"That is, if Quanzhen Sect doesn't give me an explanation, I will definitely go to Uncle Guo and let him know how I have been treated in Quanzhen Sect." Yang Guo also said arrogantly at this time, but he seemed to put The backer was wrong. If Guo Jing really came here, Guo Jing would never ask whether he was right or wrong, and directly blamed Yang Guo first, because Guo Jing was a very old-fashioned person, and his teacher's kindness was greater than heaven.

"Okay, you little beast dare to threaten Lao Dao, go and find Jing'er, I want to see Jing'er and ask Lao Dao to give him some advice." Qiu Chuji heard Li Zhenwu's threat, and he was afraid for a while. Li Zhenwu's martial arts, if he wanted to slaughter the Quanzhen Sect, it would be easy, so he made up his mind not to speak, but when he heard Yang Guo's words, the more he saw Yang Guo, the more he looked like Yang Kang, so he said sharply.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that Qiu Chuji of Quanzhen Sect would only scare children. I told you, I have taken over everything about Yang Guo. If you don't tell me and the boy Yang Guo today, don't leave." Li Zhenwu Seeing Yang Guo hiding behind him in fear, he laughed.

"Sword Emperor, please calm down. After Lao Dao and others find out the cause and effect, they must give Sword Emperor an explanation, and also ask Sword Emperor to give Lao Dao and others a little time for the sake of the one-sided relationship." Wang Chuyi saw Li Zhenwu seemed to be determined. He was afraid that his senior brother would say something that would offend Li Zhenwu, so he obeyed softly.

"Okay, I can give you some time for my question, but for the matter of Yang Guo, you can give me an explanation right now." Li Zhenwu didn't want to make a big deal of the Quanzhen Sect, just because they were too noisy. He opened his mouth to threaten, thinking that if Yang Guo was still abused by the Quanzhen Sect, then he might still know Xiaolongnu just like the original book, so Li Zhenwu opened his mouth and said.

"Yang Guo, what you said just now is true?" Ma Yu asked at this time.

"Humph! You are really flattered to be the number one religion in the world, and you've been fluttering for a long time. After being humiliated by Brother Guo that day, you didn't dare to trouble Brother Guo, so you could only let your anger go. Above Yang Guo's head, it's really the number one teacher in the world!" Li Zhenwu said at this moment.

"Of course it's true. Zhao Zhijing only taught me formulas, and he also asked me to compete with Lu Qingdu every day. He never regarded me as an apprentice, and I did all the daily chores." Yang Guo thought about the treatment at Quanzhen , said angrily and loudly.

"Zhijing, is that kind of person?" Because Zhao Zhijing and Yin Zhiping are the third-generation disciples of Quanzhen and the most powerful in martial arts, Qiu Chuji had high expectations for them. Now hearing Yang Guo's words, Qiu Chuji muttered in disappointment. .

"This is just Yang Guo's words. Who knows if he is a treacherous villain like his father." Sun Buer whispered to Qiu Chuji at this moment.

"People are inherently good at the beginning, but it's also a shame that you all really pay attention to the unity of the three religions. Yang Guo and Yang Kang are two people. You put Yang Kang's mistakes on Yang Guo. Are you ashamed at such an old age? "Li Zhenwu is a congenital expert, and Sun Buer's voice entered Li Zhenwu's ears word for word. As soon as Sun Buer's voice fell, Li Zhenwu sneered.

"Teaching real people, teaching real people." At this time, Zhao Zhijing and Yin Zhiping came with a large group of Quanzhen people.

"It just so happens that all the parties involved are here, let that Zhao Zhijing confront the boy Yang Guo!" Li Zhenwu said to the Seventh Quanzhen.

"It's you thief. If you cut off your siblings now and apologize again, I'll let you go." Zhao Zhijing said immediately when he saw Li Zhenwu.

Hearing Zhao Zhijing's words, the Quanzhen seven sons were very scared. They were afraid that Li Zhenwu would kill them because of these words. They also faintly believed what Yang Guo had just said. matter.

"Haha, this Taoist priest surnamed Zhao, who gave you such confidence and wanted to keep my siblings." Li Zhenwu stopped the apology from the Seventh Master Quanzhen and said respectfully to Zhao Zhi.

"Humph! I'm here to teach the real person, don't you dare to be presumptuous, hurry up and make amends, and then send that little bastard Yang Guo over, or I will act for the heaven today." Zhao Zhijing didn't see the Quanzhen seven children winking at him. , said it so arrogantly.

Chapter 14

"Evil disciple." Qiu Chuji heard the four words for Tianxingdao at this time, and the five fingerprints left by Li Zhenwu on his face were still aching, and immediately went out and slapped Zhao Zhijing.

"Master?" Zhao Zhijing covered his face with a bewildered expression. He suddenly thought that the master teacher and the others were all here, so he immediately opened his mouth to defend himself, "It's the disciple who is wrong, the disciple was just blindfolded by anger before he said it. In that case, please forgive me."

At this time, Zhao Zhijing saw the five fingerprints on Qiu Chuji's face. After thinking about it carefully, he kowtowed in fear and confessed his guilt. He thought that the master had suffered under the young master, and it seemed that he had to rely on the master to save his life. them.

