
"Shangshu, Liaokong was seriously injured, and He's jade was also taken away." The spy said beside Wang Shichong's ear.

"Pfft, what was robbed." Wang Shichong, who was drinking tea in the lobby, when he heard the news, couldn't hold back the tea and said, squirting out the tea in his mouth.


"Young master, it's not good, the He's jade has been robbed." Li Shimin's undercover agent immediately reported the news to Li Shimin.

"I was robbed, but there is news to know who did it." Li Shimin also asked eagerly when he heard the news, he couldn't see the calm look of the past.


"Master, He's jade was robbed, and the bald donkey was beaten and seriously injured." She said to Zhu Yuyan with a smile.

"Haha, have you ever found out who did it?" Zhu Yuyan also asked with a smile on her face.

Soon, the news of the loss of He's jade and the serious injury of Kong Kong spread throughout Luoyang. Luoyang, which was not very peaceful at first, is now even more turbulent. Countless forces are investigating, who stole He. Shibi.

"Big Brother Li, Big Brother Li." Kou Zhong shouted loudly, knocking on Li Zhenwu's door outside the door.

"Xiao Zhong, what's the matter with Xiao Ling? You almost took a picture of my door." Li Zhenwu opened the door and said to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

"Brother Li, a big event, a big event." Kou Zhong jumped into Li Zhenwu's room excitedly and said.

"What's the big deal, you are so excited? It's still closed." Li Zhenwu watched Xu Ziling who came in last and closed the door, and said to them, thinking in his heart, big deal, I guess what you're talking about is what I came up with , but the expression on his face did not change.

"He's jade was stolen." Kou Zhong said loudly, looking at Li Zhenwu's indifferent expression.

"Be quieter, be quieter." Xu Ziling said while pulling Kou Zhong's sleeve.

"I was robbed, where did you know that?" Li Zhenwu said lightly with the same expression.

"Brother Li, are you in a hurry? The whole Luoyang is in chaos now." Kou Zhong asked Li Zhenwu as he looked at him.

"What am I in a hurry? It's the fairy from Cihang Jingzhai who should be anxious. I'm just here to try my luck. Since the Heshibi is gone, it's gone." Li Zhenwu replied with a shrug.

Chapter 96 Invitation

"Brother Li, in a good mood." Xu Ziling said after hearing Li Zhenwu's answer.

"What a state of mind, it's just that I don't think I have a good chance, so I don't care." Li Zhenwu thought, if I hadn't robbed him and someone else, I would have found him and killed him, and then killed He Shibi. I snatched it, but that's what it said in my mouth.

"bang bang bang"

"Brother Li, are you there?" Song Shidao called from outside the door.

"Brother Song, please come in." Li Zhenwu opened the door and said.

"It is estimated that Brother Song is the same as them. He came to talk about the robbing of He's jade." Li Zhenwu looked at Song Shidao who was about to speak and said it first.

"Haha, since Brother Li knows, how does Brother Li view this matter?" Song Shidao asked Li Zhenwudao.

Li Zhenwu replied, "Opinion, what can I say about this matter? Besides, it's not us who should be worried, but..." He pointed to the Jingnian Temple outside the city.

"Hahaha, that's right. Anyway, Shidao came here to try his luck with his clan uncle. Since it's gone, it might be a good thing." Song Shidao was also very open-minded after hearing Li Zhenwu's answer. talking.

"Young Master Song is as good as Big Brother Li." After listening to Song Shidao's words, Xu Ziling applied what he just said about Li Zhenwu to Song Shidao.

"Ziling, just call me Shidao, you don't need to call me Song Gongzi every time." Since Li Zhenwu brought Kou and Xu yesterday, Song Shidao has always treated them differently because of Fu Junxi's relationship with them, and has been giving They said it was enough to call him Shidao, but Kou and Xu still called him Young Master Song.

"Brother Li, do you know where we heard this news?" Kou Zhong knew that Xu Ziling had some strange feelings for Fu Junxi, so he didn't want to get closer to Song Shidao, so he changed the subject.

"Where else can you know, it's not on the street or in the inn." Li Zhenwu said directly.

"No, we got the news from Manqing Court." Kou Zhong said with a wretched smile on his face.

"Oh, you two still dare to go to a brothel, I have to go back and tell Zhenzhen." I got from Li Zhenwu that Fu Junxuan was dead, so Wei Zhenzhen looked at Kou who wanted revenge. The two Xu, with great sympathy, have always taken care of them.Otherwise, without Zhenzhen's intercession, when they were in Jingling, they would not have pointed out their martial arts skills, so they both respected Zhenzhen after they found out.

"No, Big Brother Li." The two wailed together.

"Okay, I lied to you." Li Zhenwu said.


"The teacher is not good. Now Luoyang City is all about the theft of the He's jade." When Shi Fei Xuan was thinking about what to do next in the Jingnian Temple, a monk suddenly ran in and said.

"It's spread all over Luoyang, maybe this is a good opportunity." Shi Feixuan was surprised when she heard the news, and then she thought of something and said in a low voice.

"This senior brother, can you bring Concubine Xuan to Master Kong's residence? Concubine Xuan has something to discuss with Master Kong." Concubine Shi said to the monk in front of him.

"Fairy Master, please, the Zen Master said that Fairy Master can ask for a meeting at any time."

Outside the empty door, the Four Great Kings are standing here, protecting the injured Kakuro.

"The four senior brothers are well, I wonder how Grandmaster is doing now?" The concubine said with her hands folded together.

"The Zen master is here, please." The Four Great King Kong did not answer Shi Feixuan, but just bowed his head and said.

"Concubine Xuan has something to do tonight and wants to ask Master for help." After entering the door, Concubine Shixuan looked at the sky and said directly without beating around the bush.

"Concubine, I don't know what's going on." Lu Kong said, although his voice was very calm, but he didn't get the slightest bit of anger.

"Concubine, I want to invite Master and Concubine to a banquet together." Shi Concubine took out an invitation card from her body, looked at the invitation and said to Kong.

"Okay." Likong looked at the name on the invitation, and said with certainty.


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