"Rong'er, don't bother your husband in the past." Huang Yaoshi stopped.

"But...but..." Huang Rong secretly followed Li Zhenwu after Li Zhenwu took the Jiuyin Sutra. Seeing Li Zhenwu appear in such a scene, she immediately wanted to go over with some worry.

"Rong'er, your husband is indeed a genius. He combined the Jiuyin Sutra's chapter on Yi Jin and Broken Bone and Wu Qin Xi into one, where all the impurities in the body are removed from the body." Huang Yaoshi looked at Li Zhenwu's action said.

Li Zhenwu's body was created casually by Li Zhenwu. Li Zhenwu knew that the world of divine carvings inherited the world of shooting carvings, so he devoted this body to the soul-splitting body, so although this body was bright and gorgeous on the outside, its inner The muscles are still relatively poor.

After three full hours, the fog around Li Zhenwu dissipated. Li Zhenwu opened his eyes and saw the dirt on his body. A crucian carp turned over and jumped into the sea.

"Husband, this is..." Huang Rong saw this scene and asked.

"He just washed the dirt off his body, it's fine." Huang Yaoshi said lightly, because Huang Rong was concerned about it, otherwise, how could Huang Rong's martial arts not know this.

After a while, Li Zhenwu jumped from the sea to the big rock, feeling the changes in his body, the meridians were all open, and the tendons and bones were also cultivated to the middle stage of the first layer. in.

"Husband." Huang Rong saw Li Zhenwu coming out and rushed towards Li Zhenwu.

As soon as he arrived at Li Zhenwu's side, he grabbed Li Zhenwu's right hand, put his index and middle fingers on Li Zhenwu's wrist, felt the changes in Li Zhenwu's body and said, "Husband, you have practiced it."

"Of course, don't look at who I am." Li Zhenwu didn't know whether it was because he was close to Huang Rong, or because this body was created by himself, so he was a little unstable since the carving of the gods, so at this time He held his head high.

Chapter 3 The First Meeting of Yang Guo

3 Meeting Yang Guo for the first time

Unconsciously, Li Zhenwu passed eight springs and autumns on Peach Blossom Island. On this day, Li Zhenwu's long roar spread throughout Peach Blossom Island.

"Husband, did you break through?" Huang Rong rushed over to ask after hearing the voice.

"Well, like Rong'er, I'm in the middle stage of innate right now." Li Zhenwu suddenly appeared beside Huang Rong, leaned over and kissed Huang Rong.

Li Zhenwu also reversed a Jiuyang magic art through the Jiuyin scripture. After breaking through to the innate two years ago, he began to practice Yin and Yang. Finally, the Yin and Yang infuriating qi in the body reached a balance today, forming a Tai Chi pattern. It brought Li Zhenwu's skills to the middle stage of the innate.

"Rong'er, Brother Guo seems to say that his daughter is almost seven years old. Do you want us to go to Brother Guo to play in a while?" Li Zhenwu continued.

"Husband, Rong'er found that now husband is more playful than Rong'er." Huang Rong replied to Li Zhen's martial arts.

"We are still young, we just need to play more if we have nothing to do. Look at how boring my father-in-law is in retreat every day. Besides, Rong'er, you are getting younger and younger now. You look like a girl of eighteen or nineteen. Let's What's wrong with going out to play." Li Zhenwu retorted, Huang Rong has been practicing Li Zhenwu every day for the past eight years, incorporating the chapters of Yijin and Broken Bone in Wuqinxi, and living younger every day, from a beautiful young woman to a beautiful young woman. Beautiful girl now.

And Huang Yaoshi retreats every day because he sees that Li Zhenwu can be rejuvenated, so he thinks that if his skill reaches a certain level, he can definitely be brought back to life. For the sake of his deceased wife Feng Heng, Huang Yaoshi retreats like crazy, no matter what Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong persuade less than a little effect.

"Okay, that's the decision. After a while, it should be Yang Tiexin's death day. Brother Guo will definitely go to Niujia Village. Let's pack up and go to Niujia Village to wait for him." Li Zhenwu said directly.

After Yang Kang's death, Wanyan Honglie missed Bao Xiruo even more. Finally, that day, Wanyan Honglie surrounded Niujia Village with a few hundred troops and successfully forced Bao Xiruo and Yang Tiexin to death. Get killed.


