Therefore, Akamaru's bark at this moment can be understood even by Inuzukaya.

"What? You said that Anbu was the one in the Chunin exam?" Inuzuka Ya said in surprise after hearing what he meant as a ninja dog.

Then he looked at the ninja dog in surprise, but was lightly patted in front of him, and immediately fainted.

"It's time to act! I hope there will be no problems." Yaoshi Duo was a little hesitant, but he quietly stretched out his hand and made a seal.

Suddenly someone got sleepy.

Moreover, countless white feathers slowly fell from the sky, causing many people to fall asleep more directly.

Countless spectators fell asleep with their heads down.

While Jagged Kai and Kakashi stood there, Jagged Kai looked solemn: "Kakashi, this is..."

"Yes, it's illusion!"

Kakashi nodded, and as soon as he finished speaking, the two of them made a seal at the same time.

In an instant, they pushed back the white feathers beside them.

Sakura in the audience also noticed this in advance, and Yuyin unlocked the illusion.

On the top floor of the auditorium, where the two 'Shadows' were sitting, behind the 'Fengying', one of his guards suddenly came out and threw something like a bomb.

"Bang!" The bomb was not powerful, but it emitted thick smoke.

"What is this?" Kakashi and Jagged Kai were surprised, and at the same time found out that this was from the place where the Naruto Seat was.

After the smoke bombs spread, outside the village, a group of lurking Yin Nin saw this situation, and the leading artist immediately arrived: "The signal is sent, act immediately!"

Outside the Konoha fence, a group of sandy ninjas sat cross-legged on the ground. They were evenly distributed. There was a formation stroke on the ground. When they saw the smoke in the village, no one immediately took out their scrolls and began to cast a large summoning technique.

"Feng Ying, what are you doing?"

At the 'Shadow' seat, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan looked at Kazekage to the side.

"Hokage-sama!" After Hiruzen Sarutobi, his guard ninja appeared with some anxiety.

At the same time, many sandy ninjas suddenly appeared and rushed towards Hokage.

The Hokage Guards rushed to the street in an instant, and the Anbu Ninja in the distance had not had time to arrive.

Kazekage suddenly went behind Sarutobi Hizan, one arm was wrapped around his neck, and the other hand held Kunai against Sarutobi Hizan's neck.


Kazuki jumped onto the roof with Sarutobi Hiizan wrapped in it.

Sarutobi Hiizhan turned his eyes and saw the ninjas standing in the four corners of the roof.

"Sound Ninja." He recognized the identities of these ninjas.

At this moment, the four tone ninjas are forming seals.

"Ninja-Four Purple Flame Formation!" 3.4

Four purple fire curtains rose up in an instant, imprisoning this space.

An Anbu ninja had already stepped forward, but just when he touched the barrier, the whole person instantly lit up and was ignited by fire.

"Is Sand Ninja Village going to betray the covenant?" Sarutobi Hizan calmed down and asked Kazekage behind him.

"The so-called treaty is just a trick to let the opponent relax, and the boring game is over." Feng Ying said leisurely.

"Don't you want to cause a war? It's too late to stop now, Kazekage-sama!" Sarutobi Hizan said solemnly.

"Sure enough, when you're old, you're comfortable with peace? Sarutobi-sensei."

'Feng Ying' smiled grimly, then stretched out his hand to his head and slowly tore off his mask.

Chapter [-]: Orochimaru Reappearance (Second)

"Enchantment Ninjutsu."

Outside the village, many ninjas from Sand Ninja Village surrounded the psychic formation. Under the commander's order, they slammed the scroll on the ground!

With a loud bang, a huge three-headed serpent emerged from the psychic formation.

"The psychic technique was successful." The ninja of Sandyin Ninja Village on the side was happy.

Then, the huge three-headed snake straightened up, 'Boom! ' With a sound, the huge tongue has knocked out a big hole in the gap in the outer wall of Konoha!

A defensive Konoha ninja appeared, trying to stop the three-headed serpent.

Konoha ninja waved kunai, released one by one ninjutsu, and tried their best. They have the belief to protect Konoha:

"Don't expect to be able to enter the village!"

"Bang!" Half of the snake's body protruded into the wall, the three huge heads were hideous and cold, and the pair of vertical pupils were full of evil aura.

Swish swish!

Immediately behind the three-headed giant snake, there are ninjas from the Sandyin Ninja Village!

Above the examination room, Sasuke looked at Gaara, who was on the opposite side, and suddenly Temari and Kankuro appeared, as well as the chaotic scene in the surrounding stands. He was a little overwhelmed.

At this time, a figure came to him in an instant, and the ninja held a thousand books in his mouth.

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