After seeing Song Zhi asking this sentence, both he and Song Lu looked at him with disbelief. Song Que just said calmly, "No, the original plan was abandoned, and it became me, Song Clan, who fully supported him."

After speaking, he was like a wild geese, and the wind was blowing under his feet, and he left here, leaving only Song Zhi and Song Lu.

The original plan was that Li Zhenwu would marry Song Yuzhi, but the condition was to help the Song clan to seize the world, and to hire He's jade, but Li Zhenwu had such a force, so Song Que also pushed the boat and agreed to Li Zhenwu's conditions.

"Big brother just said he didn't?" Song Lu said at this time.

"Eldest brother said he didn't! We have to support him with all our strength!" Song Zhi was also reciting Song Que's words just now, as if to vent.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." Song Lu, who was more open-minded, looked at Song Zhi who was a little unconvinced and a little nervous. After saying this, he left immediately.

"No, the plan can't be changed, I'm going to find Big Brother." Song Zhi muttered for a while, then ran directly to Song Que's yard.

Since Song Zhi came back from Luoyang, he told Song Que about Li Zhenwu and He Shibi, and he began to arrange and arrange the Song clan's preparations for the Quartet, but what he never expected was that the result was beyond his expectations, so He was a little hard to accept.

"Big brother, big brother." Song Zhi ran to Song Que's room and called without knocking on the door.

"Second brother, go out and knock on the door and then come in." Song Que was thinking about the fight with Li Zhenwu just now. Song Zhi, who had broken into the door, couldn't help frowning and pointed at him with a hint of majesty.

"Big brother." After Song Zhi heard Song Que's accusation, he withdrew from the house and knocked on the door.Song Que is the existence of heaven for the people of the Song clan. Just now, it was just that Song Zhi was out of control and broke in directly because his dream was shattered.

"Come in." Song Que's voice came from inside.

After entering the door, Song Zhi first greeted Song Que, and then said directly, "Brother, why did you give up the plan? Even if his martial arts are comparable to that of the elder brother, there are so many people in our Song clan, why can't we keep him?"

"Quite? Hey, that move just now made me lose the wind." Song Que also sighed that Song Zhi's original plan had rekindled his ambitions that had been wiped out by Yang Jian, but Li Zhenwu's last strike, Like a basin of cold water, it extinguished the burning ambition.

"Impossible?" Song Zhi said in a daze upon hearing the news.

"In the future, my Song clan will support him in his struggle to dominate the world!" Song Que said decisively.


Li Zhenwu and Song Yuzhi on the other side were completely unaware of what happened here, and the two were fighting in Song Yuzhi's boudoir.

Just now Song Yuzhi was shy and went back to his room, and then Li Zhenwu chased after him.

"Yuzhi, is this your room?" Li Zhenwu chased Song Yuzhi into the room and asked Li Zhenwu looking at the furnishings in the room.

The whole room is covered with crimson Shu brocade decorated with golden flowers. In the recess of the room, there is something like a long sofa with several swords on it. The scabbard is gilded and the hilt is inlaid with crystals. A dazzling gem, an eight-treasure glazed lamp hangs from the ceiling, the shape and color are very charming, the Persian rug that can sink to the ankle is stepped on, several curtains hang in front of the door, and another door leads to the second The room, which seemed to be splendidly illuminated.

Chapter 140 Sachet

Song Yuzhi saw that Li Zhenwu also ran in, pushed Li Zhenwu outside and said, "Go out, go out, I won't let you in."

Li Zhenwu said with a smile, "It seems that it is really your boudoir, so I will take a good look at it."


Li Zhenwu turned around and pulled out the sword that Song Yuzhi was hanging on the wall.

"Humph." Song Yuzhi didn't answer, but just hummed a few times.

"It's where Yuzhi rests. I'll take a look inside." Li Zhenwu looked at what seemed to be the hall of this room, then walked to the room inside - said.

"No." Song Yuzhi ran from behind and said.