"You Quanzhen people have this quality. It seems that confrontation should not be able to do anything. I should use a special method." Li Zhenwu sneered.

At this time, the Quanzhen Seventh Master wanted to say something, but when he thought of Zhao Zhijing's madness just now, he couldn't open his mouth. He could only watch Li Zhenwu walk to Zhao Zhijing's side step by step.

"Moving Soul Dafa."

Li Zhenwu directly used the soul-moving method to ask Zhao Zhijing how he treated Yang Guo, and why he treated Yang Guo that way, and then unlocked the soul-moving method and looked at the Quanzhen Seventh Son.

"Demon law, demon law." Quanzhen taught those lowly martial arts disciples, 593 pointed at Li Zhen's martial arts.

"Zhijing, I didn't expect you..." Qiu Chuji said at this time, because Yang Guo was sent by Guo Jing, and Guo Jing has the best relationship with Qiu Chuji, so Qiu Chuji said.

"Master, what's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhao Zhijing asked blankly after hearing this.

"Tell me about Yang Guo from beginning to end!" Qiu Chuji said angrily.

"Senior brother, let's go back and talk about anything else. After all, there are two outsiders here, and the shame of the family can't be made public!" Sun Buer whispered, pulling Qiu Chuji, "Besides, this is not necessarily what Zhijing did, saying Maybe it was the Sword Emperor who controlled Zhijing and made him speak out."

"Hum! My hearing is better than you think. If you want to frame me, remember to say it in a place that I can't see, understand?" Li Zhenwu hummed with anger, and then looked at Sun Buer with disdain. road.

"You... as expected, you were the one who controlled Zhijing, and when I broke it, you became angry!" Sun Bu'er blushed at first, then thought of Quanzhen's face, and slapped him.

"Yes, yes, just now Tu'er was controlled by him. If Tu'er said something wrong, please forgive me." Although Zhao Zhijing didn't know what happened, he immediately heard Sun Buer's words. He threw the pot onto Li Zhenwu and said.

"It seems that there is no Quanzhen Sect without Wang Chongyang. I'd better do it myself. Anyway, Yang Guo also begged me." Li Zhenwu appeared directly in front of Zhao Zhijing, and stamped heavily on Zhao Zhijing's dantian. Above, Zhao Zhijing's painstaking practice of the whole-sincerity method for many years, under the palm of his hand, was drained, and Zhao Zhijing also passed out in a coma under this palm.

"You...you...Old Dao is fighting with you." Zhao Zhijing's master Wang Chuyi looked at the defunct apprentice, then drew his sword and rushed towards Li Zhenwu Dao.


Li Zhenwu sent Wang Chuyi three or four feet away, and then said with a serious face, "It seems that you are not convinced by my punishment, right?" The chilling feeling made everyone in Quanzhen Sect tremble.

"Since no one speaks, that's my punishment. You are also satisfied, then take Yang Guo with you and get out!" After a while, Li Zhenwu saw Quanzhen, just standing there, so he pointed at Yang Guo road.

Quanzhen wanted to take revenge, but when they saw Wang Chuyi, Li Zhenwu didn't even make a move, so they could only look at Li Zhenwu with fear and hatred, and suddenly heard Li Zhenwu's words, they Suddenly like waking up.

"Sword Emperor, give Lao Dao an explanation?" Qiu Chuji pointed at Zhao Zhijing and Wang Chu.

"Do you want this statement? If you are entangled, I will leave you all here." Li Zhenwu clenched his fist and said to Qiu Chuji.

"Junior brother and junior sister." As soon as Li Zhenwu's words came out, the seven Quanzhen sons except Ma Yu were ready to go together to let Li Zhenwu know that their Quanzhen teaching was powerful, but Ma Yu stretched out his right hand and blocked them.

Since Zhao Zhijing said those words, Ma Yu has been thinking there, is he wrong, is this still my true disciple?The leaders of the three generations of Quanzhen Sect disciples are all like this. It seems that Laodao can't just focus on himself and retreat.

"Shangjiao Zhenren." Yin Zhiping said, Yin Zhiping has been unable to talk since the beginning, and now he sees that his master and uncle are going to take action on his enemy, but he is blocked by the teacher, so he said.

"Zhiping step back." Ma Yu said solemnly.

"But... Zhiping obeyed." Yin Zhiping stepped aside under Ma Yu's gaze.

"I am totally wrong about this matter. Thank you Sword Emperor for saving Yang Guo's little friend's life. We will take Yang Guo and leave now." Ma Yuqian said kindly.

"Big brother, I don't want to go back, I'll worship you as my teacher, okay?" Yang Guo asked expectantly.

"Boy Yang Guo, go back, I have no chance with you, you should practice martial arts well in Quanzhen!" Li Zhenwu said with a gentle palm, sending Yang Guo to Ma Yu's side.

"Since the Sword Emperor has nothing to do, then Lao Dao and the others will retire." Then, Ma Yu forced the Seventh Quanzhen who was still glaring at Li Zhenwu with his eyes, and dragged Yang Guo away.

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