
"Please come with me, son." Xiaojuan led Li Zhenwu into the hall to sit down, poured a cup of tea for Li Zhenwu, and then stood behind Li Zhenwu.After a while, Shang Xiu Inquired came.

"Brother Li, I don't know what to do to find Xiuxun." Shang Xiuxun said, looking at Li Zhenwu, who was still drinking tea when he saw that he was coming.

"I'm here to invite Xiuxun. I'm going to cook in person tonight. I hope Xiuxun will appreciate your face." Li Zhenwu thought, so Lu Miaozi would have an explanation.

"The gentleman is far away from the kitchen. I didn't expect Brother Li to cook. Then Xiuxun will have a good taste of Brother Li's craftsmanship." Shang Xiuxun thought that Li Zhenwu was invited by Lu Miaozi, but he actually invited himself. Have a meal.Hearing that Li Zhenwu could cook, Shang Xiuxun's eyes lit up, and she agreed without thinking about the delicious food.

"What does Xiuxun like to eat? I'll be ready for dinner." Li Zhenwu listened to Shang Xiuxun's answer and asked.

"Xiu Xun doesn't have any special hobbies. Xiu Xun eats whatever brother Li is best at." Shang Xiu Xun seems to have no resistance to what he eats. He was a little sad when he came in just now, but now he seems to have forgotten about it. .

"That's good, I'll wait for Xiuxun to arrive at night." Li Zhenwu put down the teacup, handed over and prepared to leave.

"Xiaojuan, send Brother Li." Shang Xiuxun said to Xiaojuan, the maid who was standing behind Li Zhenwu.

Xiaojuan, the maid who was following Li Zhenwu, heard Li Zhenwu's address to Shang Xiuxun, and a huge wave surged in her heart. There has never been a man who called the owner's name directly, and then took a closer look at Li Zhenwu. , the appearance is not very handsome, it can only be regarded as above average, but why is the owner of the field so close to him.

"Senior Lu, I'm back." Li Zhenwu ran into Lu Miaozi's small building and shouted.

When Lu Miaozi heard Li Zhenwu's voice, he immediately dropped Wei Zhenzhen, who was still listening to his lectures. He practiced Qinggong, floated out, pulled Li Zhenwu and asked eagerly, "Do you know what Xiuxun wants to eat? ?"

Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi in front of him, thinking about continuing to extort and extort, "But I still need a few hidden weapons and arrows. I don't know where to get them?"

Lu Miaozi stared angrily when he heard this, "No, the old man is gone."

"Then I can't remember." Li Zhenwu said rogue.

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen came out from the inside. She had never heard such a rogue speech from Li Zhenwu. Wei Zhenzhen wanted to laugh a little, "Brother Li, you should tell the master." Wei Zhenzhen also knew from Li Zhenwu's mouth. What happened between Lu Miaozi and Shang Xiuxun, so she opened her mouth, always soft-hearted.

Seeing that Wei Zhenzhen also came out, Li Zhenwu had no choice but to give up, "Okay, Senior Lu, let me go, Zhenzhen don't stare at me like that, I said, I said." With a glance, Li Zhenwu gave up and continued to blackmail Lu Miaozi.

As soon as Lu Miaozi heard this, he hurriedly prepared a pen and paper to record it, "Come on."

"Mall owner, there is no specific favorite food, but I heard her voice is hoarse, it is better to prepare some light food." Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi who even took out a pen and paper and replied.

"That's all? That's all?" Lu Miaozi asked repeatedly.

Li Zhenwu nodded, "Well, that's all."

"Why don't I go in person?" Lu Miaozi threw the pen and paper in his hand and walked back.

"Zhenzhen, come and help the teacher wash the dishes." Lu Miaozi, who suddenly turned around, looked at Li Zhenwu who was holding Wei Zhenzhen's hand, and said with a smug and cheerful tone.

"I...I, I knew I wouldn't ask for him." Li Zhenwu stomped his feet angrily.

Chapter 36 The Night Banquet

"Come here, Zhenzhen, take out the food in the lunch box." After Li Zhenwu went to the kitchen to pretend, he hurried to the back mountain, packed the food prepared by Lu Miaozi and brought it back to his room, and put the food on the table as soon as he entered the door. , said to Wei Zhenzhen.

"Okay, Big Brother Li, go and call the owner of the store." Wei Zhenzhen put the meals on the table one by one from the lunch box, turned her head and said to Li Zhenwu.