The gauze curtain hangs down inside, creating a hazy atmosphere. The surrounding stone walls are covered with brocade, and even the ceiling is separated by embroidered felt, which is warm and cozy.The furnishings are also used in the girl's boudoir, which is extremely luxurious, with exquisitely carved jade gums, quilts with embroidered quilts, and small sachets hanging on the curtain hooks, exuding a faint fragrance.

"This sachet was embroidered by Yuzhi yourself?" Li Zhenwu looked at the strange-looking sachet, took it off, and asked while holding it.

"Give it to me." Song Yuzhi snatched it from Li Zhenwu's hand and stuffed it into his arms.

"Won't Yuzhi give it to me? I have something for you here." Li Zhenwu took out a jade pendant from his arms and said shaking in front of Song Yuzhi.

This jade pendant is Li Zhenwu. From a whole piece of jade in Yang Gong's treasure house, he cut three small pieces and made three jade pendants. Before leaving this time, Li Zhenwu gave two of them to Wei Zhenzhen and Shang Xiu. Xun put it on, and the remaining piece was originally intended to be handed over to Song Yuzhi when Song Que agreed to his proposal.

But now that Li Zhenwu has defeated Song Que, the matter with Song Yuzhi is already a certainty. After seeing the sachet embroidered by Song Yuzhi, Li Zhenwu thought of the word "exchange token", and now he is ready to give it to her.

Song Yuzhi looked at the jade pendant on Li Zhenwu's hand, which was dense and delicate in texture, extremely tough, crystal clear in color, warm and elegant, and it was extremely beautiful.

The phoenix on the jade pendant is like a living one. The fiery red fine lines are swimming in the phoenix, and with the rise and fall, the whole phoenix blending is mysterious and unpredictable.

Song Yuzhi took it from Li Zhenwu's hand, watched it carefully for a while, then tied it around his waist, then slowly took out the sachet from his arms, lowered his head and handed it to Li Zhenwu, and said in a low voice, " to you."

Originally, the sachet was made by Song Yuzhi for Li Zhenwu, but because Song Yuzhi was not good at knitting women's reds, it was not good to make one and throw it away.Now this is the best one she has made since she made a sachet, but she still finds it unsightly, so she hangs it by the window.

"This jade pendant is hanging here." Li Zhenwu took Song Yuzhi's sachet, untied the jade pendant from her waist, and pointed at her neck.

Song Yuzhi blushed, watching Li Zhenwu take off the jade pendant from his waist, ready to hang the jade pendant around his neck for himself, so he gestured, "I'll do it myself."

Li Zhenwu didn't hand the jade pendant to Song Yuzhi, but just walked behind her, put the jade on her neck, brushed through her beautiful hair, and then walked up to her and said, "Look, it's fine. "

"Yeah." He replied softly.

"Let's go, let's go out, and show me around the mountain city as well." Li Zhenwu dragged him, and Song Yuzhi, who bowed his head, blushed, and silently went out.

The Song Family Mountain City is really lively. Although its area is smaller than that of Luoyang, its prosperousness is not lower than that of Luoyang at all. Then the two of them strolled here for a whole noon before returning to the Song clan.

"Mr. Li, the lord has prepared a banquet at the Sharpening Hall, please come over." A servant just came in and said.

"Isn't the Sharpening Hall in ruins? Why is my father holding a banquet there?" Song Yuzhi asked.

"If you go back to the second lady, this villain will not know." The servant replied.

"Brother Li." Song Yuzhi called Li Zhenwu with an ugly expression.

"Hahaha, let's go, let's go to the Sharpening Hall." As soon as Li Zhenwu heard that the banquet was in the Sharpening Hall, he immediately understood the reason. It was because someone in the Song clan might not agree to support him, so Song Que held the banquet. When I got there, I showed everyone in the Song clan that Li Zhenwu's martial arts still had the confidence, and the banquet was also meant to test him.

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