"Okay, it's time for me to go to Chang'an. Master Shen remembers that when Senior Lu comes back, he will immediately spread the blueprint." Li Zhenwu asked himself without waiting for the two of them, and went to the backyard after speaking.

"Zhenzhen, Xiuxun, Yuzhi, I want to go out." Li Zhenwu saw the three of them chatting there when he got to the backyard, so he walked over slowly and said.

"I'm going too." Song Yuzhi jumped up and said.

"No." Li Zhenwu firmly refused.

Song Yuzhi also knew that Li Zhenwu had something important to do this time, so he didn't bring himself there. Although he was very reluctant to be separated from Li Zhenwu, he still said, "Well, I'm not going."

Wei Zhenzhen and Shang Xiuxun on the side, their eyes lit up when they heard Song Yuzhi's question. Although they knew that Li Zhenwu was unlikely to take them, they still looked at Li Zhenwu with hope, but they could hear Li Zhenwu's resolute determination. Tone, the two people's hearts are a little low.

Li Zhenwu looked at the three daughters, held them all into his arms after being silent for a while, and said softly, "Wait for me, I will be back soon."

The three girls nodded their heads lightly, then looked at Li Zhenwu's face, and said together, "We are waiting for you."

Chapter 179 Relic

Li Zhenwu hugged the three daughters for a while in the backyard, then took away the Evil Emperor relic that he had sealed, and went to Chang'an reluctantly.

As soon as Li Zhenwu arrived in Chang'an, he ran directly to the Yuema Bridge and entered the treasure house of Duke Yang. Seeing that Lu Miaozi was setting up the organs there, Li Zhenwu followed suit.

Five days later, Li Zhenwu said to Lu Miaozi who was leaving, "Father-in-law, after you go back, tell Shen Luoyan that you can start, and tell Zhenzhen and the others that everything is fine here."

Lu Miaozi just said "be careful." and left directly.


"The blueprint of Yang Gong's treasure house!" A bearded man said excitedly after looking at the sheepskin that suddenly appeared on his table.

"Where? Give me the blueprint!" The one next to him heard it and ran over to ask immediately.

"Where is what? I don't know, and I don't have any blueprints." The big man watched many people around him looking at him, so he silently stuffed the blueprints under his buttocks and pretended to be stupid.


563 The other person didn't care how he explained it at all, just pulled out the knife in his hand and chopped off the bearded head. The bearded body fell to the ground, and the sheepskin drawing appeared.

Before the murderer picked up the blueprint, all the people around who had been paying attention to it just now flew over.In an instant, there was only a corpse left on the ground, but I don't know who got the blueprint.

This kind of thing happened in various places, and also happened in places under Li Zhenwu's rule. Until the end, Shen Luoyan directly copied many copies of the drawings, whether it was big cities such as Luoyang and Xiangyang, or even those small county towns, Shen Luoyan all Hundreds of copies were scattered in each city, but Chang'an and places far from Chang'an were not scattered.


"Tune the magical powers, lead the army to return, block Chang'an, and do not allow anyone to enter or leave." Li Yuan ordered immediately after he got the blueprint.

"As ordered." After finishing speaking, a shadow beside Li Yuan ran directly outside the hall.


"Second brother, the emperor asked the eldest brother and uncle to rush back to Chang'an." Li Xiuning told Li Shimin immediately after receiving the news.

Li Shimin was shrinking his troops and returning to Luoyang for the treasure house of Yang Gong and Li Zhenwu. When he was worried about these two matters, he suddenly heard Li Xiuning's words, and immediately stood up and said, "The father has transferred the eldest brother back, so the army will also come together. Back to Chang'an."

"Big brother and uncle, each took [-] horses, and the rest are still there." Li Xiuning also nodded with an ugly face. She knew the consequences of this order, that is, Tongguan was the only one for them. People are guarding.

"Xiuning, you hurry back to Chang'an and ask your father to send someone here." Li Shimin said weakly, Tongguan is the gateway to Chang'an, but because of the relatively developed traffic in Tongguan, there are now a lot of elites missing from the two roads, and they still occupy He lost a lot of the city that Li Zhenwu gave up, so now Li Shimin feels that the situation is very bad, so he is a little weak.

"I know the second brother, I'll go right now." Li Xiuning didn't delay. After speaking, he went out to ride his BMW and headed for Chang'an.

Not long after Li Jiancheng and Li Shentong left, Li Jing got the news that Li Zhenwu's original plan was to give up these sites to disperse their troops. .

At this time, Li Jing personally led an army of [-] people, all the way with Cheng Yaojin as the vanguard, attacking along the Huayin road, and all the way with Xuanyong as the vanguard, attacking along the Luochuan road.

Li Jing led the remaining [-] horses to Tongguan, forcing Li Shimin to stay in Tongguan.


At the same time, in Chang'an City.

"Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan, Huan, Anlong..." Li Zhenwu was sitting in the inn at the gate of the city, looking at the people from the Demon Gate, all of them came in.

The drawing given by Li Zhenwu marked the Evil Emperor's relic in Yang Gong's treasury, and did not mark any entrance or exit.

"It seems that everyone who should come has come, so it's time to act tonight." Li Zhenwu touched the small jar in his arms and said.

In the middle of the night, Li Zhenwu touched Li Yuan's Hall of Supreme Harmony and took out a small jar full of mercury from his arms. The Evil Emperor's relic inside was completely exposed to the air.

The large amount of evil and dead energy in the relic is radiating around like river water, causing people to have illusions in their minds for a while, like thousands of unjust souls coming together to claim their lives, Li Zhenwu just waved his hand, and the relic came over with visions, as if avoiding Li. Like Zhenwu, he passed by.

At this time, the people in the demon gate in the city felt this evil spirit, and said "Holy Relic." Then they turned into a stream of light and rushed to the place where the evil emperor's relic was the most breathable - the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Senior Ning, is this the aura of the Evil Emperor's relic?" Shi Feixuan asked.

Concubine Xuan learned from the mouths of the Four Great Sages, Li Zhenwu's martial arts and Li Zhenwu's intentions, so she wrote to Fan Qinghui, and while waiting for Fan Qinghui's reply, she got Yang Gong's treasure house Drawings, she would not have come, but when she saw the words "Evil Emperor Relic", she rushed over immediately.

"It's such an evil breath, it should be." Ning Daoqi also felt this breath, although he used uncertain words, but he said it with certainty.

"Concubine, I'll go take a look first." After Ning Daoqi finished speaking, he flew out like an arrow.

Ning Daoqi because Li Zhenwu may be a strong player in the sky, so Dao Xin was a little lost, thinking in his heart, Lao Dao did not hesitate to support Li Shimin, and only hoped to see the shadow of Po Kong, but Lao Dao still can't see any broken air. Shadow, there is such a junior who can break through the void.

Even under the influence of jealousy and desire, Ning Daoqi also had a little illusion about the Evil Emperor Relic, thinking that maybe he could break through the Evil Emperor Relic, so he simply answered the teacher's concubine Xuan, and immediately rushed over.

Chapter 180 Li Yuan's Death

Li Zhenwu exposed the Evil Emperor relic to the air. After only five minutes, he immediately covered the jar, because the bait was already in place, and the Evil Emperor relic could not be left, otherwise he would create a few strong ones. Zhenwu should really cry.

So Li Zhenwu closed the jar containing the Evil Emperor's relic, and hurried out.

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