looking at Wei Zhenzhen who suddenly shouted and blushed, Li Zhenwu couldn't help laughing, and then asked Wei Zhen Zhen explained.


On the other side, Yu Wenhua, who had returned to the camp, immediately ordered his subordinates to block Yangzhou immediately, and then went to search the vicinity of Shilong Dojo to see who went out that night.

But three days have passed, without the slightest discovery, Yu Wenhua thought about it carefully at this time, and sure enough, he was dazzled by anger three days ago. Since this person can receive Shilong's life-threatening blow, his cultivation base should be no better than that. Shilong is poor.

"Come here, have someone send me the information of all the masters in Yangzhou City right now." Yu Wenhua ordered.

Chapter 18 The Encirclement and Suppression of Yu Wenhua!

Li Zhenwu didn't know anything about Yu Wenhua and the arrangement, maybe even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.


After half a day, Zhang Shihe, a confidant of Yu Wenhuaji, came with a scroll, "Sir, all the information of the masters in Yangzhou City are all on this scroll, please take a look at it."

Yu Wenhua took the scroll from Zhang Shihe's hand and looked at it, "Yin Kaishan, the leader of the Bamboo Flower Gang, in the mid-Xiantian period;

Summoning Zhou, the military advisor of the Bamboo Flower Gang, in the early days of the innate;

Wu Xueyou, the sect master of Shenquan Sect, the middle stage of Xiantian;

Zhou Xin, the eldest disciple of Shilong, the innate early stage;

Wu Yu, a general in Yangzhou city, in the early days of innate;

Li Zhenwu, a loose person, suspected to be in the middle stage of congenital (external power);



"Are all the master materials here?" Yu Wenhua said, closing the scroll and knocking on the table.

"The masters who have appeared in Yangzhou City in the past few days are all on the scroll." Zhang Shihe replied.

"Okay, then send someone to invite them here." Yu Wenwen stood up and said, "Wait a minute, remember that you are asking, just say this official asked them to discuss something."

Zhang Shihe, who had just walked two or three steps, suddenly heard Yu Wenhua and spoke again, and hurriedly stopped to listen, "Xiaguan understands." Then he turned and left.

"I want to see who doesn't come. Those who don't come must have ghosts in their hearts, hum, the longevity formula will still be back in my hands." Yu Wenwen said confidently looking ahead.

"I don't know what brought us here?"

"Who knows?"

"I hope it's all right."


All the masters in Yangzhou were invited to the camp by Zhang Shihe. The masters who didn't know anything were discussing below, what was the matter with them.

At this time, Yu Wenhuaji suddenly walked into the camp, and when he saw the chaotic crowd, his eyes swept away.

Seeing that everyone was shocked, Yu Wenhua nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and asked Zhang Shihe, "Are you all there?"

"Reporting to my lord, three of them didn't arrive, one has been killed by his subordinates, and the remaining two subordinates are chasing them."

"So that they are all scattered! Bring me the information of the other three people." Yu Wenhua and the masters in the Yizhi camp said to Zhang Shihe, then turned and left.

"Tan Jing (death), in the early days of congenital, businessman;

Li Zhenwu, middle stage of congenital (external power), loose person;

Song Yichen, mid-Xiantian, scattered people;" Yu Wenhua looked at the documents handed over by Zhang Shihe. "Has the dead one been searched? "

"Master, I didn't find the longevity formula."

"Tell me more about the other two." Yu Wenhua pointed out the names of Li Zhenwu and Song Yichen.

"This Li Zhenwu came to Yangzhou about two years ago, was rescued by a man named Wei Zhenzhen and then stayed in Yangzhou. He is in his early twenties and is a master of foreign skills. He killed a congenital genius two years ago. At the beginning, I also had a good relationship with the Zhuhua Gang." Zhang Shihe pointed to Li Zhenwu's name, and then added Song Yichen's name, "The origin of this person has not been ascertained, but he came to Yangzhou three months ago, and has been He lives in the Yuelai Inn in Yangzhou, his movements are unknown, and he is suspected to be a member of the Demon Sect."

Yu Wenhua patted the table, "Okay, I will try my best to track down these two people, and then send someone to let the people from Yangzhou Prefecture help to track down."


Wei Zhenzhen, who had washed the sutras and changed the marrow, felt that after the transformation of the longevity infuriating qi just now, the infuriating qi in her body seemed to have changed from a puddle of water to a bottomless pool, with every acupoint, every meridian. , have all been reborn into treasures with limitless development potential, how can she not be ecstatic.

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