"Okay, don't try the sword in this old man's place. It's dawn. The old man won't let you eat breakfast here. Get the hell out of here." Although Lu Miaozi marveled at the power of Li Zhenwu's sword, after all, he was very knowledgeable. Guang, so looking at Li Zhenwu who was still there, ready to strike another sword, he quickly sent him back.

"Oops, the sun is out." After hearing Lu Miaozi's voice, Li Zhenwu looked at the sun and said something.

"Senior Lu, I'll go first." Li Zhenwu used his light energy and ran back like a lightning bolt.


"Zhenzhen, you're awake." Seeing Wei Zhenzhen dressed neatly and standing at Li Zhenwu's door, Li Zhenwu said.

"Yeah." Wei Zhenzhen nodded, why did Wei Zhenzhen run to Li Zhenwu's door so early in the morning, because she knew that Li Zhenwu would leave after she settled down, and she was afraid that Li Zhenwu would leave without saying goodbye , that's why he stood at Li Zhenwu's door early in the morning and waited for him.

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhenwu carefully, saw the sword in Li Zhenwu's hand, and said to Li Zhenwu, "What a beautiful sword, Brother Li got it from Master Lu."

As expected of Lu Miaozi, he is really versatile, not only guaranteeing the quality of the sword, but also the appearance of the sword is so beautiful.

"Well, I made a deal with Senior Lu this morning with a piece of good news, and this sword was used by Senior Lu to exchange news." Li Zhenwu raised the Hanyue in his hand, shook it, and then looked at Wei Zhenzhen said.

"What good news?" Wei Zhenzhen asked curiously. I still remember that yesterday, Master Lu was still reluctant to give anything to Big Brother Li, but today he gave such a beautiful sword to Big Brother Li. What news, this news caught Wei Zhenzhen's mind.

Then Li Zhenwu told Wei Zhenzhen the ins and outs of the matter, and Wei Zhenzhen also happily said at this time, "It's really great, Master Lu's efforts are finally not in vain."

Then he kept saying to himself, when Lu Miaozi was cooking yesterday, how serious he was, how many times he cooked, kept tasting and kept dissatisfied, so much so that Shang Xiuxun's maid brought breakfast to him. Come on, Wei Zhenzhen didn't see it either.

"Okay, let's go eat." Li Zhenwu suddenly heard Wei Zhenzhen's stomach growl, and then pointed to the food that was just delivered and said.

Wei Zhenzhen was blushing because of her belly. She didn't expect such a shameful thing to be seen by Big Brother Li, and she really wanted to go underground.

Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen, who was blushing, and sat down at the table, put a spoon in the porridge for Wei Zhenzhen, and handed it to Wei Zhenzhen, only then did he start eating for the real opposite.

Wei Zhenzhen didn't raise her head the whole time, kept her head down and ate silently. After filling her stomach in a hurry, she told Li Zhenwu that she was going to study at Lu Miaozi, and then ran out.

"Hahaha." Li Zhenwu laughed happily when he saw Wei Zhenzhen running away.


At night, Wei Zhenzhen brought the food made by Lu Miaozi, and Shang Xiuxun seemed to smell the fragrance. Not long after Wei Zhenzhen entered the door, Shang Xiuxun also came in.

It turned out that Shang Xiuxun had been sending people to look at the back mountain. When Wei Zhenzhen came down from the back mountain with a lunch box, Shang Xiuxun was waiting for Wei Zhenzhen outside Li Junwu's door, so he walked back and forth. Enter the door.

"Xiuxun came on time today. Zhenzhen just came in, and you came." Li Zhenwu joked, looking at Shang Xiuxun who entered the door with Wei Zhenzhen.

"Brother Li, it's just a coincidence." Shang Xiuxun immediately retorted, there is a feeling that there is no silver [-] taels here.

"Okay, coincidence, coincidence." Although Li Zhenwu said coincidence, but the smile on his face did not fade.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at Shang Xiuxun and Li Zhenwu, listened to the conversation between them, and felt that the relationship between them was getting better and better. Wei Zhenzhen couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. Moderate look until dinner is over.

After dinner, Shang Xiuxun stayed with Li Zhenwu to chat for a while. When someone came to report, Shang Xiuxun hurriedly left.

