"God's destiny, destiny's return." The words below were replaced by this sentence and shouted together.


Zhu Yuyan listened to this shouting and knew that He Clan's jade was not available, so she went directly to the opposite direction.

When Zhu Yuyan saw the He Shibi on top of Li Zhenwu's head, she was also ready to take action, but was preempted by Shi Zhixuan, who saw that Shi Zhixuan was injured by the light curtain on Li Zhenwu's body.

Zhu Yuyan didn't care about the He's jade on Li Zhenwu's head, and chased in the direction Shi Zhixuan left, but even if Shi Zhixuan was injured, Zhu Yuyan still couldn't catch up, so she returned to the altar with Wei Wei and saw Let's see if we can capture He's jade.

Chapter 176 Li Tang's Trend

After the king ceremony was over, Li Zhenwu immediately arranged everything and told them that he was going to start retreating.

When Li Zhenwu became king, he found that the fate that had been locked to him disappeared, and the four great treasures were completely merged into the source, so Li Zhenwu felt that the whole world rejected him, so Li Zhenwu quickly suppressed his skills.

However, hasty suppression could not solve the problem at all, so Li Zhenwu chose to retreat at this time because he wanted to seal his cultivation.

"The world is transformed, and the four images are condensed." Li Zhenwu said with a handprint in his hand.

"Dongfang Qinglong." As Li Zhenwu pointed to the east, an illusory Qinglong appeared to the east of Li Zhenwu.

"Southern Suzaku." The same Suzaku appeared to the south of Li Zhenwu.

"Western White Tiger."

"Northern Xuanwu."

At this time, the four elephants floated around Li Zhenwu, and roared at Li Zhenwu.

Because the source level in Li Zhenwu's body was too good, Li Zhenwu detained the source power of the world created by this avenue, hoping to complete the seal.

"Four elephants seal the sky." As Li Zhenwu shouted, Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu rushed into Li Zhenwu's body together, locking part of his cultivation.

Li Zhenwu felt the seal in his body, stood up and said in dissatisfaction, "Five years, you can only seal for five years."


"Second brother, He's jade appeared in Luoyang." Li Xiuning walked out of Luoyang without a pause, and then ran into Li Shimin in Huayin, a small town between Luoyang and Chang'an, and said quickly.

"He's jade." Li Shimin said with a sigh.

"Let's go, He Shibi has his own teacher and fairy to deal with it. Now what we need to do is to prevent Luoyang's sneak attack." Li Shimin continued.

"Yeah." Li Xiuning nodded, and without taking a rest, returned to Chang'an with Li Shimin.


"Concubine Xuan, He's jade appeared in Luoyang, you can go." Fan Qinghui said to Shi Feixuan when she got the news.

Ever since the concubine Xuan left Sichuan and Shu, she felt that her cultivation was insufficient, so she returned to Cihang Jingzhai to concentrate on her cultivation. Now she suddenly heard the news of He's jade, and her calm Dao heart was filled with waves.

"Yes, Master." Shi Feixuan nodded and agreed.


"Master Fanzhai sent a letter, hoping that we can help her and retrieve the Heshi jade." The holy monk of wisdom said to the other three.

"It is my duty." Emperor Xin immediately agreed.

"Then let's go to Luoyang!" Daoxin said this, stood up and walked straight forward.


"What's Li Tang's reaction now?" Li Zhenwu went directly to Li Jing and asked as soon as he left the border.

"Back to the king, Li Tang will increase his troops by [-] to the north." Li Jing replied.

"One hundred thousand, it seems that they have negotiated with Dou Jiande and the others in the north." Li Zhenwu calculated the number of Li Tang's army and said.

"My lord is wise." Li Jing replied.

"Who is the coach?" Li Zhenwu asked again.

"Li Tang's army is divided into three groups. One is Li Shentong, one is Li Shimin, and one is Li Jiancheng. They are coming from Tongguan, Huayin, and Luochuan respectively." Li Jing pointed to the map and said to Li Zhenwu.

"Give up everything outside Luoyang, and guard Luoyang with all your strength." Li Zhenwu thought of the Evil Emperor relic he got, and suddenly noticed it, so he ordered Li Jing.

"Your Majesty, it's easy to defend and difficult to attack, do we really want to give up?" Li Jing asked, pointing to a small town on the map.

Li Zhenwu smiled and said, "No, I have a way to directly attack this place. As long as it is not peaceful here, Li Tang's three-way army is just a joke."

"My subordinates know, so I will send someone to execute the order." Li Jing watched Li Zhenwu pointing at Chang'an. Although he didn't know what method Li Zhenwu used to make Chang'an uneasy, he believed in Li Zhenwu's ability, so he nodded and agreed.

"Don't worry, what about the south?" Li Zhenwu asked Li Jing who was about to go out.

"In the south, Lin Shihong and Li Zitong are now fighting for some reason, so I just sent General Qin to guard..." Li Jing replied.

"When Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling are sent there, I always feel that there is a problem in the south." Li Zhenwu repeated Li Jing's words in his mind.

"Yes." Li Jing clasped his fists.


The east of Tongguan is connected with peaks, the cliffs are very deep and the valleys are deep.

It is expected that the Yellow River will come from afar, split the vast mountains between Qin and Jin, and head south to Huayue.As a military pass, Tongguan began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Tongguan is named after the water, "the river flows in the south of the pass and urges the mountain, so it is called Tongguan." Tongguan is named after Tongguan, also known as Chongguan.Here there is the Qinling barrier in the south, the Yellow River moat in the north, and the old days in the east. , Binding the east-west passage, the situation became "close the gates to restrain Kyushu, and birds cannot pass over", so there is a saying that "Tongguan is solid, and all Qin is solid".

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