
Every time Li Zhenwu's palm collided with the opponent's long sword, they would feel a shock.

Li Zhenwu's speed was too fast, and the people around him couldn't see his figure at all. They only felt that the Quanzhen Seven Sons were surrounded by a white phantom.

Ma Yu and the others were shocked. Li Zhenwu was too powerful. Every time their long swords collided with Li Zhenwu's palm, they felt their whole body qi and blood run wild, their zhenqi floated, and their power was uncontrollable. Fortunately, what they cultivated is Taoist orthodox martial arts, true qi is the most peaceful, and this is why he tried his best to suppress the vibration of his body's qi and blood.

At this time, except for Ma Yu, the Quanzhen seven sons all thought in their hearts, no wonder the brothers would act like this, it seems that the name of the Sword Emperor is indeed well-deserved.

"This devil is too powerful, fellow juniors, we must keep him today!" Qiu Chuji seemed to be red-eyed, staring at Li Zhenwu and shouting loudly.

Seeing that Qiu Chuji was so desperate, the rest of the people also cooperated with Qiu Chuji and could not leave Li Zhenwu's key points.

"Die!" Li Zhenwu snorted coldly, his palms turned into claws, and countless phantoms were on their swords.

"Be careful, it's the Jiuyin White Bone Claw!" Qiu Chuji shouted loudly.

Li Zhenwu sneered, he was not using the messy Jiuyin White Bone Claws that Mei Chaofeng practiced, but the most authentic Jiuyin God Claws.

The claw wind attacked them, and the seven people tried their best to resist with their swordsmanship, but not a finger was attached. The powerful penetrating power can easily penetrate even the steel plate.

For a while, in order to resist the Nine Yin God Claws, the sword formation was chaotic and a flaw appeared.

"Qiu Chuji, I have endured you for a long time, die." Li Zhenwu's murderous aura emerged, and he sneered.

Li Zhenwu turned into a white streamer and flashed in front of Qiu Chuji's body, Qiu Chuji's body froze, and five claw marks several inches deep appeared on his chest.

Qiu Chuji looked down and saw five blood marks on his chest, and then, "Pfft!" Qiu Chuji sprayed blood mist from his mouth, fell to the ground and died. Qiu Chuji died, which shocked everyone.

Li Zhenwu stood outside the sword formation, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and there was a chill in his eyes. It turned out that when Li Zhenwu was staggered from Qiu Chuji, he instantly pierced his heart with his Jiuyin claws.

Originally, Li Zhenwu was not going to kill Qiu Chuji, because Li Zhenwu wanted to have a relationship with Xiaolongnu, so he didn't want to be disturbed, but Qiu Chuji repeatedly drew his sword in front of him, so Li Zhenwu could only send him on his way.

"The devil, you actually killed my junior brother. I want to kill you, I want to kill you." Ma Yu roared sharply with bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Qiu Chuji's death made Ma Yu, who had always been mild-mannered, go mad with anger.

Li Zhenwu sneered and said, "The devil? It seems that you really don't need to exist anymore. Originally, I had nothing to do with you, but you come over and over again to find fault, do you think I'm a mess? , Besides killing me, it's just a few of you useless wood, hum! Today, all of you will die in my hands, that's the truth."

Ma Yu and others were afraid. Li Zhenwu was right. Even with the Seven Star Sword Formation, she couldn't kill her. Now that Qiu Chuji is dead, the six of them are not Li Zhenwu's opponents at all.

Wang Chu said in a loud voice, "557 Li Zhenwu, what do you want, do you really want to destroy my Quanzhen Cult? Today, even if we are in Chongyang Palace, we will all die under your sword. When my Uncle Zhou comes back, He will avenge us."

Li Zhenwu pointed at Wang Chuyi and said disdainfully, "Old naughty boy, he was my defeat back then. You want to use him to press me now, it's a joke."

At this moment, Li Zhenwu thought that he was really destroying the Quanzhen Sect today. If the cause and effect fell on him, then he would not be able to break through. Therefore, Li Zhenwu blasted a few palms and knocked several huge pillars in the Chongyang Palace. Cut off, the plaque of "Chongyang Palace" was also beaten into several parts by Zhang Jin.

"If you come to disturb me in the future, I promise that Quanzhen will not leave the next one." The voice echoed at the gate of Quanzhen.

