But before he could finish speaking, the two personal soldiers behind Feng Ge brought their knives to Qian Yun's waist, as if if Qian Yun said a word, they would immediately cut him off...

The soldiers at the gate of the villa were completely stunned when they saw the scene in front of them. They didn't know what to do now. They saw the two generals arguing, and then their general was caught.

"Brothers guarding the gate, this old man is here today for the future of Jingling. I hope all brothers will let this old man in. If there are any consequences, this old man will bear all the consequences." Feng Ge said to the soldiers guarding the gate. They bowed.

Li Zhenwu looked at Feng Ge, and he was indeed a veteran of Jingling. When the soldiers at the door heard Feng Ge's words, they stepped aside and let them go.

Fortunately, Feng Ge was persuaded at the beginning, otherwise Feng Ge opposed him, then Jingling would be really difficult to grasp. Li Zhenwu thought of going to Feng Ge's house that day, but Li Zhenwu and Xu Xingzhi failed to do so for a long time. He persuaded Feng Ge to join him until Xu Xingzhi analyzed the current situation of Jingling to Feng Ge, and if Jingling was still in Fang Zetao's hands, then Jingling would only get worse and worse, and then he said Li Zhenwu's All kinds of good words, Feng Ge agreed to come over to Li Zhenwu.

Then this coalition army composed of General Jingling and Li Zhenwu stepped up the mighty stone steps and rushed towards the mansion.

Everyone came to the main hall, but the spacious main hall was empty, so Feng 0.4 song shouted: "Follow me!" The leader walked through the back door and stepped onto the corridor leading to the backyard. "

The two maidservants who were approaching saw them approaching aggressively, and their faces turned pale with fright. They shrank aside and only knew how to tremble. They saw Feng Ge pointed at one of the maids and asked, "Where is the village master?"

The maid's pretty face suddenly turned pale, she fell to the ground softly, and said in a trembling voice, "In... in the Garden of Love."

At this time, a general asked, "What about the woman who was rescued?"

When the maid heard the question, she didn't respond and replied, "It's there too!"

Everyone's spirits were greatly lifted, and they left in an empty group. After passing through several buildings and knocking down more than a dozen guards, they came to a large and beautiful garden.

Chapter 67 Fang Zetao is dead

Li Zhenwu followed the crowd when he suddenly heard a faint sound of a zheng coming from behind a bamboo forest. In the cadence, the inexhaustible lingering sadness was utterly melodious, and the crowd's momentum also weakened a bit.

"Humph." Li Zhenwu listened to the sound of the demons in his ears, and knew that he was coming, but he saw that everyone was caught in the sound of the demons, and Li Zhenwu snorted and broke the illusion brought by the demons. .

Everyone woke up with a look of shame on their faces. They didn't speak, but the pace of their feet was a little faster, and then they passed the path between the bamboo forests. Suddenly, there was another deep and elegant flower and garden in front of them. There were no servants and palace guards in the garden, but a man and a woman were sitting in a small pavilion in the heart of the garden.

The man was Fang Zetao. He closed his eyes, shook his head, and was completely immersed in the world of zheng sounds.The woman's back turned to them, her hands were playing the zither, but the infinitely beautiful back was enough to pull the heartstrings of anyone present.


A general drew out his sword, and the sound of the sword coming out of its sheath woke Fang Zetao, and saw Fang Zetao's eyes widened, staring at Li Zhenwu and his party, as if to vent his anger on these people in front of him.

Feng Ge looked at Fang Zetao, who was glaring at him, and said, "Villager, now Jingling is in chaos, do you know the villager? The army's rations haven't been paid, do you know?"

Fang Zetao was speechless by Feng Ge's question, and the old face also said slightly, "General Feng, I know all these things, you should step back first."

Li Zhenwu originally thought that as soon as he saw Qiu, she would give him a day of demon beheading, but what he didn't expect was that she was still sitting peacefully, as if she hadn't seen Li Zhenwu.

"Zhuangzhu, the old man has one more thing to do today, that is, this girl is a demon girl of the Yinkui faction. The old man persuades the village owner to take her down." Feng Ge pointed at Fang Zetao's perfunctory words and said. .At this time, Feng Ge was completely disappointed with the other party Zetao. He didn't expect that he would have to perfunctory himself in such a situation, so he did not call himself Fang Zetao's subordinate, but called himself an old man.

