She heard Shang Xiuxun's muttering just now, and got up a little embarrassed, then walked to the trap and said what she just said.

Chapter 136 The Sharpening Stone's Name

"You lost just now, call me sister." Shang Xiuxun looked at Song Yuzhi who looked like this, knowing that she was embarrassed at this time, so he said jokingly.

"Who lost, if it wasn't for this trap, I...I..." Song Yuzhi said stubbornly, but he didn't say a few words, and then he couldn't go on.

"Anyway, I won, remember that I will be your sister in the future." Shang Xiuxun got on his horse and said while sitting on the horse.

"Who are you sister, I won't admit it." Song Yuzhi said firmly without admitting it.

"Don't go, help me get the horse out." Shang Xiuxun heard this and left immediately. Song Yuzhi watched the horses in the trap and shouted at Shang Xiuxun's back.

"Call me sister."

"not called."

After a while, Shang Xiuxun looked at Song Yuzhi who was sitting there sulking, shook his head and said, "Okay, if you don't call, don't call, I'll help you."

"Thank you." Song Yuzhi said in a low voice, watching Shang Xiuxun drag her to the trap.

When the horse was out of the trap, the two rode the horse and walked back slowly. At this time, the two also understood the temper and temperament of the two sides, and began to communicate slowly.

Both of them asked why they didn't look good to each other. It turned out that they were all angry, and Li Zhenwu found such a beautiful girl again.As for why Song Yuzhi didn't take out Wei Zhenzhen's anger, it was because Wei Zhenzhen's temperament was very similar to her sister's, so Song Yuzhi had to fight with Shang Xiu.

They chatted and chatted, and in the end, the two transferred the conflict to Li Zhenwu together, and they scolded Li Zhenwu together. In the end, they became like good sisters, "Sister Yuzhi", "Sister Shang" " was called.

"Riding is good, riding is good." Li Zhenwu didn't know why, it was completely different from what Song Shidao said, but he still said perfunctorily.

"Xiuxun, Yuzhi, are you reconciled?" Wei Zhenzhen asked while pulling them.

"Well, Sister Zhenzhen." Thinking about their situation just now, they all looked at each other embarrassedly and replied in a low voice.

"Then let's go back and leave Big Brother Li here alone!" Wei Zhenzhen took them to the direction of Jingling. In fact, Wei Zhenzhen also had some complaints in her heart. Li Zhenwu always provokes girls, so this is the Wei Zhenzhen took a small revenge.

"I, wait for me." Li Zhenwu quickly chased after him.

Leaving Song Shidao alone here, Song Shidao said with a gloomy expression, "And me, can you pay attention to me?"


"Brother Song, I don't know what's going on here?" Li Zhenwu asked after returning.

"My father, invite Brother Li to the Song clan." Song Shidao said with an ugly face, thinking of Li Zhenwu's name on the whetstone.

Li Zhenwu's first reaction when he heard the news was that he was happy. Song Que was willing to invite him, which meant that Song Que basically had the will to cooperate with him. Getting to your own boat is a foregone conclusion.

"Okay, Uncle Song didn't say when to go?" Li Zhenwu said.

"No." Song Shidao looked at Li Zhenwu, who was open-hearted. He wanted to remind him but didn't know how to start, so he had to answer Li Zhenwu's question.

"That's good, why don't Brother Song stay for a few more days. When I finish the arrangements for Jingling, how about going to the Song clan?" Li Zhenwu thought, he just came back, and the treasures he brought back are still there. If it is not dealt with, after dealing with this batch of treasures, go to Song Family Mountain City with Song Shidao.

"Brother Li, my father... engraved Brother Li's name... on the whetstone." Song Shidao said intermittently.

"I know." Li Zhenwu said in a nonchalant manner.

"I said, my father engraved your name on the whetstone." Song Shidao repeated it again.

"I know, Song Clan Master engraved my name on the whetstone." Li Zhenwu repeated while looking at Song Shidao who was making a fuss.

"Okay, since Brother Li has heard it clearly." Song Shidao looked at Li Zhenwu and said helplessly.

"Okay, since Brother Li has heard it clearly..." Song Shidao said helplessly as he looked at Li Zhenwu.


"Mr. Xu, Gold will first buy you [-] taels of grain and grass, and bring back the weapons. Let the pharmacist come back and let him handle it." Li Zhenwu said to Xu Xingzhi.

"Xingzhi knows, is the lord going to go out?" Xu Xingzhi asked.

"Well, after I hide the remaining things, I will go to the Song Family Mountain City." Li Zhenwu replied.

"You go now? I don't allow you to go." Song Yuzhi ran out of nowhere and said.

"Well." Li Zhenwu said with three doubts.

"Drinker, you know that the person carved on father's sharpening stone has never left alive..." Song Yuzhi held Li Zhenwu's hand worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, I won't go to see Uncle Song, how can I marry you?" Li Zhenwu quickly comforted.

"Damn, I don't want to marry you?" Song Yuzhi blushed when she heard this.

"My lord, this time I'm going to the Song clan to..." Xu Xingzhi asked after Song Yuzhi left.

"Well, I hope I can win over the Song clan this time." Li Zhenwu nodded and replied.

The two discussed the development of Jingling again, and then saw Song Yuzhi leading Shang Xiu Xun 2.2 and Wei Zhenzhen to come, and one of Xu Xing immediately got up when he saw this scene and said, "My lord, I will do anything else first. gone."

"I...I..." Li Zhenwu looked at the back of Xu Xingzhi's departure and wanted to scold, but there was no one left, and Wei Zhenzhen and the others had already come over.

"Brother Li, do you have to go?" After listening to Song Yuzhi's words, Wei Zhenzhen immediately called Shang Xiuxun to come here and said to Li Zhenwu.

"You can't go, you're not allowed to go." Li Zhenwu said before answering Shang Xiu's inquiry.

"I'll go, I'll go." Li Zhenwu looked at the worried eyes of the three and said.

"Then Zhenzhen will wait for Big Brother Li to come back." Wei Zhenzhen knew that Li Zhenwu would definitely go after he made a decision, so she said in support.

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