Li Zhenwu's martial arts, if he does not rely on luck, then Li Zhenwu can only cultivate to the level of the world's first master, but this level is not enough for Li Zhenwu to shatter and take away the origin of the world, so Li Zhenwu Only to participate in the plot to obtain luck and break the shackles on the body.

Just like when Li Zhenwu was in the Tang Dynasty, he killed Yu Wenhuaji and took over the cause and effect of Yu Wenhuaji, so Li Zhenwu was able to dominate the world and obtained luck, and then he shattered the void.

Chapter 18 The Little Dragon Girl's Kiss

Wang Chuyi asked Ma Yu, "Senior brother, what should I do? Just let him go?"

Ma Yu sighed and said, "What can I do if I don't let him go? Could it be possible to kill him? You saw just now how terrifying his martial arts are. I think the combination of Wu Jue and Guo Jing can resist. live with him."

Later, Ma Yu learned about what happened, and was very angry and disappointed with Yin Zhiping. He did not expect that Yin Zhiping and the others would do such a thing.

"Yin Zhiping, today the Sword Emperor killed the Chongyang Palace. It can be said that it was all caused by you." Ma Yu shook his head and said, "I really regret it. It was the biggest mistake I made in my life. I'll have someone take you down the mountain later, you won't be my Quanzhen family from today onwards."

Yin Zhiping was also very uncomfortable. Looking at Qiu Chuji's body, he said, "Headmaster, can you give me a ride to the master?"

Ma Yu glanced at Yin Zhiping and said, "Okay, I'll let you take the junior brother for a ride."

Hao Datong, Sun Buer and others also looked gloomy and stopped looking at Yin Zhiping.


"Miss Long, you've practiced these things, as if I've seen them in ancient tombs, but these moves have all been broken." After another two or three months, Li Zhenwu and Xiao Longnv met countless times by chance, making Li Zhenwu now You can watch Xiaolongnu practice martial arts on the side.

Mainly because of Li Zhenwu's high martial arts skills, Xiaolongnv hoped that Li Zhenwu could help her improve her martial arts skills, so she agreed to Li Zhenwu's request to stay behind.

"Where." Xiaolongnv's cold voice came. Although Xiaolongnv was begging Li Zhenwu to take her there, the cold voice could not feel any kind of request.

"Just when I entered the ancient tomb from the waterway last time, I saw it on a wall." Li Zhenwu replied.

"Take me there." Xiaolongnu put away the sword and said.

Immediately, the two entered the water pool. Li Zhenwu led the way in front, and Xiaolongnv followed behind. After a while, Xiaolongnv was a little hypoxic due to lack of skill. At this time, Li Zhenwu saw it and immediately went over to save Xiaolongnv.

The little dragon girl underwater was unusually beautiful at this time. Li Zhenwu looked at the little dragon girl who was not sober, and his mouth was directly printed on the cherry lips of the little dragon girl.

"Hmm." At this moment, Xiao Longnv felt that someone was kissing her, she opened her eyes and found that it was Li Zhenwu, so her pretty face blushed slightly, and she pushed away Li Zhenwu and went upstream.

"Miss Long, you are heading in the wrong direction." Li Zhenwu saw Xiao Longnv's flustered appearance, and knew that Xiao Longnv had himself in his heart at this time, otherwise the usually cold little Longnv would have such a change, so he joked.

After a while, Li Zhenwu and Xiao Longnv came out of the water pool. Xiao Longnv looked at the Nine Yin Sutras left by Wang Chongyang, and sure enough, they all broke the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra.

"Miss Long, the situation was in crisis just now. I had no choice but to do it. I also ask Miss Long to forgive me." Li Zhenwu immediately apologized.

"It doesn't matter." Although Xiao Longnv's voice was still so ethereal, her blushing face betrayed her, which showed that she was also very uneasy at this time.

"Miss Long, this is what I have seen." Li Zhenwu pointed at the wall.

"Yeah." Xiao Longnv had already seen it as soon as she landed, but now she doesn't know how to face Li Zhenwu, so she continued to look.

"Miss Long, if you want to practice a bit, or you will be at a disadvantage against the Quanzhen Sect." Wang Chongyang of the Jiuyin Scripture originally ordered that the entire Quanzhen Sect should not be practiced. Li Zhenwu's words are completely It was said to deceive Xiaolongnu to practice the Nine Yin Sutra.

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