The two then asked and answered in the room, chatting until dawn.

Chapter 55 The Pasture Status!

"It's dawn." Li Zhenwu looked up at the sun outside the window, and said to Li Jing when it entered the guest room of the inn.

"The lord is really talented." After a night of Li Zhenwu's nonsense, Li Jing seemed to be brainwashed, and his thoughts were greatly impacted. The avant-garde tactical concepts and avant-garde political concepts made Li Jing feel that he had benefited overnight. shallow.

"The pharmacist's words are serious. I can be regarded as a great talent. If the pharmacist is willing, I can introduce the pharmacist to a real great talent and let the pharmacist learn from him." Li Zhenwu said with embarrassment when he heard Li Jing's praise. At this moment, I suddenly thought that I was just preparing to fight for the world. Why don't Li Jing go to Lu Miaozi~ and study hard.

"I don't know who the lord wants his subordinates to worship?" Li Jing hurriedly asked when he heard this.

"I wonder if Lu Miaozi, the best genius in the world, can be the master of the pharmacist?" Li Zhenwu looked at the eager Li Jing and said.

"My lord, really? Can you really let me go to the door of Senior Lu Miaozi?" Li Jing said incredulously. After all, no one in the world knows about Lu Miaozi's thaumaturgy.

"of course."

"But my lord, from Wagang Village." Although Li Jing wanted to study more, he said hesitantly, thinking of Li Zhenwu's plan.

"It doesn't matter, I can handle the matter in Wagang Village, plus your martial arts skills..." Li Zhenwu persuaded.

"But..." Li Jing seemed to want to say something else, but unfortunately he saw Li Zhenwu's hand pressing down.

"I'll write a letter now. Pharmacist, you should concentrate on studying at Senior Lu Miaozi." After speaking, Li Zhenwu walked to the table and spread out a piece of paper to write.

After a while, Li Zhenwu handed the three letters to Li Jing, and said to Li Jing, "There are three letters here. Senior Lu Miaozi lives in the Pegasus Ranch. This letter is for the owner Shang Xiu. This one is for a girl named Wei Zhenzhen, and the last one is for Senior Lu Miaozi."

Li Zhenwu introduced the letters in his hand to Li Jing one by one, and then let Li Jing put them away.

"By the way, if the pharmacist goes to the Pegasus Ranch, discuss it with Senior Lu Miaozi and see if he can train an elite soldier there."

Li Jing took the letter from Li Zhenwu and put it in his arms, thinking that the world-famous senior Lu Miaozi actually lived in Pegasus Ranch.

"Yes, lord." Hearing that Li Zhenwu asked himself to see if he could train at the Pegasus Ranch, Li Jing also started to gossip at this time. He didn't expect the lord to have an affair with the owner of the Pegasus Ranch. Otherwise, it would be a matter of training troops. , and he won't just let himself discuss with Lu Miaozi.

In fact, although Li Zhenwu has a good relationship with Shang Xiusun, it has not reached that level. It is only because Li Jing did not understand that the relationship between Shang Xiusun and Lu Miaozi is a father-daughter relationship, so he misunderstood the relationship between Li Zhenwu and Shang Xiusun. Relationship.

"That's fine, I won't send you the pharmacist." Li Zhenwu pointed to Susu's room and said to Li Jing.


"Master Lu, is there any news about Brother Li today?" Since Yang Guang died, Lu Miaozi never told Wei Zhenzhen about Li Zhenwu's whereabouts. Wei Zhenzhen was very worried, so she came to Lu Miaozi every day to ask questions. a bit.

"That stinky boy still needs you to worry, he can get out of his body even after killing Yang Guang, and he can't go anywhere." Lu Miaozi knew all about Li Zhenwu's actions in Jiangdu through the information sent by Jiangdu every day, but since then After Li Zhenwu left Jiangdu, Lu Miaozi never heard from Li Zhenwu again.

During this period of time, Li Zhenwu hurried on the road day and night and never entered the city, so Lu Miaozi's spies had no whereabouts of Li Zhenwu.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about that stinky boy, the teacher will help you continue looking for it, come and study first." Lu Miaozi looked at Wei Zhenzhen, who was still worried about Li Zhenwu, and said comfortingly.

"Yes, Master Lu." Although Lu Miaozi comforted Wei Zhenzhen, Wei Zhenzhen's face was still full of worry, thinking in her heart, there has been no news from Big Brother Li for more than ten days, I don't know Big Brother Li is here now where?How's it going?

"Report, report to the owner, there is a Mr. Li outside the door asking to see you." Pegasus Ranch's secret agent reported back.

