"This is..." Moonlight Gale hesitated, because of the pill in his hand, he didn't know what it was for.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you, or I won't save you." Li Zhenwu said.

This pill is actually a medicine he just bought from the system's exchange page.

Li Zhenwu's Saiyan system can exchange all the products of the 'Dragon Ball' world.

And Li Zhenwu just exchanged a medicine that can treat hemolysis with the system.

Moonlight Blast thought about Li Zhenwu's words, and felt that it was true, so he threw the medicine into his mouth with no doubt, and swallowed it.

However, just after the pill was swallowed, a wonderful feeling came out from the depths of the body.

Healthy feeling!The sick body that has been inherited from birth is now healthy!

"This, this..." Moonlight Blaze's body trembled and trembled, but it was because of excitement, a healthy feeling that he had never experienced since birth, but now he felt it!

A pill is swallowed, and my life is up to me.Li Zhenwu looked at Moonlight Blast's reaction, and thought with some wickedness in his heart that these two sentences could describe the current Moonlight Blast.

The medicines produced by the system are indeed very good. One of them will almost heal the hemolysis of Moonlight Blaze, and the rest is Moonlight Blaze to mend up his empty body for many years, and then he can completely restore his health.

Sand Ninja Murakami Ninja Maki saw this scene, and saw that the two turned a blind eye to him, especially when Li Zhenwu turned back, there was a bit of ruthless light in his eyes.

"Now is an opportunity."

The ruthless color flashed, and Maki suddenly saved, with a blue Wind Dunchuck in his hand, holding a handful of Kunai, and stabbed Li Zhenwu fiercely!

"Be careful!" Moonlight Gale suddenly exclaimed, and he saw Markey's movements.


Markey's movements suddenly stopped, or abruptly stopped, because there was a finger blocking his movement and his arm!

That's right, it's a finger!

Sand Ninja Murakami Ninja Maki was holding Kunai in his hand, and he was going to take advantage of Li Zhenwu's turn to look at the moonlight blast, to pierce the back of Kunwu's back...

But at this moment, a finger was blocking his wrist, and he had nowhere to use his strength.

Li Zhenwu easily blocked Maki with just one index finger!

"This..." Moonlight Gale was stunned, seeing this terrifying scene.

Just now, he was almost killed by Maki himself, but now, Li Zhenwu blocked the Maki who almost killed him in a single finger!

"Who is it... who has such terrifying strength." Moonlight Gale murmured to himself.

And Li Zhenwu didn't answer him, Li Zhenwu was saying lightly at this moment: "I gave you a chance, if you didn't take action just now, you might still have a slight chance of life, but now, there is none at all! "

... Haruno Sakura woke up in the morning, and after eating, she was going to go to Ino's flower shop. She was going to buy two bouquets of flowers, and then went to the hospital to see patients.

There are two people she wants to visit.

One is her teammate Sasuke Uchiha, who was sent to the hospital because of the curse mark of Orochimaru in 2.3.

The other one, who came to visit by the way, was a ninja named Li Locke, the cousin of 'that lord', who was also from the same village and was warm-hearted.

Li Luo was in the preliminaries with Gaara yesterday, but Li Rock, a pure physique ninja who has attracted attention because of his 'special status', was defeated by Gaara yesterday, because of Gaara's sandstorm defense, Almost let his physique boyfriend come into play.

Haruno Sakura went to Ino's flower shop, and Ino went to the hospital with him.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found that Sasuke was not in the hospital, but when they arrived at Xiao Li's ward, they found that there was already someone else in Xiao Li's ward.

(Ah, I can't stand it, there is no fifth watch, the heart is uncomfortable when I go to bed and stay up late.)

Chapter one hundred and sixty-two fairy beans (first)

Early in the morning, above a certain building, there was a ninja wearing an animal mask, surrounded by a corpse lying quietly among them.

"This is the sand ninja from the sand ninja village. This time, he brought a team to participate in the chunin selection test, Maki."

An Anbu ninja with a rabbit moon white mask on his face, his voice did not fluctuate.

"There are no clues. Maki's appearance is intact, but the internal organs of the body have actually been smashed by a general scream." Another Anbu continued.

"Is it Orochimaru?" Anbu Ninja asked.

"I can't rule out such a possibility."

"Need to report Hokage quickly to avoid causing a diplomatic incident."

"Find out who came here yesterday."

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino brought two bunches of flowers and came to the hospital at 21 to see patients. One was Haruno Sakura's teammate Uchiha Sasuke, and the other was injured Li Locke who was also in the qualifiers.

In the preliminaries, Li Luo encountered Gaara from Sand Ninja Village. Although his physical skills were powerful, he even opened the 'Eight Gates', but in the end he did not defeat Gaara, who is a two-tailed man. .

Li Luo's failure caused many Konoha ninjas to sigh slightly, some sighed.

Because Li Luo's identity is special, his cousin is a legendary figure of Konoha.

Therefore, many people also looked at Li Luo, thinking that Li Luo could easily stand out in the Chunin selection test, but the results were jaw-dropping.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino came to the hospital, and the first to visit was their teammate, Uchiha Sasuke.

But in the ward, it was empty and there was no trace of Sasuke.

Haruno Sakura had no choice but to go with her friend Yamanaka Ino to visit the cousin of 'that adult', Li Locke.

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