"What about these?" Li Zhenwu was embarrassed when he heard the words, but he didn't expect it to resist the He's jade, but he didn't need it himself. In the original book, even Xu Ziling was not disturbed by the He's jade, so now he uses his longevity. Jue Qi Figure is the foundation, and the source of casting is probably not afraid of the different power of He Shibi, so he said with a face down.

"It's the hidden weapon last time, and Feiyi." Seeing that Li Zhenwu looked down on the shield and the treasures of the clan that he had worked so hard to create, he even paid attention to those things he was doing casually, and said angrily.

Chapter 86 Ambush

After listening to Lu Miaozi, Li Zhenwu put the things in his hand in the bag with satisfaction. When Lu Miaozi saw the box in his hand, he lectured Li Zhenwu there for a long time. Li Zhenwu was really embarrassed to say that the box was right. I was useless at all, so I quickly grabbed the box from Lu Miaozi's hand, told Wei Zhenzhen a few words to leave and take care of myself, and then ran away.

At noon the next day, Li Zhenwu arrived in Xiangyang, and the gates of Xiangyang were reopened. Everything was the same as before. Li Zhenwu originally planned to go directly to Luoyang, but he thought that Xiangyang was right next to Jingling, so he went to investigate and take a look. Yinkui sent another witch, Bai Qinger.

Pay the tax directly into the city, go to the inn, order a few side dishes, and eat a pot of wine there slowly.Since lunch time was over, the inn was deserted, and there were only two or three people eating besides him.

Li Zhenwu had just had a glass of wine when he heard a burst of laughter coming from the entrance, followed by a woman's voice, "It turns out that the son's name is Li Zhenwu, so I'm going to greet Young Master Li."

"Since the girl is here, if you don't dislike it, come in and drink a glass of water at the bar." Li Zhenwu was still drinking and eating calmly.

A gust of fragrant wind came, and I saw that Xiuyi had already sat opposite Li Zhenwu, "Since the young master invited me, then Xiu'er would like to thank the young master."

"Then girl, have a drink." Li Zhenwu picked up the jug and poured a glass of wine into the glass in front of her, then picked up his own glass and drank it all.

She didn't look at the wine glass in front of her, she just stared at Li Zhenwu's drinking action. Seeing Li Zhenwu drank another glass, she said in a coquettish voice, "She's a woman, you can't drink."

Li Zhenwu saw that the wine glass was not moved, so he drank another glass and said, "I can't drink it, or I know that the wine is poisonous and I don't dare to drink it."

Ever since Jinglei escaped from Jingling, she sent people from the Yinkui faction to inquire about Li Zhenwu's news and found out that she had killed Fang Zetao that day. It turned out that Li Zhenwu had taken advantage of it and almost crushed his silver teeth, swearing that he would definitely To seek revenge on Li Zhenwu.

After learning that Li Zhenwu was out of Jingling, and the concubine Xuan selected Mingjun in Luoyang half a month later, Weiyi came to Xiangyang, and put down her face to see Bai Qinger, so that Bai Qinger could pay attention to Li Zhenwu's developments.

Ever since Li Zhenwu first entered Xiangyang, she got the news and rushed over immediately, poisoned Li Zhenwu's wine in the back kitchen, and then came in through the front door.

"What the son said, I don't understand!" She said as if I didn't know anything, she tilted her head in doubt and looked at Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu knew that the wine was poisonous as soon as he drank it, but he was not afraid of these poisons when the source energy filled his body, and then he drank it directly to see who was making trouble here, "I don't understand, the girl who doesn't understand can just do it. it is good."

A wine glass went directly into the inn, and the sound of the wine glass breaking completely made the person hiding at the pillar feel the pressure, and threw the ring in his hand to resist the wine glass.


The pillar was directly smashed into pieces by the collision between the wine glass and the ring, and the person behind the pillar also jumped out, saying, "Boy, today is your day of death."

Li Zhenwu didn't look at anyone at all, he just continued to say, "Girls, there seem to be four people outside the door, don't you invite them in too?"

At this moment, she followed the direction of Li Zhenwu's finger, and she knew at once that this was where the people she brought were hiding. Unexpectedly, she was pointed out by Li Zhenwu, and her heart sank, wondering if it was Li Zhenwu found out just now, so he was not poisoned, and then looked at Bian Bubu, who she had found, and said softly, "Uncle Bian, Qi'er is being held hostage by this son, save Qi'er. "

The middle-aged scribe's appearance was worthy. Hearing what she said, she didn't look at Li Zhenwu, but said softly with an affectionate expression, "Don't be afraid, Uncle Shi will come to rescue you right away!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Li Zhenwu with a frosty expression on his face, "Since you know my prestige, then if you let me go now, I can give you a treat, or else …”

Li Zhenwu drank a glass of wine, glanced at him disdainfully, and continued to say to Wei Wei, "Miss Wei, are you really not inviting the person outside the door? The person outside in the wind and the sun may be will get sick..."

Seeing that Li Zhenwu was still talking to Wei, he couldn't help but get angry to the top of his head, throwing out the ring in his hand, and shouting, "Boy, you've angered me, I'll smash your corpse into pieces today. Ten thousand pieces, peeling and cramping."

