"Jingling." Du Jiang thought to himself, it seemed that he was definitely the enemy. There was still a glimmer of hope, but he was the enemy.Thinking of Jingling, Du Jiang thought of the giant sword that day 557 died, and he couldn't help shivering, but he still said firmly, "It's just a defeated general, and he even dares to attack my Qiongdu, I advise you to wait and leave as soon as possible. Go, or you will be waiting here."

"Let the trebuchets and archers shoot, I want to see how many people are there at the South Gate?" Li Jing didn't answer, and slapped his horse back and looked at the city wall.

"Trebuchet, archer, get ready!"

The archers on the left and right flanks walked to the front of the spearmen, and all drew their bows and arrows neatly, and the trebuchets behind were also loaded with stones, waiting for orders.

"Hahaha, at such a long distance, this general wants to see how you attack." Du Jiang shouted from the front of the city.


Stones fell on the city wall, the city wall was smashed in an instant, and arrows flew past, bringing snowflakes to the sky.

"Hide, hide." At this time, the city wall was in chaos, who would have thought that the skill could be reached so far, Du Jiang immediately shouted loudly.

"Report to Li Shuai that there are about [-] soldiers on the city wall." Xuan Yong looked at the surging heads, and had a rough idea in his mind, and immediately reported to Li Jing.

"Okay, lift the drum up and let the trebuchet continue, but just smash the city wall or gate." Li Jing ordered.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of drums reached the city wall, and Du Jiang, who was hiding now, asked, "They attacked?"

"No, it's just that the catapult is still there." The personal soldier cautiously ran to the front and glanced at it and replied.

"It seems that they want to smash the gate directly and then use cavalry to enter the city." Du Jiang said after thinking for a while.

"Go and send three hundred soldiers from the other three city gates, let them all ambushed at the city gate, and tug on the slings, go quickly." Du Jiang instructed.


At this time, at the north gate, a soldier rushed to Wuming's side and said, "General, the drums are playing, when will we attack."

Wu Ming looked at the guard at the north gate and smiled proudly, "I ordered to go down, so that the soldiers don't have to hide. After a quarter of an hour, bring all the equipment and you can attack!"

The soldiers rushed back to report, and Liu Hu turned his head and shouted loudly: "All the sons get on the horse, the north gate ahead, prepare to fight!"

At this time, Beimen's face turned pale. He didn't expect that another [-] people had just been dispatched. Now that there are so many enemies in Beimen, he instantly understood the enemy's intention. Immediately called, "Come on, call back the three hundred soldiers who just left, and tell the general that there is an enemy attacking the north gate."

Seeing Wu Ming and the others riding their horses soon only two or three miles away from the city wall, he shouted loudly: "The trebuchet is ready!"

"Dismount, move forward!" Wu Ming shouted with his sword raised when he was only five hundred paces away from the city wall.

"Sweep Qiongdu, conquer the world, move forward!"

Amid the thunderous cries of the soldiers, the [-] Jingling Army marched towards the north gate like an overwhelming force. This time Wu Ming and the others used siege weapons that were made on the spot.

First, the city raft was used to cross the moat. Yecheng's moat was not wide, only zhang. The Jingling army tied ten big trees together. These big trees were all poplars felled from the nearby woods. , Straight and long, each big tree is four or five feet long, retains its branches, bundles them densely, stretches a layer of fire-resistant cooked cowhide, and becomes a temporary trestle.

This kind of cross-city raft not only enables the Jingling army to rush through the moat, but also can be used as a siege ladder. On the top of which is nailed a horizontal wooden bar suitable for kicking feet, the army can climb up the city.

There are twenty trebuchets at the north gate, but only ten are used to throw boulders, because there are only two hundred soldiers left on the city wall, which is not enough for all the trebuchets.

The attacking Jingling Army was getting closer and closer, and the North Gate guard in charge of commanding the trebuchet shouted loudly, "Prepare to launch!"

The soldiers who operated the trebuchets were shaking with nervousness, their hands trembled, and they waited anxiously for the projection order.


A boulder smashed the first two Jingling troops, and then countless Jingling troops came up. Although the trebuchets were quite powerful, after all, the number of them was small and could not form a huge lethality. Five thousand Jingling soldiers Has rushed to the city.

"Kill." Wu Ming shouted loudly.

Groups of brave soldiers from the Jingling Army rushed up the ladder and began to climb upwards. The Jianghuai Army's rolling wooden stone fell head-on. Many soldiers of the Jingling Army fell from the siege ladder screaming and their heads were smashed. There were already dozens of corpses under the city wall, and then another Jingling Army soldier frantically climbed the stairs and charged upwards.

"Follow me, brothers, and kill them without leaving behind." Seeing that there were only a few soldiers in the north gate, and he had killed dozens of brothers, Wu Ming picked up a log and shouted loudly in the lead.

Chapter 130

The guard at the North Gate was already sweating profusely. He tried desperately to think of a way. Shooting with arrows, smashing stones, burning fire, all the methods he could think of were used. In front of the enemy army, all means were useless, his face was pale, as if he saw the city sinking for a moment.

"Kill." Dozens of Jingling troops climbed the city wall with Wuming, and then saw that they were still using spears and rolling logs to knock their brothers down the siege ladder, and rushed towards them with a shout.

"Surrender immediately, you will not die." Wu Ming looked at the soldiers from his side who came up one after another, and shouted while standing on the city wall.

"Kill, the general will avenge us." The guard at the North Gate saw that the soldiers had stopped attacking because of these words, so he waved his knife and shouted.

Now there are less than [-] Jianghuai troops on the city wall, you look at me, I look at you, suddenly there is a weapon in his hand~, "Clang."

"I surrender." After saying that, he knelt on the ground-.

"I surrender too."


Wu Ming looked at the few soldiers who were standing now, and said, "Are you still going to resist?"

Looking at the Jingling Army surrounding them, the soldiers began to tremble. Finally, unable to withstand the pressure, they all put down their weapons.

"General, just now he asked someone to call back the three hundred soldiers who had just left. General, be careful." The soldier who surrendered first stood in front of Wu Ming with his head bowed and pointed at the guard at the North Gate.

"Well." Wu Ming nodded, indicating that he knew, and then ordered, "Now Lan Rui, Guo Xiaodong, you two have a thousand troops each generation to occupy the east and west gates."

"Jin Dong, you leave these five hundred to guard the north gate, remember not to let anyone leave, and the rest follow me to raid the south gate."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison.


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