The other person was slightly stronger and encouraged to hold the hilt of the sword, but his body staggered back and fell to the ground.

The remaining few Quanzhen disciples, including Yin Zhiping, were shocked by this scene and gasped.

Such an understatement, just flicking his finger and flicking his finger twice, he repelled the two Quanzhen disciples.

The out-of-hand long sword flew diagonally, Li Zhenwu jumped, grabbed it in his hand, landed steadily, looked at Yin Zhiping, and walked forward step by step.

"Come on, Your Excellency, when did Pindao offend you, please give me an explanation!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Yin Zhiping screamed, his scalp tingling all of a sudden.

"No time!"

Li Zhenwu only replied two words, he stood up with his sword, his figure suddenly accelerated, and the long sword was unfolded in his hand. In the face of several warriors whose strength was far lower than himself, he didn't need to use any swordsmanship, he just heard " Ding ding ding" There was a sound like a bell beating, and the long swords in the hands of the remaining disciples were picked out almost at the same time.

Bang bang bang!

Li Zhenwu waved his left hand continuously, each one slapped it with one palm, but it didn't hurt their lives, just knocked them all unconscious.Li Zhenwu waved his backhand, the long sword in his hand "swish", and hit the man's back with the hilt at a distance of seven or eight meters. The man groaned and passed out.

Li Zhenwu didn't kill these Quanzhen disciples, not because Li Zhenwu was afraid of Quanzhen Sect, but because these people were arrogant, they were not guilty of death, so Li Zhenwu just knocked them out.

There was a strong wind behind him, but Yin Zhiping saw that several of his junior brothers were knocked to the ground in three or two strokes. He was shocked and angry, he drew his sword and stabbed Li Zhenwu in the back.

However, Li Zhenwu seemed to have eyes on the back, his feet moved slightly, his body turned abruptly, and he used his hand to make a knife, a hand knife hit Yin Zhiping's wrist, he groaned in pain, and the long sword fell out of his hand.

Li Zhenwu raised his foot and held it in his hand. The next moment, he swung his long sword and drew a half-moon arc of light.

Yin Zhiping let out a heart-wrenching scream, "Ah", tightly covering his lower body, his eyes paled a few times, and blood dripping from his hands, "You, you..." He tilted his head, and his whole body went limp. , the body kept twitching.

Li Zhenwu glanced at Yin Zhiping and waved it casually. The sword in his hand flew out several meters and slammed into the ground three inches. Seeing Yin Zhiping who was still howling, Li Zhenwu turned around and walked away.

Originally, Li Zhenwu was going to kill Yin Zhiping, but he thought that simply killing him would not be enough to calm his anger, so he temporarily decided to castrate Yin Zhiping.

"Hahaha, cool." Li Zhenwu shouted after returning to the vicinity of the ancient tomb.

Sure enough, after a few hours, the Quanzhen Sect was like a frying pan. Daoist priests, big and small, were constantly rushing down the mountain. Li Zhenwu really wanted to go out and tell them at this time, it was me who did it, and I was here. here.

But he still has to get closer to Xiaolongnv, so Li Zhenwu will no longer cause this trouble.

In the next month, in addition to practicing martial arts, Li Zhenwu made "random encounters" with Xiaolongnu, and wrote to Huang Rong to report safety.

But this month, Yang Guo suffered a lot of grievances under Zhao Zhijing.

Zhao Zhijing did not teach Yang Guo martial arts, but only taught him formulas, and Lu Qingdu bullied him every day.

One afternoon, Yang Guo couldn't bear it any longer, and finally used his toad skill to knock Lu Qingdu unconscious.Yang Guo was afraid that Zhao Zhijing would trouble him, so he ran off the Chongyang Palace.

When Zhao Zhijing knew that Yang Guo had hurt someone and ran away, he was furious, "Look. I must find this little beast. I must break his legs."

Yang Guo saw the Taoist priests behind him chasing him, and in a panic, he ran to the tomb of the living dead.