"Well, then I'll go first." Li Zhenwu looked at the busy Wei Zhenzhen and said.


"I didn't expect Brother Li's craftsmanship to be quite good. Although I haven't eaten it yet, I can tell by smelling the fragrance and looking at the appearance of the dish that it must be delicious." Shang Xiuxun said while looking at the dish on the table.

There are eight kinds of dishes on the table, such as refreshing stir-fry, vegetarian three-fresh, green vegetables and mushrooms. It was a throat-clearing and cooling soup specially prepared by Lu Miaozi, which was specially prepared to treat Shang Xiuxun's hoarse voice.

"That Xiuxun, don't just look at it, try the taste to see if it suits your taste." Li Zhenwu's face blushed by Shang Xiuxun's remarks, and he quickly changed the subject.

"Yes, the owner of the store, try it." Wei Zhenzhen also said quickly, after all, this was Lu Miaozi's meticulous preparation for an afternoon, and Wei Zhenzhen desperately wanted Shang Xiuxun to eat Lu Miaozi's food.

Shang Xiu Xun sat down and picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of green bamboo shoots, and put them in his mouth, "It's really delicious, pure and tender but not old, it feels slippery when you eat it, the green bamboo shoots seem to be eaten by meat. The soup has been fried, thick and not greasy, this is the best green bamboo shoots I have ever eaten." Shang Xiuxun took a sip, and it was extremely indecent, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and then praised.

"What about these?" Wei Zhenzhen pointed to the other dishes on the table and asked Shang Xiu.

Shang Xiuxun really likes food. She has never been unreasonable. After tasting the first dish, she immediately picked up her chopsticks and tasted all the dishes again, and she was impressed with each dish.

"Hey, why don't you guys eat?" Shang Xiuxun said shyly when she saw that neither Zhen Wu nor Wei Zhenzhen had moved their chopsticks, she couldn't help but have a faint red glow all over her face.

Originally, this was Lu Miaozi's intention to ask Shang Xiu, but Li Zhenwu borrowed flowers to offer Buddha to treat guests.

"Hmm." But when they suddenly heard Shang Xiuxun ask them, Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen nodded at the same time, picked up chopsticks, and put a bite of the dish in their mouths.

"It's delicious, it's not bad for Lu..." Li Zhenwu took a bite of the food made by Lu Miaozi, and it was so delicious that he couldn't help but bald his mouth, but fortunately he responded quickly, so he quickly covered it up. .

"Lu, what is Lu?" Shang Xiuxun asked with some doubts while holding the vegetables.

"It's nothing, I said just now that this dish is really worthy of being braised." Li Zhenwu was worthy of being an old fried dough stick, and with a slight turn of his head, he made up a suitable reason, but Wei Zhenzhen was not suitable for lying, so he stopped Li Zhenwu With this sentence, I buried my head low, as if I wanted to stuff my head into my rice bowl.

"No, what you said just now was definitely not simmering. Otherwise, why would Miss Zhenzhen lower her head so low? Is there something she's hiding from me?" Shang Xiuxun quickly saw from Wei Zhenzhen's actions that Li Zhenwu just lied.

Sure enough, how can you cook with such a powerful martial arts?These dishes should be made by Miss Zhenzhen, so she buried her head so low to cover up Miss Zhenzhen, so Shang Xiuxun hurriedly asked, hoping to see Li Zhenwu make a fool of himself.

"There is nothing to hide from you, Zhenzhen just eats like this all the time." Li Zhenwu defended.

"This is what Master Lu did for you." Unfortunately, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't hide it. She, who would never lie to others, said these words at the same time when Li Zhenwu spoke.

Shang Xiu Xun deserves to be Shang Xiu Xun, just after hearing the word Lu Shi, he quickly locked Lu Miaozi in the back mountain. Just think of him.

Then he put his chopsticks on the bowl angrily, ready to turn around and leave.

At this time, seeing Shang Xiuxun who was about to leave, Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help panicking. If she hadn't spoken just now, she probably wouldn't have left, so Wei Zhenzhen pulled Shang Xiuxun's clothes to stop her...

This afternoon, Wei Zhenzhen helped Lu Miaozi, watching Lu Miaozi choose dishes, stir-fry, and finally cook them all afternoon. Now these eight dishes and this pot of soup are on the table. .

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