In the end, it was the lust that came up, and when I heard a word from Yan Yan, I didn't expect that Li Zhenwu just forced him out with just a glass of wine. Maybe what he thought was that Li Zhenwu had been poisoned, and it was just his last blow. That's it.

The "humming buzzing" ring attacked Li Zhenwu with an afterimage, Li Zhenwu just dodged the attack of the ring, and then continued to say, "Girl, why should you let this pervert? The scumbag uncle made a move, fighting against him is simply an insult to me."

After hearing Li Zhenwu's words, Bian Buwen's face became more gloomy and cold, and he moved the ring on his hand and smashed it towards Li Zhenwu again, this time it went directly to Li Zhenwu's head, it seemed that he was really in a hurry.

Li Zhenwu didn't dodge this time, but stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, grabbing the ring that didn't bear the burden, "It's just ants, they're still screaming."

Li Zhenwu only then took a closer look at the side in front of him. Li Zhenwu was really speechless. He had a good skin, and his mature temperament depended on clothes. The inner 2.7 was lewd and shameless, his conscience was exhausted, and his martial arts was poor, no matter Li Zhenwu. How to look at Zhenwu can only be described in one sentence - gold and jade outside, and failure inside.

Bian lived up to being Zhu Yuyan's junior brother and also the uncle of "Queen Yin"'s own daughter, Shan Meixian. The condition for supporting Zhu Yuyan as the suzerain of the Yinkui School was Shan Meixian, so just before Shan Meixian and Bi Xiu decided to fight. But she used despicable means to ruin her innocence. This is not the end. After Shan Meixian and him had such a bad relationship, she became pregnant with the later "Dongming Princess" Shan Wanjing, and she didn't even have her own daughter. Let go, although it didn't work out in the end.

From this, it can be seen that Bian Bubu is not only a pervert, but also a fool. When Zhu Yuyan was just in charge of the Yinkui faction and her power was unstable, she dared to touch her daughter.

Chapter 87

Li Zhenwu was just a little bit jealous, so he never paid attention to Bian Bubu, but Bian Bubu was really stupid, and was provoked and instigated to attack him again and again.

"You jumped out. I just want to buy some weapons. Zhengchou has no gift for Mrs. Dongming. As for you, I think it's a good gift." Li Zhenwu saw that Jingyu still didn't move, so he continued to speak. .

Bian Buqi put his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "Boy, let's take action, you actually treat me as a gift? Let me see if your ability is as big as your tone."

Li Zhenwu also used the ring in his hand. The ring was not as fast as Bian Bubao, but flew slowly, as if it was about to fall in the next moment.

Bian did not bear watching his fantasy flying towards him slowly and leisurely, and couldn't help laughing "haha", but the face of Li Zhenwu, who was sitting opposite Li Zhenwu, looked heavy at this time, thinking to himself, I didn't expect the person in front of him to have improved so far. This ring clearly bears the traces of "Tao", could it be that he is even a master.

In fact, Li Zhenwu 14 should only be at the same level as Zhu Yuyan, the queen of Yin, and only a half-step master. However, unlike Zhu Yuyan, Li Zhenwu is a "dao" and even a master, and the source of infuriating energy has not reached the master state, while Zhu Yuyan is a master. The skill is enough, and the realm of Taoism broken by Shi Zhixuan is not enough.

The ring was still moving forward slowly, but Bian did not have the laughter just now, and his face became ugly. He found that the ring was moving slowly and locked him.Suddenly, he felt a strong pressure enveloped him, and the boundless momentum rushed into his mind, making him stay there, unable to do anything.


A drop of cold sweat fell to the ground.

Bian Buqi couldn't make any sound or make any movement. He looked at Li Zhenwu with fear, and his intuition told him that as long as this ring hits him, he will definitely be blown up, he will die, really will die.

At this time, the celestial who had been watching the play moved, and the celestial ribbon shot out from the wrist of her left hand. She was about to pull the ring, and then with her right hand, the celestial slash appeared in the palm of her right hand, and then raised her right hand to stab Li Zhenwu's waist. , forcing him to take back the infuriating energy on the ring.

Li Zhenwu jumped up to dodge the demon slash, and then pushed out the demon ribbon that was about to hit the ring with his palm, and then floated to the side of the circle, and stopped the circle with one hand. He blocked the Demon Ribbon, but when his true anger was vented, he was still disturbed.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu had broken his attack so easily, she was about to take another shot, but she found that Li Zhenwu was standing in front of her, so she put on the expression of being fascinated and not paying for her life and said, "Young Master. Can you spare Uncle Bian?" After speaking, he gave Li Zhenwu a wink.

Li Zhenwu didn't answer the words, but instead said, "Girl, do you have any problem with your eyes? Keep blinking."

"Again, you are too late, girl, look."

When she heard Li Zhenwu ask her to look at her eyes, she felt a kind of anger that she glared at the blind man, but when she heard Li Zhenwu say it was too late, she secretly thought that it was not good.

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