"Xiaojuan immediately went to Houshan to find Sister Zhenzhen." When Shang Xiuxun heard the news, he immediately said to the maid next to him.

After Li Zhenwu left, Wei Zhenzhen became a bridge of communication between Shang Xiuxun and Lu Miaozi. The two met every day, so they gradually became best friends.

Outside the Pegasus Ranch, Li Jing was waiting outside. After a while, Li Jing saw several people riding horses, led by two women.

Shang Xiuxun was stunned when she saw Li Jing. She thought it was Li Zhenwu, but she didn't expect a man she didn't know, so she asked, "I don't know who the son is? Come to my Pegasus Ranch. What's the matter?"

"Mall owner, this is the letter that my lord asked me to give you." Li Jing took out a letter from his arms and sent it to Shang Xiusun, then turned to Wei Zhenzhen next to him and said, "This is Wei Zhenzhen. Mistress?"

Wei Zhenzhen nodded, and then Li Jing handed the letter that Li Zhenwu wrote to Wei Zhenzhen to Wei Zhenzhen, and said, "This is the letter from the lord to you."

Shang Xiuxun and Wei Zhenzhen were a little puzzled when they heard Li Jing's reply, but they still read the letter out of courtesy. After reading it, they realized that the protagonist Li Jing was talking about was Li Zhenwu, and then invited Li Jing to enter the Pegasus Ranch.

After the two asked about Li Zhenwu's current situation, Shang Xiuxun then said, "Since Brother Li asked you to learn art with him, then let Sister Zhenzhen take you there."

Then Wei Zhenzhen took Li Jing to the back mountain, and Li Jing handed the last letter to Lu Miaozi. Lu Miaozi opened the letter and read it, and then said to Li Jing, "Since you were introduced by that stinky boy, you can learn How much is up to you is up to you."

Li Jing had always been uneasy when he entered the Pegasus Ranch, because he was afraid that Lu Miaozi would not accept him. Now that he heard Lu Miaozi's words, Li Jing finally let go of his hanging heart, and then quickly knelt on the ground and called him "Master". .

Chapter 56 Xingyang City

After Li Zhenwu sent Li Jing away, he was very worried about Susu, their young lady, and said that he would go back to Xingyang immediately. Li Zhenwu and Susu set off for Xingyang-Wagangzhai on the grounds of concern.

When Li Zhenwu and Speed ​​arrived in Xingyang, it was already five days later. Xingyang was originally just a small town, but when Wagangzhai occupied it as their own nest, Xingyang was expanded and expanded, standing at the door Look, it is only a little smaller than Yangzhou City.

Outside the city gate stood Wagang Army soldiers dressed in cyan. A checkpoint was set up at the gate, and everyone who entered and exited had to be questioned. Many people were even taken away. Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu thought to himself, the contradiction between Zhai Rang and Li Mi is probably already revealed now, right?

"Miss Susu, wait for me here for a while." Li Zhenwu said to Susu beside him, and then Susu nodded, indicating to wait here.

After a while, Li Zhenwu bought a carriage, and then bought four tall horses to drive the carriage.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly. In addition to the soldiers who came and went to interrogate people, they were still in high spirits. Many soldiers on guard looked tired and slack, but when they saw a carriage like Li Zhenwu, the soldiers who were interrogating there immediately It's like Li Zhenwu came here and shouted loudly, "Stop."

Li Zhenwu didn't speak, just took out a piece of silver from his body and threw it at the soldier who was about to question him.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, but looked at the silver thrown into his arms, looked at it carefully, then stuffed it into his arms and said to Li Zhenwu who was on the carriage, "Master, please come in, brothers, help this son. clear the way."

Sure enough, money can make a ghost grind a mill. Li Zhenwu’s silver ingot was as much as fifty taels. At that time, fifty taels was enough for a family of four, and it cost a whole three to five years. It is conceivable that the soldier got After this amount of money, it is not surprising that there is such a performance.

A few soldiers heard it, and immediately went over to push Juluma away, and let Li Zhenwu's carriage enter Xingyang City.Just after the carriage passed the city gate, Li Zhenwu then threw out another piece of silver, held the reins of the horse and drove the horse away slowly.

"Miss Susu, which way are you going?" Li Zhenwu waited after passing the city gate, opened the curtain of the carriage, and said to Susu.

"Eunuch, the young lady lives in the place where the prefect's mansion used to be. The maid has never been out, so she doesn't know the way." Susu replied timidly. After Li Zhenwu heard it, he jumped out of the carriage and looked for it on the road beside him. A passer-by asked the road clearly, and then walked slowly with the carriage.

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