Li Zhenwu saw Yang Guo coming over and said, "Little beggar in Jiaxing, why are you here?"

Yang Guo was startled when he heard Li Zhenwu's voice, then he saw Li Zhenwu's appearance clearly, and immediately said loudly, "The old brother, help, those stinky Taoists in the back are going to kill me..." Thinking of Li Zhenwu's strength at the beginning , Yang Guo immediately called for help.

"Come here, I'll see who dares to touch you." Li Zhenwu said, Li Zhenwu intercepted Yang Guo first, then Yang Guo would have no chance to get acquainted with Xiao Longnv, plus this matter, there is still a lot of anger Luck, how could Li Zhenwu not participate?

After a while, Zhao Zhijing brought a lot of people over, as if he didn't see Li Zhenwu, and said, "Yang Guo, you little beast, come here quickly, if I don't break your legs today, I will not be Zhao Zhijing."

"If you want to arrest me, you must defeat my big brother first!" Yang Guo said.

"This son, you should leave Yang Guo to me. Yang Guo, this little bastard, violated the rules of my Quanzhen Sect. I must take him back." Zhao Zhijing saw that Li Zhenwu was only sixteen or seventeen. said disdainfully.

Li Zhenwu just glanced at him lightly, but Zhao Zhijing instantly felt as if he had entered hell, and looked at Li Zhenwu with some fear, when Yang Guo saw Zhao Zhijing's appearance, he immediately provoked, "Zhao Zhijing, I'm not afraid of you, come here. Kill me, come kill me!"

"Little bastard, I'll kill you." Zhao Zhijing heard Yang Guo's 2.1 words, his anger was stirred up again, and he rushed towards Yang Guo.

Just as Zhao Zhijing was about to arrest Yang Guo, Li Zhenwu stood up and shot it with a palm.

Zhao Zhijing was beaten and rolled a few times on the ground. There were more than ten holes in his Taoist robe. He heard Yang Guo's ridicule again, so he became embarrassed and said, "You are courting death!" Then he drew his sword and stabbed Li Zhenwu.

"call out"

A slight cracking sound came, and a stone turned into a streamer and hit the tip of Zhao Zhijing's sword. The stone carried a powerful force and suddenly knocked Zhao Zhijing back.

Seeing that Zhao Zhijing didn't know what to do, Li Zhenwu dared to draw his sword at himself, so he sucked up a stone and bounced it towards Zhao Zhijing's sword.

Chapter 12 Identity Exposed

12 Identity revealed

"Yang Guo, I'll keep you safe, get out of here!" Li Zhenwu walked in front of Yang Guo and said coldly to the Taoist priest of Quanzhen Sect.

Zhao Zhijing pointed at Li Zhenwu with his long sword, and said loudly, "The evil demon, who dares to stop me from Quanzhen Sect, today I will kill you to eliminate the harm of martial arts."

"Fuck, it's the same excuse as those three idiots back then. Could it be that the righteous people have only this excuse." Li Zhenwu complained in his heart after listening to Zhao Zhijing's words.

Zhao Zhijing knew that he was not Li Zhenwu's opponent, but thinking of Yang Guo and the humiliation that Li Zhenwu had brought him just now, he said the words just now.

In fact, Zhao Zhijing also had plans in his heart. He thought that with his identity as the first disciple of Quanzhen Sect, Li Zhenwu would never dare to kill him.

When Zhao Zhijing's sword tip was still an inch away from Li Zhenwu's eyebrows, Li Zhenwu hadn't used his sword yet, and he didn't block or dodge.

Yang Guo14's heart was in his throat, and he shouted, "Brother, do a quick flash."

At this time...

The sword in Zhao Zhijing's hand was only an inch away from Li Zhenwu, but Zhao Zhijing couldn't pierce that inch no matter what.

As long as Zhao Zhijing only felt as if he was stabbed on the iron plate, he suddenly saw Li Zhenwu turn his head to look at him, and that faint smile made Zhao Zhijing think of the feeling of hell, so he let go.

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