After waiting in Niujia Village for a few days, Li Zhenwu got a piece of news, a news that could confirm the start of the divine carving, that is, Fairy Chilian left a bloody handprint in Lujiazhuang.

Hearing this news, Li Zhenwu took Huang Rong directly to Lujiazhuang, Jiaxing. When Li Zhenwu saw the two white eagles flying in the sky, he knew that Li Mochou was in Yang Guo's so-called home, so he said to Huang Rong, "Rong Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up in a while."

"Husband, why can't you catch up?" Huang Rong asked with some doubts.

When they were outside the kiln, Li Zhenwu dragged Huang Rong to sneak up to the wall and saw that Li Mochou, who was wearing a purple Taoist robe, smiled and said, "If you have something to say, don't worry, I will send you all to hell in a while. It's not too late to talk slowly."

Ke Zhen'e was shocked after hearing this, and he had only been fighting for a long time. He knew that if Li Mochou hadn't been jealous of his apprentice's dismantling of his old bones, how could he have the ability to save a few little babies, Guo Fu would not agree with him. Both the eagles were there, and he called out urgently, "Fur, tell the eagles to bite this evil woman."

Guo Fu was clueless. After listening to the Grand Duke's instructions, he whistled and called the Shuang Eagles to charge forward. Li Mochou was worthy of being a master of the ancient tomb. The soul silver needle appeared in his hand, and then shot directly at the eyes of the two white eagles.

Huang Rong was unhappy when she saw that Li Zhenwu La came to see the glamorous Taoist nun herself, just as she was about to speak, she saw the old blind man Ke Zhen'e, so she watched patiently.

But when she saw that Li Mochou wanted to attack the white eagle, Huang Rong couldn't bear it any longer.

Huang Rong knew these two white eagles. When Huang Rong was looking for Li Zhenwu all over the world, he borrowed Guo Jing's white eagles to hurry, so he immediately shot.

Two air-breaking sounds came, and the ice soul silver needle was shot down.

Li Mochou was taken aback by this hidden weapon, but when he looked closely, it was only two ordinary pieces of dirt. He knew that the martial arts of the people who came here were far superior to him, so he immediately protected himself and said loudly, "I don't know where the masters are coming, but they are still there. Please come and see me."

Huang Rong was about to go down, but saw Li Zhenwu's hand on her shoulder, preventing her from going down. At this moment, a ragged young man walked in outside the door, holding a rooster in his left hand, singing slang songs, jumping and jumping. Leaping over, he saw someone in front of the cave and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing at my house?"

He walked closer and looked at Li Mochou and Guo Fu, turned his head to look at Ke Zhen'e again, and said with a smile, "Tsk tsk, the big beauty is so beautiful, and the little beauty is also very delicate, you are much worse. Are the two girls here to find me? No one with the surname Yang has such beautiful friends."

Li Zhenwu knew that this was Yang Guo, looked at him talking with a smile, and said to Huang Rong, "Rong'er, look who he looks like?"

"Yang Kang? He is Yang Kang's son." Huang Rong looked at Yang Guo's face carefully, and immediately called out in surprise.

"Who?" Li Mochou asked Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong cautiously.

"Let's go, I can't watch the show now." Li Zhenwu dragged Huang Rong down and stood directly in front of Li Mochou.

"Who are you?" Although Li Mochou was surprised, he reminded him of the harm Lu Zhanyuan had done to him, so he asked boldly.


"How is Lin Chaoying?" Li Zhenwu said directly.

"Grandfather and grandmother? Who the hell are you?" Li Mochou heard Lin Chaoying's name, and a trace of sadness flashed across her face, but she asked again in an instant.

"Miss Huang? Brother Li?" Guo Jing came over at this time, and asked Li Zhenwu and Huang Rong somewhat uncertainly.

"Brother Guo, Madam Guo." Huang Rong said.

Huang Rong had amnesia as Li Zhenwu, so Huang Rong was the first to speak to the people they knew.

"Brother Guo, is this your daughter?" Although Li Zhenwu didn't know Guo Jing anymore, he had read the original book and came here just now. The middle-aged man with high martial arts skills was not Guo Jingneng, so he didn't need Huang Rong's introduction at all.

"Brother Li, this is the little girl." Guo Jing replied with a fist.

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