Li Zhenwu found out that He's jade was actually somewhat resistant to him, so he refined the He's jade in a fit of anger, so he was able to absorb the luck inside.

"Refining? What do you mean? You can't study this old man after refining." When Lu Miaozi heard Li Zhenwu say that he couldn't study anything, he immediately said unconvinced.

"I'll take Senior Lu first, and I'll send it to you when Zhenzhen and Xiuxun run out." Li Zhenwu looked at Lu Miaozi who was not convinced, and immediately changed his tone.

After listening, Lu Miaozi jumped into the big hole and walked into the secret room, then snatched the box from Li Zhenwu's hand and knocked on the wall three times. At this time, there was a hole that just fit the box.

Lu Miaozi put the box in his hand inside, twisted it three times to the left, and then another circle to the right, and finally pressed the box, and the box with Heshibi came out from the side wall.

Li Zhenwu took He's jade, looked at Lu Miaozi and asked, "Senior Lu, did this secret room exist before?" Lu Miaozi came here less than two months ago when suddenly such a secret room appeared in the room. For such an institution, Li Zhenwu did not believe that he had made it during this period of time.

"This is just finished by this old man, so I will hide the He's jade for your boy first." Although Lu Miaozi's weapon is not good, he said proudly on his face.

"In such a short time, it seems that apart from me, Zhenzhen, Xiuxun, you have never let anyone in this house, Senior Lu. You built such a big secret room by yourself, and there are all these organs." Li Zhenwu pointed. He was talking about where He Shibi came out just now.

Lu Miaozi said, "It's not the old man alone, who else could it be? Besides, you think that the old man has no power to tie the chicken. After all, the old man is also a master of congenital perfection."

Li Zhenwu realized that Lu Miaozi had never shown his martial arts in front of Li Zhenwu for a long time, which made Li Zhenwu think that Lu Miaozi was just an ordinary old man, and he realized that Lu Miaozi's martial arts was not low, so he said, "Is that so? , I know... but congenital consummation is not a master, right?"

When Lu Miaozi heard the second half of the sentence, he looked at Li Zhenwu with his chest raised and raised his head, indicating that he was a master, and his eyebrows were raised. The function of building this secret room said, "Yes, your kid is a master, the old man built this secret room, the first is that you always come to the old man to search, and the second is to let your kid also see the old man's mechanism, so you didn't learn it in the first place. ."

Li Zhenwu listened to Lu Miaozi's secret room, as if it was built for defense and to show off for himself, the whole person was not well, and said, "It's not that Senior Lu, when you first came here, I searched a few times, and later Not anymore."

Lu Miaozi said unkindly, "Hum, how many times? Dozens of times. Besides, after your kid went to retreat, you even asked Zhenzhen to come and search every day. It's really not a thing."

"Isn't this a poor man? The Jingling army is so weak. How can you protect Jingling if you don't get some good equipment? Besides, if Jingling is strong, the power to protect the ranch will be stronger in the future." Li Zhenwu immediately please.

Looking at Li Zhenwu's appearance, Lu Miaozi said, "Hey, this old man doesn't know whether it's good or bad to know you."

"Of course it is, first of all I cured you, secondly, I found a good apprentice like Zhenzhen for you, Senior Lu, and finally, and most importantly, eased the relationship between Xiuxun and you, don't you know me well? "Li Zhenwu talked about the benefits of Lu Miaozi knowing him one by one.

"Forget it, the old man doesn't know whether it's good or bad, just get out of the He Shibi." Lu Miaozi sighed, then waved his hand and said.

"Senior Lu, I'm leaving." As soon as Lu Miaozi finished speaking, Li Zhenwu rushed out of the secret room.

"Don't forget, I'll be bringing He's jade to the old man later." Lu Miaozi looked at Li Zhenwu and ran away when he heard what he said, so he shouted outside.


