"The lord said that he will not be an emperor for the time being." Xu Xingzhi said slowly as everyone looked at him.

"Not an emperor." Cheng Yaojin was stunned for a moment and muttered.

And Li Jing heard the meaning of Xu Xing's words and asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, what about the words behind the lord?"

"Good you, Pharmacist Li!" Xu Xingzhi pointed at Li Jing and said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, don't give a shit anymore, let's talk!" Li Jing also said with a smile.

"The lord has an order, ordering Li Jing to cooperate with Shan Xiongxin and others to gather the prisoners and guard against Li Tang in the north." Xu Xingzhi said suddenly and seriously.

After hearing the order, Wen Wu immediately stood up and listened to the order. Li Jing asked, "Mr. Xu, what else is there?"

"Next year, on the third month of the third month of Emperor Xuanyuan's birthday, the lord will be the king." Xu Xingzhi saw that the heat was coming, and knew that if he didn't say anything, it would probably be difficult in the future, so he said.

"Great." Cheng Yaojin shouted, and the people below were also very happy. They were talking in twos and threes there, and they had hope when they heard Li Zhenwu becoming king, so they said happily.

"Li Shuai, but Li Zitong, Lin Shihong, Du Fuwei, and Xiao Xian from the south?" Cheng Yaojin, who returned to the camp, asked Li Jing.

"You forgot Song Shuang, where is he from? We don't need to worry about the south side." Li Jing laughed.

"Oh, I see." Cheng Yaojin said with a sudden realization.

Next, after a few days of banquet, there were still a few families that didn't come. Li Zhenwu didn't talk nonsense, he directly mobilized the army and slaughtered all the clan forces that didn't come.

Those who pretended to surrender saw that Li Zhenwu was directly attacking those who did not surrender, so many people were so frightened that they surrendered completely, but some still did not surrender, but they did not show it on their faces. So Li Zhenwu didn't know either.

Sure enough, Li Zhenwu occupied the territory of Wang Shichong and Li Mi, which shocked all the forces in the world. The most shocking was Li Tang, because now Li Zhenwu has the largest border with them, so Li Tang was still at war with Dou Jiande. Many soldiers came to guard against Li Zhenwu.

Then they contacted Li Zitong and the others in the south, hoping to attack Li Zhenwu together, but suddenly the Song clan attacked behind them, and they had to give up.

However, because Li Tang dispatched a lot of troops to guard against Li Zhenwu, the battle with Dou Jiande gradually fell behind. In the end, he had to take half of the guards against Li Zhenwu to resist Dou Jiande.

In this way, Li Zhenwu got the precious recovery time, and slowly digested the power of Wang Shichong and Li Mi.

Chapter 171 Marriage

The few forces in the south that the Song clan succeeded, and when Li Tang in the north transferred half of their troops due to Dou Jiande's incident, the Song clan stopped fighting with the south.

A few days later, at the gate of Luoyang City.

"Uncle Zhi, Yuzhi, you are here." Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen and the others to greet them at the entrance of Luoyang City.

"Good job." Song Zhi smiled and walked over and patted Li Zhenwu on the shoulder and said. Originally, he still had some lumps, but he knew that Li Zhenwu wiped out Wang Shichong and Li Mi in the first battle, so he gave up completely.

"Sister Zhenzhen, Sister Shang." Song Yuzhi ignored Li Zhenwu and went directly to Wei Zhenzhen and the others, where the three women chatted.

"Uncle Zhi, go to the advanced city and talk about it." Li Zhenwu continued to exchange a few words.

"Let's go, go into the city." Song Zhi said with a laugh.

"Zhenzhen, Xiuxun, and... and Yuzhi is gone." Li Zhenwu deliberately didn't call out Song Yuzhi's name for a long time, so angrily Song Yuzhi ran over and prepared to beat Li Zhenwu with his pink fist.

"Hahaha, I just can't catch up." Li Zhenwu dodged left and right.

"Let me beat you up, don't run." Song Yuzhi said.

"Come on, sister Yuzhi, it's just a little bit short." Shang Xiuxun fanned the flames beside him.

"Stop, Uncle Zhi is still waiting to enter the city?" Li Zhenwu watched Song Yuzhi take the whip and knew that Song Yuzhi was going to come true, so he directly stretched out his hand to block Song Yuzhi.

"Humph! I'll let you go for the sake of Uncle Zhi." Song Yuzhi saw that Song Zhi was looking at her and Li Zhenwu, so she put away her whip and said angrily.

"Then thank you Yuzhi for your kindness." Li Zhenwu said with a smile.


"Oh, by the way, Uncle Zhi, why didn't you come here this time?" After Li Zhenwu and Song Zhi and Song Yuzhi returned to Li Zhenwu's mansion, Li Zhenwu and Song Zhi chatted for a while, and Li Zhenwu asked.

"Master, the eldest brother asked him to go to the army for training, but he didn't have time to come here." Song Zhi replied.

"Army, is the battle in the south under the command of Senior Brother?" Li Zhenwu asked, thinking about the battle that had just ended.

"No, Shidao is there in front of the soldiers. There are so many people fighting, how can the eldest brother trust Shidao's command, and tell you that this battle is under the command of the eldest brother himself." Song Zhi said proudly.

"Uncle Song is really amazing. It's really amazing to contain them all with less than one-third of their number." Li Zhenwu originally thought, who has such a great ability to put Li Zitong down? They were all restrained, and when he heard that it was Song Que, Li Zhenwu praised.

"By the way, Zhenwu, eldest brother sent me here this time for two things, let me tell you." Song Zhi pretended to remember something and patted his thigh.

"Uncle Zhi, what's your uncle's explanation?" Li Zhenwu asked quickly. Li Zhenwu knew that Song Zhi had come over this time, otherwise he would never have come here at this time. After all, the Song clan had just arrived After the war, the shrewd Second Master Song was very much needed, but he came to Luoyang at this time, so Li Zhenwu knew it all at once.

"First, the eldest brother asked me to come over to discuss Yuzhi's wedding date, and the second one..." Song Zhi said with Li Zhenwu's appetite.

"What about the second one?" Li Zhenwu also reacted when he heard the wedding date.After all, she should get married too. Zhenzhen and Xiuxun have been with her for a long time, and it is time to give them an explanation, so she gave Wei Zhenzhen and Shang Xiuxun a look, and they all understood after seeing it. Li Zhenwu lowered his head in shame.But after hearing what Song Zhi didn't say, Li Zhenwu hurriedly asked.

"The second thing is that Yuzhi misses you, ask me to bring her here quickly, hahaha." Song Zhishen said mysteriously.

When Song Yuzhi was listening to the wedding date, her face was already very red. Now that she heard this sentence again, she whispered, "Second uncle." Then she ran out in shame.

"Let's go see Sister Yuzhi." Wei Zhenzhen and Shang Xiuxun also ran out in shame.

"Hahaha." Li Zhenwu laughed as he looked at the three girls who ran out.


Then Li Zhenwu came to Lu Miaozi after Li Zhenwu took the wind to Song Zhi, because Lu Miaozi was not only Shang Xiuxun's father, but also Wei Zhenzhen's master. When Li Zhenwu married them, he must first tell Lu Miaozi, Ask for his opinion...

"Senior Lu." Li Zhenwu broke in directly and found that there was no one inside, so he opened the secret room and jumped in.

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