An army of [-] people has been appearing twenty miles outside Luoyang City, headed by a heroic woman, she said to a person who looked like a guard beside her, "Second brother, don't you say that this Young Master Li is very Is it dangerous? You have to go anyway."

The guard said with a smile, "Xiu Ning, it's very dangerous. It's precisely because of this that I have to go and see for myself."

It turned out that this was the team that Li Tang came to attend Li Zhenwu's wedding, led by Li Xiuning of Li Tang.

"The rise of this Young Master Li is too short and too mysterious. If I don't go and take a look, I will not be relieved." Li Shimin continued.

"But second brother, you didn't say that you framed him, so what should you do for your safety?" Li Xiuning asked with concern.

Li Shimin looked behind him and said with a mysterious smile, "Don't worry, I will be safe."

Chapter 173 The Big Wedding

On March [-], early in the morning, the people of Luoyang got up early, put on new clothes, and gathered on the streets of Luoyang, waiting for Li Zhenwu's team to welcome his relatives.

Li Zhenwu had to walk four doors and marry three wives, so Li Zhenwu had to get up early in the morning, because Li Zhenwu knew Wei Zhenzhen first, so Li Zhenwu went to Wei Zhenzhen in the east first.

"Long Live Mr. Li"

"I wish Mr. Li, a hundred years of harmony, growing old, and full of children and grandchildren!"

"I wish Mr. Li, forever and ever, and be safe every year."


"Dong dong dong choke... dong dong dong choke." Li Zhenwu's wedding team beat gongs and drums, and everywhere they went, they were full of gongs and drums, beaming with joy.

At this time, the home that Li Zhenwu arranged for Wei Zhenzhen was filled with a festive atmosphere. From the main entrance to the boudoir where the relatives were received, all sides of the road were surrounded by bright red curtains.

In the boudoir, Wei Zhenzhen was wearing a phoenix crown and a robe, sitting and waiting as beautiful as a flower, and a dozen maids around were there to help.

At this time, Wei Zhenzhen in the boudoir was very excited, thinking in her heart that it had been several years, she finally waited until today, since Li Zhenwu started to dominate the world, she knew that it was Li Zhenwu who was too busy, and she should wait patiently and wait. When Li Zhenwu was free.

Today, she finally waited for this day, so she was excited and shed happy tears.

When Li Zhenwu came here, all the people came out to greet him. After a stick of incense, Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen into the big sedan chair, and then rode a BMW to Shangxiuxun in the north.

An old mother led the maids inside to bow and bow, and didn't get up until Li Zhenwu was no longer visible.

In the same way, Li Zhenwu took Shang Xiuxun into the sedan chair from Lu Miaozi in the north, and finally took Song Yuzhi from Song Zhi in the west.

Every time he went to a mansion to greet a lady, the people in the city were so excited that their voices overwhelmed the voices of the welcoming team.Then Li Zhenwu rode a BMW with three eight-seat sedan chairs behind him, beating gongs and drums, and with the blessings of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, he carried his three wives back to the house.

Li Zhenwu's mansion was also decorated with lanterns at this time. At Li Zhenwu's request, it was luxuriously furnished. Coral connection trees, pearl acacia pots, and emeralds were everywhere.

Because Li Zhenwu didn't want to leave any regrets for them, Li Zhenwu also took out many treasures in Duke Yang's treasury to arrange the whole wedding.

After entering the mansion, all parties came to congratulate, and many people also came to congratulate, but at Li Zhenwu's request, all the people who came to congratulate did not accept gifts, which made the people support Li Zhenwu. .

"It's a good way. In just a short period of time, he bought the people in Luoyang City." Li Shimin, who was inquiring about the news in Luoyang City, said at this time.

"It's time to go and see the master's house." Li Shimin said with a wry smile, although he has not seen Li Zhenwu or the military's situation, but just based on the appearance of the people in Luoyang, Li Shimin was very shocked.


"How many people with suspicious identities are there?" In a small secret house, a woman with a graceful figure sat on the bed and asked.

"Reporting to Military Master Shen, since the lord's wedding, [-] suspicious people have entered Luoyang, and the wedding banquet team has lost five people, Dou Jiande has lost three, and Li Zitong has lost [-] people... ' replied the man standing below.

Since Shen Luoyan took refuge in Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu handed over the intelligence to her, because Xu Xingzhi was really too busy, but Li Zhenwu had no credible and available people at the time, so Xu Xingzhi was the only one. He has always been in charge of the intelligence, and now that Shen Luoyan is relying on him, Li Zhenwu handed over the intelligence to Shen Luoyan.

Li Zhenwu knew that there would be a lot of spies who would come to investigate his details this time, so Li Zhenwu instructed Shen Luoyan to find out all the people and ensure that his details were not revealed.

"Continue to stare, wait for them to go to a place where no one is there, and then arrest them." Shen Luoyan said after listening to the order.

"Yes, Master Shen." After speaking, he went out.

Shen Luoyan stretched and listened to the lively voice in the distance, and said lazily, "I really want to go out and have a look!"


Li Zhenwu took Wei Zhenzhen and the others into the mansion, and then began to worship the church to marry, with Lu Miaozi and Song Zhi sitting at the top, and the four of them stood in front of them.

The master of ceremonies called at this time.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."

"Send to the bridal chamber."

At this time, there was a pair of elf abnormal eyes. He didn't look at Li Zhenwu's worship, but at Lu Miaozi who was sitting in the high hall. If Li Zhenwu looked here at this time, he would find that the owner of these eyes was the Yinkui faction. 's.

"Lu Miaozi, I didn't expect that the Lu Miaozi that Master has been looking for is actually here. It seems that Lu Miaozi is not easy to catch now." She said in a low voice.

"Congratulations, Brother Li."

"Congratulations to City Lord Li."


After Li Zhenwu sent his three ladies to the bridal chamber, and then came out, everyone immediately congratulated them.

Li Zhenwu could only bow and salute non-stop there, "Thank you, I'm happy and happy."

It was not until the end of the wedding banquet that Li Zhenwu sent all the guests away and quickly ran to the backyard to go to his three brides.

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