Li Zhenwu was sitting in the room wiping the sword, while Wei Zhenzhen was helping Li Zhenwu make the bed there. Then Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen's back and wanted to say leave, but he couldn't open his mouth.

After all, I have been with Wei Zhenzhen for two years, and I understand my position in Wei Zhenzhen's heart, but I have to leave. The destiny on my body is a catalyst. Even if I don't leave now, I will leave in the future, so I made up my mind. opened his mouth.

"Zhenzhen, I'm going to leave tomorrow."

When Wei Zhenzhen heard Li Zhenwu's words, the movements of her hands couldn't help but stop.

Chapter 39 Return to Yangzhou

In fact, when he arrived at the Pegasus Ranch, Wei Zhenzhen had already made preparations for Li Zhenwu to leave, but the preparations were just preparations after all. When he heard the news, Wei Zhenzhen felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Li, when are you leaving tomorrow?" Wei Zhenzhen asked softly as usual.

Because she didn't want Li Zhenwu to worry, she spoke in the same tone as usual, but despite this, Li Zhenwu still saw Wei Zhenzhen's body stiffen.

Li Zhenwu walked to the bedside, hugged Wei Zhenzhen gently from behind, and said, "Don't worry, Zhenzhen, I will solve the wanted matter soon, and I will pick you up."

"Yeah." Wei Zhenzhen rested her head on Li Zhenwu's chest. Although she was reluctant, she still nodded.

"Okay, Zhenzhen, go and rest." Li Zhenwu said after embracing each other for a while.

Wei Zhenzhen shook her head gently, stretched out her hands and hugged Li Zhenwu tightly, "I won't go back, will I be your bride today?"

For Wei Zhenzhen, who has always been traditionally shy, before she married Li Zhenwu, she even hugged at the beginning because Wei Zhenzhen was not good enough to let Li Zhenwu hug her. Unexpectedly, she said such a thing today. .

747 Actually, there are two reasons why Wei Zhenzhen said this today. The first reason is because Li Zhenwu is leaving, and the second reason is because of some careful thoughts of Wei Zhenzhen.

What are you thinking about?It is because the relationship between Shang Xiuxun and Li Zhenwu is getting better and better. Although Wei Zhenzhen is a good girl and an ancient girl, how can a woman not be jealous.

Although Li Zhenwu and Fu Junxi had been together for a while in the past, Li Zhenwu was always Gaoli Bangzi in front of Wei Zhenzhen. Gaoli Bangzi called Fu Junxi, and Fu Junxi was cold, so the two stopped at acquaintance, so at that time. Wei Zhenzhen had no sense of urgency.

But there was a noble, beautiful, lively and lovely Shang Xiuxun, and Wei Zhenzhen was under pressure. For the past two or three days, every time she saw Li Zhenwu and Shang Xiuxun chatting together, Wei Zhenzhen felt in her heart. It was sour, so I decided to be Li Zhenwu's bride tonight.

Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen with reluctance in his eyes, understood what she was thinking, picked Wei Zhenzhen up and put him on the bed.

Li Zhenwu gently caressed Wei Zhenzhen's cheek and kissed his mouth slowly. Those lips that made people's souls tremble, the sweet feeling filled the hearts of the two of them, and also drove the fiery hearts of the two of them. , slowly burning up.

After a while, the two of them untied all the restraints on their bodies. Li Zhenwu held Wei Zhenzhen's plump body and felt every inch of her skin gently. Then the two merged together until Zhenzhen could no longer bear it. During the expedition, Li Zhenwu slowly fell asleep holding Zhenzhen in front of him.


The next morning outside the Pegasus Ranch, Li Zhenwu rode on his horse and looked at Wei Zhenzhen, Shang Xiuxun, and Lu Miaozi.

Lu Miaozi looked at his disciple and his daughter, both watching Li Zhenwu's back, scolded in a low voice, this kid is really a bastard, and then said to the second daughter, "Let's go, after all, he will come back."

The two nodded, then said "um" and returned to the ranch.

Li Zhenwu who returned to Yangzhou City, but Yangzhou is not called Yangzhou at this time, but Jiangdu, because since Yang Guang moved to Yangzhou City, Yangzhou was designated as the capital by Yang Guang, and it was renamed Jiangdu since then.

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