However, Fang Zetao didn't hear Feng Ge's own title at all, he just cared about the information about Wei, and when he heard Feng Ge say that Wei was a demon girl of the Yinkui faction, he sternly said: "How can Wei be gentle and do not know martial arts. Is she a demon girl from the Yingui School? Feng Ge, please don't spray people with blood!"

Feng Ge said solemnly: "If the girl is an ordinary woman, how can she still be calm like a normal person when the sword is drawn, and the old man has brought this young man to confront the girl, As long as there is no pair, the truth will come out."

Fang Zetao ignored Feng Ge's words and began to flash murderous intent in his eyes, holding the hilt in his hand, and said to Feng Ge with a livid face, "Feng Ge, do you want to rebel?"

Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Wei, "Girl Wei, tell this Fang Zhuang owner, who are you?"

She slowly stood up, she fiddled with the hair on her forehead a few times, and looked at Li Zhenwu Jiaosheng, "Young Master is here again today, but I don't know why you just passed by in a hurry last night. I don't even give you a chance to say hello."

When Fang Zetao heard this sentence, he pulled out his sword and pointed at Li Zhenwu, "Where are you from, why did you trespass on my villa last night?"

Feng Ge's persecution just now didn't make Fang Zetao draw his sword. I didn't expect Fang Zetao to draw the sword in his hand just because of the words of Kui Kuan, which is really a disaster!

Li Zhenwu looked at the sword that was facing him, and clasped his fists at Wei Wei, and said, "Girl Wei girl's celestial voice is so amazing that the owner of Fang Zhuang is fascinated by it."

When Fang Zetao heard Li Zhenwu's words, he muttered three words "Tianmoyin" in his mouth, and slowly put down the sword in his hand, and then looked at Weiyi softly, and said in his mouth, "Did they wrong you?"

She shook her head lightly and said softly, "No! They didn't wrong me! The little girl Yin Kui sent her to be polite."

As he spoke, he did a Wanfu and looked at Fang Zetao.

Fang Zetao's body trembled violently, as if he couldn't believe what she had spit out, and when he stared at the beautiful woman in front of him in a daze, a change had already started.

"call out!"

The Heavenly Demon Ribbon from the sleeves flew out, then bounced like a poisonous snake, and the lightning penetrated into Fang Zetao's chest, and then got out from behind.

Fang Zetao immediately let out an earth-shattering scream, dashed backwards, slammed into the pavilion with a "bang", and fell on his back on the grass outside the pavilion. Sprinkled on the pavilion and the ground looks terrible.

"Master." Everyone shouted in unison.

Li Zhenwu was very happy to see this scene, but he was only secretly happy, and there was an incredible, slightly sad look on his face.

However, Fang Zetao, who was pierced through the mouth, was not dead at all. He covered the injured mouth with one hand, and pointed at the mouth with the other, and said, "You... I'm so... but..."

Although Fang Zetao could still speak, but his mouth was penetrated, the words he said were intermittent, which made people feel completely confused.

As if she understood, she said softly, "I didn't force you to like me, and I didn't force you to be nice to me. It's all your own will, so who can blame it? 530"

Fang Zetao was so angry that he spurted blood when he heard the explanation, with a look of remorse in his eyes, and he fell over and died on the spot.

On the other hand, she rolled up her bright black hair with her left hand, and at some point in her right hand there was an extra comb, which she combed infinitely and gently, as if this was her boudoir.

"She killed the village owner, and started." A general pointed to Wei Wei and said.

So the knives, swords, and spears of the generals in Jingling attacked with all their strength, who was still combing her hair. When they were in close contact with each other, suddenly everyone's eyes were full of flowers. She had come to the middle of the two Jingling generals, and their weapons could not even be used to intercept them at all.

Li Zhenwu could see clearly that with her bizarre speed, she passed through the gap between the weapons and came to the two generals.

"ding, ding"

I saw that I didn't know when I broke the comb in my hand in half, and then half of my hand threw the comb to the eyebrows of the two in front of me.

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