Chapter 122

"Zhenzhen, I'm not going to study today, let's go to Xiuxun's place." Li Zhenwu said to Wei Zhenzhen who was going to Lu Miaozi.

Wei Zhenzhen thought that Li Zhenwu was telling herself about the matter between him and Shang Xiuxun, so she said, "Then I'll tell Master Lu, and then let's go to Xiuxun's place."

"No, I told Senior Lu." Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen and said while walking.

"Xiu Xun, Xiu Xun." Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen came to the door of Shang Xiu Xun's room and called the doorway.

At this time, Shang Xiuxun hadn't woken up, because after Li Zhenwu left last night, Shang Xiuxun woke up. Thinking about Li Zhenwu's confession, he didn't sleep all night, and it was only near dawn that he felt sleepy again.

"Wait a minute." Shang Xiuxun asked Li Zhenwu's voice to pull her out of the bed, thinking that she hadn't dressed up yet, so she shouted.

"Oh, then Zhenzhen and I will be waiting for you outside." Li Zhenwu heard Shang Xiuxun's words, shouted into the house, and then sat down with Wei 14 Zhenzhen on the stone bench in the courtyard.

"Brother Li explained to Xiuxun last night?" Because when Li Zhenwu went back last night, Wei Zhenzhen was already asleep, and Li Zhenwu was in a hurry to go to Lu Miaozi in the morning, so Wei Zhenzhen never had time to ask this question , so now ask.

"Well, Zhenzhen." Li Zhenwu said while holding Wei Zhenzhen's hand.

"Brother Li is cheap for you." Wei Zhenzhen broke free from Li Zhenwu's hand and hit him on the chest.

"Hee hee, of course I'm cheaper." Li Zhenwu said while holding Wei Zhenzhen's hand again.

Originally, what Li Zhenwu wanted most when he came to this world was to shatter the void, but due to various reasons, he had to get involved in this chaotic world. Slowly, Li Zhenwu, who had been seeking the truth at the beginning, printed these beauties in his heart and thawed Li Zhenwu's heart. Heart, let Li Zhenwu's emotions come back again.

After a while, Shang Xiuxun came out of the room, walked in front of Li Zhenwu and Wei Zhenzhen, and whispered, "Li... Big Brother, Sister Zhenzhen."


Wei Zhenzhen laughed at the now shy and disrespectful Shang Xiuxun, and said, "This is the first time I've seen Xiuxun like this."

"Sister Zhenzhen." Shang Xiuxun looked at Wei Zhenzhen and called out again.

"Okay, I won't laugh anymore, we will be a family after Xiuxun." Wei Zhenzhen stopped smiling and pulled Shang Xiuxun and said.

"Yeah." Shang Xiusun nodded.

Li Zhenwu looked at Wei Zhenzhen, who used to be very shy before, but now he has become sloppy and generous; Shang Xiuxun, who used to be a woman, has become extremely shy now, which makes Li Zhenwu feel that love is really extraordinary.

"And me, this family still has me." Li Zhenwu said while holding Shang Xiuxun and Wei Zhenzhen into his arms.

"Go away." Shang Xiuxun pushed Li Zhenwu away, and then continued, "The family refers to me and Sister Zhenzhen." Shang Xiuxun looked at Wei Zhenzhen and agreed, and returned to his own nature.

"There is me." Pinch Shang Xiuxun's nose.

"No." Knocked off Li Zhenwu's hand.


"There is me." Pinch Shang Xiuxun's nose.

"No." Knocked off Li Zhenwu's hand.

Wei Zhenzhen looked at the two who were fighting and felt that if the three of them were like this in the future, it would be very warm.

"Brother Li, what are you doing with me and Xiuxun so early in the morning?" Wei Zhenzhen interrupted the two of them.

"I have." Squeeze Shang Xiuxun's nose and immediately let go, then took out the box containing He's jade and said, "I will help you to wash your marrow and improve your skills in the Book of Changes."

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