"Mr. Akai, I have been able to defeat him." Li Luo smiled proudly, and then said to Jagged Kai.

"What? Xiao Li, did Gaara get hurt by you? What about your body?"

Jie Xue Kai was surprised, and came to Li Luo's side in an instant, and then touched his body up and down.

"Teacher, I'm already healed, and my strength has improved!" Li Luo said.

"How is it possible, the hospital said..."

Jagged Kai was surprised, but Li Luo shook his head: "Thanks to my cousin..."

"Your cousin? Zhenwu?" Jie Xuekai was even more surprised, his face was full of surprise.

"Well." Li Luo nodded: "Mr. Akai, I will explain it to you later."

After finishing speaking, Li Luo looked at Gaara and said seriously: "Now you are no longer my opponent, and your so-called absolute defense can't stop my Qi Yuan Slash."

Li Luo said slowly: "Even, I can continue to send such Qi Yuan Slash again."

"Cough cough." Gaara was coughing, the wound on his waist was bleeding, his face was even paler, his eyes were full of icy cold, and the words in his mouth were as cold as the cold wind blowing from hell: "That's not necessarily true."

Li Luo shook his head and didn't care what Gaara said at the moment. In his opinion, he was able to defeat Gaara now, so he didn't need to be cheap.

Instead, Li Luo said to Gai Luo: "Now, hurry to the hospital to have a look, otherwise, you may miss the game tomorrow."

"Cough, cough!" Gaara coughed twice again, then looked at Li Lock again, turned and flew to the tree, and went back, but left a sentence in place.

"I will definitely kill you..."

Then, Gaara's figure gradually got farther and farther away, but along the way, a little bit of blood dripped on the ground.

"Little Li is amazing!" Naruto couldn't help but sighed, the current Li Locke is much stronger than the qualifiers, and his attack methods are more diverse, he is definitely a terrible opponent.

Naruto doubted whether he would be Li Locke's opponent.

"Okay, Xiao Li, you can tell me what's going on." Jie Xuekai looked at Li Luo.

Chapter [-] Konoha collapse plan (second more)

The Chunin exam is coming.

This day's official test venue, Linlang was full of people, including people from various countries, as well as the relatives and friends of the players, as well as a large number of civilians.

In addition to the stands of the venue, there is a large open area in the middle, allowing players to play.

In this day's competition, a total of eight players will be played~.

The first battle was between Naruto and Neji Hyuga, but at this time, someone discovered that Uchiha Sasuke, who was a player, was not there.

However, it does not affect the progress of the game.

The game is going on one by one.

But as the game progressed and the game time was about to pass completely, Sasuke Uchiha, who was going to fight Gaara, did not appear for a long time.

People are anxious.

At the last moment, Uchiha Sasuke finally descended from the sky, and with strong confidence.

At this moment, Li Locke was also sitting in the spectator seat, watching Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara in the game below.

"When Gaara fought with me yesterday, he was seriously injured. At this time, he still appeared tenaciously on the field. It seems that those injuries did not affect him."

People are watching, watching the battle between Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara.

In the stands, Gaara's teammates Temari and Kankuro were sitting in their respective seats, but they were a little worried.

"Yesterday, Gaara didn't know what to do, he was injured, and I also suffered from headaches because of excessive use of chakra." Temari, a female ninja, said worriedly.

"The main thing is that our teacher Markey doesn't know where he went?"

Temari looked worried: "Yes, Mr. Maki, he has been missing for so many days that the commander of this battle plan has been replaced by someone else."

They are worried.

In the viewing area, there was a ninja dressed as Anbu who was patrolling, but he was also surprised.

"He... he's not dead!" The ninja wore a moonlight mask and dressed like Anbu, but he was surprised when he looked at the ninja sitting opposite him.

The ninja he was watching, with black hair and sharp eyes exuded a healthy breath.

"Moonlight Blast..."

Pharmacist pocket disguised as an Anbu, in order to cooperate with Orochimaru's 'Konoha collapse plan'.

But he was here, and he saw that Moonlight Blast, who should have been silenced because he broke the Maki dialogue between him and Amari, was still alive here.

Beneath the mask, Yao Shidou's brows were wrinkled: "Moonlight Blast has nothing to do with it, but Sand Ninja Murakami Ninja Maki has disappeared..."

The pharmacist thought to himself: "Since we heard that the Moonlight Blast appeared here and Maki disappeared, there is only one thing that can be explained."

Beneath the mask, Yao Shidou's eyes stared at Moonlight Gale: "Could it be that Moonlight Gale, who is just a special jounin, is actually so much stronger than Joinin from Sand Ninja Village?"

"Also, since Moonlight Gale is still alive, does that mean that all our plans have been known to Hokage?"

The pharmacist couldn't help but think.

At this time, Moonlight Gale thoughtfully, looked back, and saw the pharmacist's pocket dressed in Anbu.

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