"Stop, step back and get out for me." Yuwen Cheng shouted when he heard these Sui Bing's words.

The innkeeper watched Sui Bing retreat, then stepped forward and asked, "Master, the thief has caught him."

Sui Bing, who was reprimanded, was full of anger, and suddenly heard the question from the innkeeper. At this time, one of the Sui soldiers shouted, "Beat him." Then all the Sui soldiers began to beat the innkeeper.

"Hey, Lord Jun, spare your life, ah, spare your life..." the innkeeper shouted.

Chapter 41

For Yuwen Chengdu's invitation, Li Zhenwu did not agree immediately, but accompanies Yuwen Chengdu to drink and fight every day, and slowly increase his relationship.

Every day Yuwen Chengdu invited Li Zhenwu to join his subordinates, until half a month later, Li Zhenwu felt the time was right, and then joined the Xiaoguo army led by Yuwen Chengdu.

Isn't that old saying?Men have four irons. They went to the window together, went to prostitutes together, served as a soldier together, and spent time in prison together. Therefore, if you join Yuwen Chengdu's subordinates, it is best to join him in the army, so as to get closer. In addition, Xiaoguo Army is one of the few elite troops under Yang Guang's command. If they can win one or two, it will be of great help in the future.

"Come and see the men I'm leading." After Li Zhenwu agreed to join Yuwen Chengdu's command, Yuwen Chengdu took Li Zhenwu to the camp, and then pointed to the soldiers who were practicing.

"Sure enough, he is a strong general. If I had such soldiers and horses in the past, I would still need to come here." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but admire the strong generals now, but he still did not forget the tone of the bandit's words.

"Okay, then come into the tent with me and find a suit for you." Yuwen Cheng patted the armor on his body and said to Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, I have long been jealous of your armor."


Yuwen valve

The owner, Yu Wenshang, sat in the hall and said to the man kneeling on the ground, "Have you found out the news about the man who appeared next to Chengdu?"

"Return to the owner, please read." Then he handed a piece of paper to Yu Wenshang.

"Zhou Yu, thirty-six years old, the chief village owner of the thirteen villages in Taibai Mountain. He is highly skilled in martial arts. He was destroyed by the army led by Li Shentong, the Li clan, half a year ago. After that, his whereabouts are unknown." Write it, and then think about it.Fortunately, there is no problem with this person's identity. In this case, it is okay to keep him by Chengdu to help out.

After all, a master like Yuwen Chengdu suddenly appeared in Jiangdu, and he encountered Yuwen Chengdu by coincidence. If the Yuwen clan did not investigate, then there would be a problem.Fortunately, Li Zhenwu didn't follow his original plan at the beginning, otherwise, when he served the fruit, it would be his death.

This is the thinking of that era. After all, there is a very big gap between the nobles and the commoners.The clan aristocrats look down on the commoners. For everything about them, those aristocrats want to control everything in their own hands, and do not want to appear that they cannot control. Therefore, Lu Miaozi's mask and materials allow Li Zhenwu's undercover mission to be successful. proceed.

"But it seems that Chengdu has not made any achievements in political affairs. It seems that Wudi has to be sent to the court. Hey, after Hua Ji died, I didn't expect that my Yuwen clan would not even have any available people." Yuwen injured stared at the picture for a while. paper, and then I thought to myself, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and then I crumpled the piece of paper into a ball of paper.

Yu Wenhua and Yunwen Yunwu are indispensable people of the Yuwen clan, but now the representative of the Yuwen clan, Yuwen Chengdu, is just a reckless man.

Because there was no construction on the court, and there was no way to better understand Yang Guang's intentions, he was sent to the army by Yang Guang because he was a member of the Yuwen clan.

"That little thief who killed Hua Ji, wait for this old man. After this old man breaks through, watch him peel and cramp you, and let you know who in the world can't offend you." Yu Wenshang's eyes released a vicious look at this time. said coldly.

"Go and call Chengdu over." Yuwen hurt with a wave of his hand.


In the Xiaoguo Army camp, there were two people competing on the school grounds, surrounded by soldiers watching the competition, and they kept shouting from the soldiers' mouths.

"Why not? I said that I didn't eat that day, otherwise I would beat you to the ground." Li Zhenwu held the knife and looked at Yuwencheng who was kicked to the ground by himself. .

"Hmph, I was just careless just now." Then a carp jumped up in Yuwencheng and rushed towards Li Zhenwu again.

Then the two played ping-pong together. The scene was really flying sand and stone. Even the surrounding soldiers fell a layer of soil. It can be seen how deep the two people's kung fu...

"Report, the general lord invites you to go back."

After Yuwen Chengdu heard this, he lowered his head and scolded him for being boring, and then said to Li Zhenwu, "I'll go first, let's have a test when I come back."

"Hahaha, you can't beat Lao Tzu when you come back." Li Zhenwu said to Yuwen Chengdu, who was leading the horse.

"Then you just wait." Yuwen Cheng said viciously, then got on his horse and left without looking back.

"Chengdu, what do you think about that Zhou Yu?" Yuwenshang asked after Yuwencheng sat down.

"Zhou Yu, he is a good opponent with good martial arts." Yuwen thought for a while, and then said the answer.

"Chengdu, what I'm asking is if he really joins the Yuwen clan, not his martial arts." Yuwenshang said with some hatred of iron and steel. As a member of the clan, how can people be so superficial?

"Well, it should be." Yuwen Chengdu was also a little unsure, whether Li Zhenwu was in the end, so he said this lingering remark.

"Look at this." Yuwenshang crumpled up Zhou Yu's information just now and threw it to Yuwen Chengdu.

"Go down and take a good look at his mind. If he sincerely joins my Yuwen clan, then 3.6 will be compiled under your command first."

Yuwen opened the piece of paper, then looked at Zhou Yu's information, "This is the same as what I know, so he didn't lie to me if he said that, it should be sincere."

"Forget it, forget it, you can go down first." Looking at Yuwen Chengdu, who was still a little dumbfounded, at this time Yuwen hurt a little bit and missed Yu Wencheng, and then waved his hand to let Yuwen Chengdu retire.

At this time, Yuwenshang really feels that there are not many people available to their Yuwen clan. Yuwen Chengdu and Yuwen are invincible. They have errands in Yang Guang, so they can't do many things, and the rest are unbearable. I used it, and then took out an invitation card for "Piaoxiang" from behind. Who should I send this?

Chapter 42 The owner Yuwen is injured!

A few days later, Li Zhenwu gradually counted a lot of subordinates because of the bandit he pretended to be, heroic and strong in martial arts.

"Zhou Yu, come back to Yuwen's house with me." Yuwen Chengdu said while pulling Li Zhenwu, who was training soldiers.

"What's the matter?" Although Li Zhenwu was very happy at this time, he still pretended to be suspicious.

"The lord will see you." Yuwen Chengdu pulled Li Zhenwu out of the camp gate. Two BMWs had already been prepared outside the camp gate. Yuwen Chengdu pointed to a BMW and answered Li Zhenwu's question.

Although Li Zhenwu desperately wanted to break into the Yuwen clan, Li Zhenwu was unwilling. He saw Yuwenshang so soon. After all, Yuwenshang is an old fox, and it is not easy to be deceived. bad.

Originally, Li Zhenwu's plan was to participate in the Yuwen Clan's mission to gain more favors, but the plan always came without change.

"Hello, Lord Yuwen." Li Zhenwu asked, looking at Yuwen, who was seven feet tall, about fifty years old, and dressed in silk and satin.

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